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Feb 10, 2021
Psycho Pass 3 really doesn't live up to expectations. Many elements in this season is extremely similar to Ouroboros (Manga). Shindou, Arata is pretty much Ikuo, Ryuzaki. Ignatov, Kei Mikhail is Danno, Tatsuya. Both Psycho Pass 3 and Ouroboros have golden watches. Plot is practically the same, with protagonist finding the truth of the web that the masterminds of society have weaved.
Some stuff that were done really well would be the animations on Shimotsuki, Mika. The directors really put everything they have whenever theres a chance for Mika-chan to shine.
Characters throughout the series are very well defined, however in this season, we don't
get to see much of the enforcers doing anything. Cuz all attention is on Arata and Kei. These two characters get all the screen-time, and everything that goes on they are always there. Which is fine, and entertaining but the haphazard cuts really doesn't help with the already complicated plot with certain holes. I really hope in the 3 part movie (First Inspector), everything will be tied up nicely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 2, 2021
*This is a SPOILER-FREE review*
With Sinners of System case 1 being just a letdown, I was ready for another lackluster story. Instead, Production IG actually ties it up this time while also ending on a cliffhanger. However, there were a lot of scenes that made me scream internally "YOU GOT THAT IDEA FROM (insert name here)." Anyone who was born before 2000, and managed to exposed themselves to a variety of games or movies regarding military stuff should know what I'm talking about when they watch this film. Nonetheless, this is a good film the continues the Psycho-Pass universe.
Story 7/10
Though this time much of
the plot is a flashback, but still enjoyable and gives more depth to the character they are focusing on. (sugou)
Art 10/10
As always, Production IG really takes care of all animation sequences in the Psycho-Pass universe. Just like previous installments, movements are very fluid and any visual information that you can pick up with your human eyes should be quite appealing.
Sound 6/10
Nothing new is added to the Psycho-Pass franchise, any OST have been reused many times from Season 1. Opening and Ending theme is still crap because they added a funky remix. As always, the proper OST is used for scenes that demands it. I just wish they could've added one new OST. Voice-acting without a doubt will always be amazing.
Character 10/10
Well, objectively speaking, I think characters should be a 8/10 as far as new characters are concerned. However, given my bias for already known characters that Psycho-Pass universe has shown, seeing old characters somehow made watching this much more enjoyable.
Overall I'd rate it 8/10. Lets see how Part 3 closes up everything. After that, onwards to SEASON 3.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 30, 2021
Title should've been Psycho-Pass: Mika appreciation film.
Every single moment in the movie, Shimotsuki Mika is extremely expressive and have the the most detailed animations. The director for this film is clearly a Mika simp. I like Mika too but theres a limit to everything. The team really put a lot of emphasis on Mika. Mika KAWAII.
This is a *SPOILER-FREE* review.
Story 2/10
If plot-holes did not exist, then perhaps the story would get a 5/10 pass. The story director or the story writer for this section of the psycho-pass universe clearly underperforms. From a well-written story of Psycho Pass Season 1, to this crap. Clearly, milking the
dead dog is the last thing you should do if you want to revive interest in the Psycho Pass franchise. Rather than take the time to some research, the story of Psycho Pass Sinners of the system case 1 is nothing more than ideas mushed up in the worst way possible. A false attempt at making a rather simple plot appear as complex.
Art 8/10
As always, production IG animation department knows what they are doing. Every scene blend well together. Nothing much can be said other than it is amazing. Just like in Season 1, 2, and the movie (2015) the animation and art standards are extremely high. CGI is used very professionally. I don't anyone could hate the art.
Sound 6/10
The opening and ending theme are merely remix of already reused OST. The ost by itself is good, but when you add this useless remix of EDM it is rather questionable. I don't mind when OST are being reused but at least do the music justice by not remixing it. Voice acting as always, fits each characters. Not once, did the voice of any characters felt weird or out of place. Sadly, nothing new is added. Background OST, SFX, these are all reused, and thats fine for it is used properly. My only complain is the dumb decision to remix the opening and ending of Season 1 and then slap it onto this movie.
