here is an example of a great SUB anime that makes you want to get engrossed into the series however when i first started to watch it i did so in dub and boy did it annoy the hell out of me.
i like animes that has an intelligent protagonist that make the viewer seem smart if they predict the outcome of a scenario and can give you an under standing into how the world they are in works without making it too complicated.
my favourite character is zero not lelouch himself because ultimately they are the same person but the way they act in society
Jan 16, 2016
Akame ga Kill!
it was a very good concept and i did enjoy it for the most part but the ending seemed rushed however the sheer awesomeness of the fights and the suppoting character made it better because i personally didn't like tatsumi.
the reason why i gave the sound a 9 was because of one song in particular that even about a few months after seeing the actual series i am still listening to it Le chant de Roma if you have seen this series and do not recignise this song then they obviously didnt play it that often that was sarcasm. however there were a few time ... Jan 16, 2016
this was my first anime so i may have been a little bias, also unlike a lot of people i didnt skip the filler arcs that are in-between the major arcs. despite this it was a very good anime i see how it got so popular but of the big 4 (yes i am one of those people who count fairy tail as the new entry to the previous big 3 bleach one piece and naruto ) it is my least favourite .
i loved the fight scenes and as the budget increased so did the quality so that why i loved it so. ... |