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Dec 20, 2010
Finally I've decided to watch Beck, a very rare and precious gem in the industry. Yes, I knew it was the bomb even before I watched it. It just screamed potential and everything about it looked cool. And it is. Unfortunately, this anime only managed to be a gem, not a diamond. There was just something left out, something which could have made it shine even brighter. Yea it lacked the 'chemistry'.
Story : 9
Music is a very rare theme in anime, and it's even rarer for an anime to be able to depict the true essence of music and rock. Rock music in its purest
form is really life itself, screaming out for itself and crushing all the unreasonable common sense we hold on to. Beck is just that. Beck isn't a story about a rock band making a big hit, it's the story of the journey which is truly a thorny path. Beck is everything that is rock. Mundaneness, excitement, trust, betrayal, love, hate, hope, desperation and the one medium to vent all those emotions, music. The plot might seem a bit rushed at times, and a bit slow at other times, and it's easy to lose track of the plot's time but it's still very consistent and keeps your attention on the screen.
Art: 8
Some people might feel that Beck has bad art, but that just isn't the case. Beck might have a problem with drawing distinct faces for different characters, especially for girl characters, but it really doesn't matter when you think that they have to draw hundreds of characters for the live events, which are about half of the show. On the other hand, Beck gives particular attention to the musical instruments depicted in the anime. They look exactly like the real thing, and at times u really think u can reach out and touch it yourself. The art style also fits very well in the live settings, giving the anime adrenaline and tension.
Sound : 7
For all that it was good about, this was just one thing I couldn't overlook. Beck has better music than at least 80% of all the animes out there, that's for true. But that just isn't enough. For firsts, half the songs performed didn't have the chemistry the story had. They failed to compress all the chemistry and feeling into the songs. Secondly, they simply just try too hard to keep the lyrics English. There were many times I thought that the lyrics would have sounded lots better in Japanese. It's not really a big problem when the pronunciation is off, or when the grammar is obviously screwed up, but it's a big problem when there's no feeling in the singing. They can put anything on script like 'I enjoy performing with u guys', or 'He sings with feeling', but it doesn't mean anything if it doesn't sound that way for viewers. However, not all the music was awful. I especially loved the instrumentals and blues, they were totally heavenly. And the bass was just ecstasy every time.
Character: 9
The characters were very real, and it's possible to relate to almost each one of them. This is one of the things that made this anime so good. The main character, especially isn't a typical superman or genius like in most animes, but just a teenage boy who discovers his love for music and pursues it as if it were a matter of life or death. The other band members are set to be quite talented except for the vocalist, but everyone has their own life and struggles to deal with. The romance part is also very realistic, where there are always choices, regrets and chemistry.
Enjoyment: 8
I finished this in 1 day, with almost no pause in between. I also purposely left Beck for a day when I can do that. That's just how much I enjoyed it and couldn't stop watching. One of the things that spoiled the experience was the music which didn't reach a standard high enough to satisfy me. However, the story itself will hypnotize u into watching the next episode every time.
Overall : 8
A very good and well-done attempt at depicting rock in its very essence, but it lacks high quality music and songs, which destroys its chances at becoming a truly priceless piece of art.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 10, 2010
The best thing about watching anime, or appreciating any form of art or entertainment is the possibility of finding a diamond among all the sand, and i have to say without a doubt that Noein is one of those gems which are becoming so rare in a world overflowing with information.
If you thought Evangelion or Tsubasa Chronicles was IT, then Noein is ALL of IT.
Story: 10
It is very rare for fiction to be so extensively researched, but it is a one in a million chance for fiction to be able to apply known scientific theories so perfectly and even use those theories to
its advantage in plot development.
One of the best things about Noein is that it doesn't try to explain more than what has already been explained about the many theories of quantum physics. It gives you the freedom to think and figure it out and imagine beyond the plot which it presents to you.
Another thing that impressed me is that Noein successfully utilizes the many uncertainties and theories about the science and put it to good use in plot development. Most science fictions tend to be based on one popular paradox and engages into an endless loop in which the story gets entangled in the maze itself, but this is not the case with Noein.
Art: 8
You should know beforehand that the setting of this anime is a real place in Japan, in Hokkaido. The city Hakodate is famous for its night view from the mountain which is portrayed many many times in the anime, and also takes pride in its many Western architectural legacies from its lucrative sea trade in the past. This is depicted beautifully in the anime, and the frequent use of 3D assimilation is also very commendable. The only thing I wished Noein could improve on was the character art.