Character 5/10
Character design by itself is always good. But what was done poorly is once again tied with the poor story. Out of nowhere, characters just "happen" to do things. In Season 1, none of this unexplainable stuff just "happens." Many times, the story just goes "i don't care, i write whatever i want to write" which is evident in the many scenes portrayed. Antagonist characters were well defined, but it always felt short. As if many scenes about them were removed from the final cut of this film. Overall, each characters were true to their nature which is the only reason that this gets rated 5/10.
Enjoyment 5/10
I watch this, because I'm not the type to just drop an anime. Once I start it, I will continue it all the way until the end. I just wish Sinners of the System Case 1 could be written better. Everything just seems like a lazy attempt to make Psycho-Pass interesting. Unlike Season 1 and 2 which I would strongly recommend anyone to watch it and also re-watch it. This film does not deserve to be re-watch. Only watch it because you like Psycho Pass and want the full story. For the sake of the Psycho-Pass universe, I will continue onwards to Psycho Pass: Sinners of the System Case 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 14, 2021
Psycho-Pass, another masterpiece anime ahead of its time by Production IG since "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex."
I've put off watching Psycho-Pass (Season 1) long enough, and finally started watching it on January 8, 2021. Finished on January 15, 2021. Despite being an anime with a production period in 2011 to 2012, many of the themes shown are extremely relevant in today's society especially given recent events(at time of this writing). Given that I've really enjoyed Psycho-Pass, I feel compelled to write this review (SPOILER FREE, btw).
Story 10/10
Each episode, has a purpose in the overarching plot of Psycho-Pass. For the most part, the
story is told with the MC (Tsunemori) always in the picture. This MC role, is pretty much there so we, the audience, can keep up with the world of Psycho-Pass. As certain elements become know, do we then understand what is going on better in the Psycho-Pass universe. However, the way the story is told is quite rewarding. It provides you enough information rather than spoon-feeding you. All the while, keeping the action interesting. While you can be critical and argue everything that happen is a potential deus ex machina, I'd say the way things are presented in Psycho-Pass suggest the opposite. Though, the plot is complex and rather heavy as compared to any typical popular anime. As long as you focus, it will all come together. Personally, I've always had a bias for any "deep" anime hence 10/10 story.
Art 10/10
Good art has always been Production IG's bread and butter (at least for the ones I've seen). Rarely, is there anything that looks out of place or just generally bad. When it gets intense, each frames really goes well together. Given the dark setting/theme, you'd assume there'd be many scenes where you just can't see everything (looking at you "Hollywood" with them dark scenes) but that is not the case. The animation and art-style really blends well. Things that deserve more attention are always drawn with specific colors in mind. The use of CGI to blend in with 2D animation is also another amazing feat of Production IG. Not once, throughout the entire 22 episodes did I ever think: Wait that looks weird! or What kinda drawing is that! Each background used, always add value to the scene in the anime. Anything shown, is always worthy of attention.
Although, one critic could be the bland black color use on characters, but since that was never the focus for an anime like Psycho-Pass, i'd say it doesn't matter.
Hence, with everything being well-drawn, art is an obvious 10/10.
Sound 8/10
Seiyuus obviously at the top of their game here. I don't think any of the cast at the time of production were rookies. I was surprised to even find certain seiyuus being the voice of certain characters here (AHEM*, merlin, modred, sagara sousuke).
Sawashiro, Miyuki's voice is just too unique in that I've somehow always recognize it. Nonetheless, not once did I ever feel that the voice of characters were weird or out of place.
OP/ED, I didnt really liked OP1, but I guess it kinda works. However ED1 was just a banger, definitely gonna buy the CD if I ever come across it (EGOIST fan here btw). OP2, clearly a much better choice, and really brings out the Psycho-Pass theme, definitely a banger. ED2, is always there to tell you "time flies" and that the episode have ended.
OST/SFX, not really spectacular but nonetheless fitting for the overall feel of the anime. There are good OST, but given the high-production that is Psycho-Pass, it is to be expected. OST does not disrupt the flow of each episode, and where appropriate, the proper remix/versions of original OST is applied. So I'd say, the OST does add value to the anime.