Sound: 8
The OP and ED aren't really worth listening, but the BGMs are strong and complimentary, giving the series an aura of mystery and innocence.
Character: 9
The characters are probably one of the strongest uncertain element of the story. The makers made a great choice of characters, in that they are very much normal, not special entities which nobody is able to relate to. The reason is probably so that the theories and paradoxes illustrated can be contemplated from a first person point of view. and understood and delved in by the viewers. Consider you were told that you've been chosen to be the savior of the universe, not because you are special or have any supernatural abilities, but just because you were chosen out of the unlimited probabilities available.
The character development is also amazing. As said before, the scientific theories and paradoxes are fully utilized in the plot as well as the characters' development.
Enjoyment : 10
There are 3 types of joy in watching anime. First, is to not be able to stop watching till the last episode. Second, is to be able to watch an episode at a time and enjoy every single moment of each episode. Third, is to be interested in the subjects discussed and can't help to learn about it deeper. This anime satisfies the first and the third.
Overall: 9
One of the best SF i've seen so far, but it's sad that very few notice its bright glimmer. I'm so glad i stumbled upon this diamond, and hope more people will find it too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 19, 2010
To be honest, it's really surprising to see so many reviews giving Vampire Bund such a low score. For me, it was absolutely the best vampire anime I've ever seen. I can't really say that I'm obsessed with vampires, but it's certainly an interesting genre. Unfortunately there isn't really a lot of animes which use this theme to its fullest. In that sense, Vampire Bund has managed to utilize all the glory of the vampire legend and myth.
Story: 10
As it goes with most vampire stories, Vampire Bund's plot revolves around the vampire princess, or vampire queen. However, it's really the subtle things that impresses me
the most. I suppose most people would just pass them off as whims, but SHAFT has a knack at making an impression of the subtlest things which brings the plot together. Most vampire stories seem to forget that time moves, and are always trapped in one time-frame but Vampire Bund is nothing like that. Vampire Bund's story spans centuries of vampire history and glory, and the darkness within. It shows that vampires are not just creatures sleeping in coffins locked away in the middle ages, but also advance in technology and culture as humans do. It's an enormous theme and it's certainly not an easy task to depict it, but SHAFT does a great job. I suppose most people expect there would be a 2nd season because there's still another last boss and because of the manga, but if I'm not wrong, SHAFT doesn't intend on making a sequel. It's a lot better leaving the ending as it is and letting the audience imagine the story after, or just read the manga.
Art: 8
It doesn't get any better in abstract animation than with SHAFT. They make the simplest scenes look cinematic and grand. It seems they have been slacking a lot since ef, though. Basically, there's very little movement and lots of shadows. Vampire Bund seems to be lacking in the shadow effect SHAFT loves so much, however. In a sense, it could have been a lot better. However, it's still very impressive nonetheless.
Sound: 7
The OP and ED are not the best you can get from anime songs, but it's complimentary. On the contrary, the sound effects are excellent, as expected from SHAFT. Many scenes would have been very empty and felt meaningless without the sound effects, but SHAFT always makes it worthwhile with the perfect timing and tone.
Character: 8
As it is, the story revolves around one person, the vampire queen. But this doesn't mean everyone else are just pawns. Yes, the side characters may seem to have very little screen time, but they make a powerful impression every time they come onto the chess board. Unorthodox as it may be, Vampire Bund never depicts the mains as powerful and unbeatable. Instead it shows that they bleed and feel the pain, and don't live on their own but are supported by various characters.
Enjoyment: 10
Vampire Bund is one of the few animes I've managed to finish in just a day. It's so enjoyable and interesting that I couldn't take my eyes of it. The conversations, culture, history, philosophy, and action makes every minute worthwhile. I haven't read the manga, and I probably would in a while, but I doubt I would enjoy it as much as the anime. It's beyond my mind that the beautiful abstract animation by SHAFT can be depicted in manga form.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 14, 2010
Does a story really need a main character? Is a specific beginning or a specific ending necessary? If your answer is no, you'll love this anime, a diamond along with Baccano, which brings forward one of the most revolutionary story-telling philosophy I've seen. If your answer is yes, then you might be better off watching bleach, naruto or one piece. But if you're interested, keep reading.
Story: 9
One of the best things about Narita's (author of Baccano and Durarara) work is his unique way of storytelling. As portrayed in Baccano, Durarara has no particular main character, and spans generations of myths and legends. The story talks
particularly about the events in Shibuya, a mega city in the Tokyo megalopolis, but it intertwines many different stories so nicely and naturally. However, unlike Baccano, it is slow to rise to the climax, and lacks action and blood.
Art: 9
The art makes the city come alive in many ways to the audience, and it is never overdone or underdone. However, it leaves you thinking that they could have done it a lot better.
Sound: 9
Great OP and ED which compliment the anime, nice bgms, and excellent voice actors. No complains.
Character: 10
As it is in Baccano, Durarara's strongest point is the characters. Narita has a great talent in introducing many unique characters at the same time, leaving the audience wondering which guy is the main character. However in his story, there isn't a main. The characters have such deep backgrounds which he reveals gradually into the story, mostly hinted at the beginning, but virtually impossible to guess. His philosophy that a story is made up of unique characters interacting with each other is so mesmerizing and beautiful that you can feel the world in his story.
Enjoyment: 9
Durarara keeps you guessing about the characters' backgrounds and intentions, giving the audience the chance to participate. It's a bit disappointing, however that when you think something big is coming the next week but it just ends with small events.
Overall: 9
It could be one of the best animes this year, depending on how the last few episodes go down, but it still lacks the adrenaline and high which was Baccano.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 17, 2010
So let's get this straight. As a guy, the main character Misaki is cute as hell. Especially when she blushes, and is wearing a maid-fuku! As far as it goes for moe-characters, she is a 24 carat diamond. However, i must admit that it's not competitive enough to break out of the shoujo fanbase.
Story: 7
It's innovative enough, but not exactly anything new. The story is also full of loopholes probably designed to appeal to female fans. It is also very shallow and focuses on nothing but gags and blushes. It never gives you room to seriously think about the main character's problems and about relationships,
an absolute opposite of many shoujo animes.
Art: 6
It's not that terrible that it's intolerable, but it really makes you wonder if they're really that short on money. Well, at least the maid-fukus are cute enough.
Sound: 6
Nothing really stands out, but not terrible either.
Character: 7
There's a lot of character in this anime. Most of the mains are unique enough, but don't have enough depth and background to justify their un-human incredibility.
Enjoyment: 8
If it needs to be said, this anime is very much made just for the fun of it. It's just great to watch a cute tsundere in a maid-fuku blushing at the molestations of a bishounen, and that's very much all that counts.
Overall: 7
Not exactly good enough to be a gem in the rotting industry, but it's moe enough to keep me watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 17, 2010
This spring's animes really gives a lot to think about.. I wonder if the parade of gags, parody and eros are medicine for those starting a new life, or just a sign that the industry is falling into an endless limbo.
Story: 6
Like many of the animes this season, the synopsis is catchy enough to attract many fans. It's hard to resist the temptation of an anti-hero who is labeled a demon king from the very start. Compared to the other animes this season, it isn't too bad either. The story is, although very questionable at times, very fast-paced and keeps your eyes on
the screen and your mind on the next best thing this anime is going to slam in your face. In essence, the story has no seriousness and could have been better with a little more philosophical sense, but of course you can't expect an anime trying to appeal eroticism and comedy to have such depth. However, there is a lot of potential in the story nonetheless.
Art: 7
Compared to a lot of the visual headaches I have seen this season, at least this one stands out among the rest. It's not enough to go up against kyoani and key, but it's a real saviour.
Sound: 6
Unless you really want some good songs and bgms, it won't bother you much. As expected of a gag-filled harem anime, anyways.
Character: 7
The main character is the type i have absolutely no complains about. He's the perfect anti-hero who is able to stay calm while the whole world around him goes crazy. In contrast, the harem girls have so little character they're just good for the visual experience and unstoppable gags.
Enjoyment: 8
I've very much tired myself of harems which portray nothing but idiotic and shallow eroticism, but I must say this anime has introduced a different enjoyment to me. I still think that it would be a lot better if they scraped most of the eros and put more thought to the plot, though.
Overall: 6
Compared to the other spring animes, this one is probably a gem amongst them, but still not good enough to be a noticeable winner.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 8, 2010
First of all before you decide to watch this anime, DON'T expect anything great from this anime. Before i started watching i thought it was about music because of the title.. but the synopsis suggested something different.. however after i watched episode 1, even the synopsis doesn't fit into the picture. This is nothing like your regular anime. you can say it's a bit like haruhi, but a lot more weirder. That is, if you actually expect something from it. If you want to watch this, i recommend that you watch it with a very very light heart. if you cant do that, don't waste
your time watching this.