Character 10/10
One thing I've always hated is when characters are introduced and then thrown away without a thought. Sadly, the boys and girls at Production IG don't have such low standards. Much like each episode serves a purpose in the overarching plot, so does each character. Each character shown in the anime is given equal love. Unlike some anime, that only cares about the MC and just completely disregard most side characters. Though, the obvious MC in Psycho-Pass are set within the first few episodes. I don't feel that the MCs are always hogging screen-time. Characters identity and back-story are shown in such a way that doesn't disturb the plot. Each character adds value to the world that is Psycho-Pass. Perhaps, the complex and well-written plot could also be attributed to how the characters are design.
Kunizuka, Yayoi chan~ best waifu btw, cuz im simp. Makishima, Shougo would also be a favorite character maybe cuz I find him very relatable.
Enjoyment 10/10
Last but not least, did I like Psycho-Pass (S1)? Of course, I did. Most likely, I will re-watch this in the future. If you like heavy themes anime, an anime with a good story, an anime that is overall enjoyable to see, you should definitely watch Psycho-Pass. As mentioned before, I think I am bias towards these types of anime (Ghost in the Shell is still to this date my all time fav anime). However, Psycho-pass can still be enjoyable to watch even if one is not a fan of the genres or the target audience. I'll probably remember Psycho-Pass, hell if I ever have kids in the future I'd definitely expose them to this anime, though Ghost in the Shell would still be a first choice. Anyways, I think I've covered everything in this review. Please watch Psycho-Pass, even though you might feel discouraged to watch an anime that is old.
Note: Pay attention to all characters name. Makes the last episode slightly rewarding.
Season 2 here I come!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 4, 2021
Date a Live franchise story is pretty much dumb but entertaining, Date A Live season 1 and 2 were well-rounded and enjoyable. Animation, artstyle, OST, everything was well thoughtout.
Until JC.STAFF took over, pretty much everything that JC.STAFF did in 2019 had significantly lower quality of animation and character drawings. One punch man season 2, clearly did not live up to the EPIC standards from Madhouse.
So sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, whoever that made the decision that allowed JC.STAFF to utterly butcher all those anime that they did in 2019... FK YOU.
I don't even blame the animation staff, they were definitely overworked to
their bones. I can only assume that JC.STAFF upper management thought their entire studio would be capable of taking on a billion projects in the short-time frame of 2019 alone. Clearly, a quantity over quality approach. Date A Live series don't deserve this crap, and neither do those other anime titles. Look at ufotable, every single major animation project they took has been fking amazing. In fact, if you look at ufotable's wikipedia page, you can see that the studio take at most 2 major animation project within a year.
The only saving grace of Date A Live season 3 is still the likable characters, simple plot, and amazing OST. However, the art and animation is such a disappointment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 26, 2020
Otaku no video
Quite literally a video for Otakus, by Otakus.
This "anime" isn't exactly an anime, and probably weren't meant to be viewed as an anime. As was intended by Gainax founders, Anno and many others. Otaku no Video is a documentary. The story is non-existent, unless you were to ignore the real-life interview segments and only focus on the animated parts, then you'd have a simple story of young man loses focus in life and goes on to become the OTAKING! However, that's not the point of Otaku no Video. The focus is on the negative connotations of being an Otaku. Only showing, the
bad and the worst. From one degenerate behavior to another. It should be known that Otaku by definition just means being an enthusiast for a particular thing/interest. Hence you have anime otaku, game otaku, gun otaku, and so on. Obviously, anime/manga otaku being the most popular form of otaku.
This "anime" does its best to show an unscripted and true representation of the various otaku. (Most, if not all, interviewees have some sort of connection to Gainax) Hideaki Anno, appearing as himself, is one of the interviewee. One might even correlate that the main characters' mentality and behavior portrayed is a mirror image of Gainax's founders.
I think, that anyone who likes anime or manga, will learn more about their interest after watching this "anime."