Story 5
Okay so the summary says it's the afterlife and they're fighting god or angel or whatever it is.. Now, that's a lie. They don't know what they're fighting against, or fighting for. There's no meaning in their war except to show off how beautifully they are able to draw high school girls with guns, musical instruments and idiotic bastards.
The story is a mix up of many different genres which include action, moe, game, drama but to really summarize it up it's just a lot of many big names in the industry put together. just name it, from da capo to haruhi to chaos head. It doesn't have much story when you look at the big picture, but in individual pieces, some of the stories are quite tear-jerking and meaningful.
Art 8
There are no limits to Key's productions and that's about all there is to say. Of course you don't expect clannad's visual quality, but it's good enough to beat most of the failure animes out this season.
Sound 9
I had already given up on the music when i read the summary, but what do you know, it it hits you just when you least expect it! Lovely music comparable to clannad and haruhi, and i can't stop listening to the songs. The story about why they have live concerts in the school and give out food coupons in the middle of it is a mystery, but the music and visual is awesome enough to smother out all the other details.
Character 7
The characters are mostly cliched. Not much originality at all, and my favourite character disappears into thin air in episode 3. but still, the characters are very interesting and comic enough to sometimes make you laugh throughout the episode. but same as for the story, don't expect much character in this anime.
Enjoyment 9
If you can watch this with a light heart and put away all your expectations of a great anime, you'll probably enjoy this anime a lot more than any other ordinary animes. Sometimes it makes you laugh at the stupidest things and sometimes it makes you cry at the little things in life which make us human.
Overall 8
This is an anime about nothing and about everything. It has no meaning but seeks for the meaning of life. It's about all the things that makes us human. Sometimes we are confused and frustrated, so we fight and try to find out what's going on, sometimes we run from reality, embrace the music, and just disappear.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 8, 2010
Okay, so it's one of the most popular harem titles in japan, probably only second to KEY's big hits. It's even tiring to try to track the amount of side stories and sequels and doujin productions for this huge title.
But surprisingly despite all the hype this series gains, it totally killed all my expectations.
Okay honestly it started pretty nice.. with all the moe charm points you would find in any harem title. But it isnt really cool when the introduction episodes are cut to half time and u're forced to watch gravure videos of some of the seiyuus. they could have put more
effort into developing the story.
So when the real story actually started honestly thought it would be great. but it disappointed me at every turn. most of the plot is too cliche, too flat, too boring. i couldnt help sighing and hoping it would end sooner in the last 4 episodes.
The only thing commendable is probably the art, which is obviously the inspiration of many of the moe animes out nowadays. this is one of the main reason i watched this anime. everywhere you go in akihabara, you see da capo's art. it's that impressive.
I understand that 'da capo' is a musical term, so i was expecting some beautiful music. instead, it's so poor that i had to skip the OP and ED and sigh at all the scenes that were supposed to be touching. it's disappointing that they didnt work more on the music. as for the seiyuus, the big names are all over the place, so there's really not much to complain about.
Wow we have so many moe characters. You have your imouto, loli, osananajimi, senpai, and even an esper! What should we do? Decorate them in your bedroom! Yes, that's very much all there is to the characters in Da Capo. well, some of them have interesting backgrounds and personalities.. but in the anime they're prematurely developed, and leave much to desire. the characters are like pictures of people without a background. beautifully drawn, but shallow and monotonous.
And the worst character i've seen in a very long time is the main male character. each of his scripts make me sigh and wish it would end right there and then. it's so painful to see that pitiful soul. oh god please strike him with a bolt of lightning.
I started watching this with a lot of expectation, but the result is overwhelming disappointment. I should have been able to finish this in one day, but i couldnt stand watching it straight.. the shortcomings are so terrible it's depressing.. im not depressed because of the melancholy in the story, but because of the bad story.. sighs..
A good example of animes which dont live up to their popularity and fame. If you're going to watch this, make sure you're ready for disappointment
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 19, 2009
okay i finished H&C2, half-forced by my friend who says it's incredible.. honestly, i had been holding it off for a while coz i kinda knew it would disappoint me coz the genre seemed so inclined towards romance(not my pref)
the art design just doesn't appeal to me. my friend says it's the most unique art design and stuff, but it looks hideous, especially when their eyes go O.O the character design isn't too bad in a way.. lots of diversity, but i honestly thought Hagu chan was the prof's daughter in the beginning.. lol.. in fact i thought so until the love square actually developed..
and i was like "u gotta be kidding me".. the only character i liked was Yamada. The backgrounds are honestly pretty excellent, but i can recommend so many other animes with mind-blowing backgrounds.
H&C tries to depict life, but keeps on focusing on the love triangles and squares, in which they try to make you tear up at every scene. it's also ridiculous that there are only 2 main girls(with super complicated relationships), and a ton of guys. I mean, most of u should know how many hotties u can find in the art departments. and yet, 2 students and 1 professor are fighting over a kid. #$%#$@&#$$@!!! the story about Morita was quite fresh, but it wasn't a very prominent plot in the story. i related so much to Kaoru and i liked the way they depicted the forked road. I think H&C wastes too much time depicting the love drama and never really tells u wat happened, their past and their goals. The only plot which was beautifully depicted was Morita and Kaoru's, but it was probably thought of by the author as a side-story or something.. The ending didn't feel much like an ending.. it felt like a cut in the middle.. it also didnt feel like a new beginning, which would have given room for a sequel. it's like, the couplings are decided, so we end the story here. sheesh.. I thought H&C2 would imply a real sequel, but it's the same thing all over again. but after seeing the ending, i understand why it isn't a sequel. there's just no sequel to make.
Hagu-chan is probably the worst character i've seen in a very very long time.. I just don't understand why a kid has to be the center of the biggest love confusion. what the heck is this anime trying to imply? she doesn't look 18 at all. fine, some girls really have little bodies because of some defections, but it was never mentioned in the anime, and those guys who like her just seem like lolicons and arseholes to me. the other characters are also very boring and i can't relate much to them because they seem like they dont have a past at all..
I didn't enjoy this much in part because i knew i would be disappointed, but i've watched animes which i thought at first that it would turn out bad, but actually loving them in the end. TBRH, there's just nothing much to like about H&C. It seems like one of the most overrated anime of all time to me rather than the best anime of all time as some ppl would say. i just dont see how anyone can really love H&C if they have watched other animes with similar genre. it's just not as realistic or romantic as it seems. I would probably only recommend this to ppl who would be satisfied with only great art, and very shallow plots. for example, my friend who loves this anime but can't even finish Higurashi n Monster.
I think it's essential to compare it with other romance/slice of life animes to see how H&C doesn't live up to it's ratings. First of all is ef. There's no need to say anything about the art style. it just blows ur mind away. the storyline might seem very fantasy-like compared to H&C, but it's so much more realistic, with lots of side-characters and even a few neutral characters. in addition, the characters are so much more diverse and unique. i also personally like how they depict the monologues in ef. H&C tries to depict it in a romantic way, but it's just too boring and doesn't really show how intense the self-debate is. ef, in contrast depicts exactly how ppl spend so much time in limbo during those stages in life.
then, for the more popular genre, we have toradora. ok, it has a chibi too, but at least she doesn't look like a 10 year old. the art is obviously more popular too, and i haven't seen ppl complaining about the plot yet, just debate about couplings.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 21, 2009
If you're seriously thinking of watching this, I would advice you to think twice.
The first thing you have to put in mind when watching this series is that the setting is 1986, when handphones were still not that common, and national idols still existed.
Story (5/10)
The story starts out very nicely, with very well-done introductions of the characters. We have the main guy who is dating the supposedly main girl, who is doing her best to be an artist. That's where everything goes down in an avalanche. It's a very plain romance drama with very little comedy and it drags along like a log.
Just watching it makes you become impatient and tick.
Art (8/10)
The art is quite well done, in the sense that it is very casual, and it uses light colors very well, hence the characters fit into the sceneries brilliantly. the animation is not particularly well done, but there are no mistakes.
Sound (7/10)
I expected better tunes, and more songs since it's supposed to be about music too. The OP ED is just alright.. and the bgms are fine, but they hardly compliment the anime much. it leaves a lot of room for improvement.
Character (6/10)
As the story drags along, the characters drag along as well. The main character is okay at the beginning, but as the episodes past, we see him becoming more and more pitiful and useless. He's indecisive, and very passive(how do you expect to keep an idol as a girlfriend like that??). For the other characters, they hardly ever develop, and all you'll learn about them is their past. Just one thing.. thanks to the main girl's voice, you'll melt like a butter. ^^
Enjoyment (5/10)
Sometimes, you'll find yourself smiling, and very rarely, open your eyes big in surprise at the plot twists.. but that's all. after each episode, you find yourself empty, and the next episode is just not as anticipating as the last.
Overall (6/10)
As a harem anime, this one has really failed in many aspects. It leaves a lot of expectations in disappointment and is really no more than another plain anime. Don't watch this unless you have a lot of time to waste.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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