If you are an otaku/weeb/degenerate, you should definitely watch Otaku no Video.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 20, 2020
Unpopular opinion here, Tower of God is overrated and the attention the anime seems to receive is going to be short-lived. Note that I'm writing this review, having read the webtoon for many years but decided to drop it.
At first, the story seems really captivating in the beginning. A character named Bam is trying to reach the top of the tower, to have his wish granted. Not to mention, Bam's relationship with Rachel. All these are really interesting to start off a series like this. However, the concept of reaching top of tower isn't exactly new or really thought provoking, hell even SAO did it
already. Characters need to progress through levels in the tower to reach a specific goal, sound familiar? What SIU does well is presenting his ideas, in his own image, to the world via the form of webtoon.
Sadly, the story/plot gets forgotten really fast after the first arc or I could say first 50 to 80 chapters of the Tower of God webtoon. Suddenly theres no coherent plot or even story telling. The author at that point is just mindlessly introducing an endless amount of concept and ideas, which sadly fails to build upon a story unless you are willing to religiously dedicate your time to it hoping somehow it will be fulfilling which it never does. Exposition after exposition, nothing seems to capture readers like it did in the first few chapters.
Character interaction just doesn't seem to build upon anything and is just downright bland. The anime so far is sticking close to its source material which I hope the studio is able to wrap it up in the last few episodes.
Art-style, while its typical webtoon, don't expect much. I'd argue other webtoons are much more worthy of your time; God of Highschool, The Gamer, Hardcore Leveling, Solo leveling, Girls of the wild)
I honestly think that people are mistaking a good story with endless exposition of ideas. But you might argue, if its so bad, why is it so popular? Well this is just my opinion. Being popular doesn't exclude the fact that it can be bad or boring. TOG is just the result of SIU imaginations which doesn't deliver much in terms of story or character interaction.
I regret having spent so much time reading the TOG webtoon expecting it to deliver an experience which it probably never will.
The only thing good about the TOG anime that is really making it interesting, for me at least, are the voice actors. Anything else, is just due to the source material being downright boring.
TL:DR: I dont like the webtoon and think the anime will run dry after the first cour.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 20, 2020
Unpopular opinion here, Tower of God is overrated and the attention the anime seems to receive is going to be short-lived. Note that I'm writing this review, having read the webtoon for many years but decided to drop it.
At first, the story seems really captivating in the beginning. A character named Bam is trying to reach the top of the tower, to have his wish granted. Not to mention, Bam's relationship with Rachel. All these are really interesting to start off a series like this. However, the concept of reaching top of tower isn't exactly new or really thought provoking, hell even SAO did
it already. Characters need to progress through levels in the tower to reach a specific goal, sound familiar? What SIU does well is presenting his ideas, in his own image, to the world via the form of webtoon.
Sadly, the story/plot gets forgotten really fast after the first arc or I could say first 50 to 80 chapters of the Tower of God webtoon. Suddenly theres no coherent plot or even story telling. The author at that point is just mindlessly introducing an endless amount of concept and ideas, which sadly fails to build upon a story unless you are willing to religiously dedicate your time to it hoping somehow it will be fulfilling which it never does. Exposition after exposition, nothing seems to capture readers like it did in the first few chapters.
Character interaction just doesn't seem to build upon anything and is just downright bland. The anime so far is sticking close to its source material which I hope the studio is able to wrap it up in the last few episodes.
Art-style, while its typical webtoon, don't expect much. I'd argue other webtoons are much more worthy of your time; God of Highschool, The Gamer, Hardcore Leveling, Solo leveling, Girls of the wild)
I honestly think that people are mistaking a good story with endless exposition of ideas. But you might argue, if its so bad, why is it so popular? Well this is just my opinion. Being popular doesn't exclude the fact that it can be bad or boring. TOG is just the result of SIU imaginations which doesn't deliver much in terms of story or character interaction.
I regret having spent so much time reading the TOG webtoon expecting it to deliver an experience which it probably never will.
The only thing good about the TOG anime that is really making it interesting, for me at least, are the voice actors. Anything else, is just due to the source material being downright boring.
TL:DR: I dont like the webtoon and think the anime will run dry after the first cour.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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