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Sep 13, 2015
I'm only writing the review since most of the reviews here seem to be pretty low scored, so maybe someone wants the opinion of a person who enjoyed the anime?
Facts you should know that largely influence my opinion: I am a girl and I like shounen ai (boys love).
While this anime isn't strictly geared towards a female audience particularly, I felt like maybe there were certain elements girls might appreciate more than the male audience. The abundance of bishonen is a great example.
In any case, if you're still with me onwards towards the breakdown!
Story: 6-7
I think the story is fair. The other reviewers
are right in saying that the story is very trope-ish with a lot going on, but I didn't particularly mind. It wasn't hard to follow, and sometimes I want to indulge in a little guilty pleasure of special MCs, hierarchy climbing systems, bishounen fights and quirky female characters.
But I wouldn't brush most of the story with the same stroke - after all, I've only watched the 12 episodes provided. I don't know if they're going to delve deeper, but from the last episodes subtle clues I can definitely guess we've only scratched the superficial surface of what the story really is.
Art: 8
I really liked the art. The fight scenes were really good, better than a lot of shounen animes these days for sure. I really enjoyed the abundance of colours from the characters appearances, the landscapes, their weapons and so on.
The designs for the weapons in particular really caught my eyes, they almost seemed to be good enough to be used in video games in my opinion.
Sound: 7-8
I really like the OP and ED, and the music in between was well suited to each scene (e.g. the angsty flash backs, the fights, hints of romance scenes). No memorable OST if you're into that, though.
Characters: 7
Yu and Mika are officially the mains characters, but outside of their obsession with each other, there isn't much to be said outstandingly for them. Yu is the typical caring MC that looks out for his friends, hates injustice and draws people to him without really consciously doing it - so a typical shounen main character. Not bad, but nothing really amazing.
This anime did a good job with the female characters in my opinion, and I really liked Shinoa and Mitsu towards the end. Kimizaki also grew on me because I'm a sucker for tsundere boys (even though he's technically frost bitten through most of the show).
I think the show did a good job in getting you to feel for the characters. I got caught up in Yu's emotions just as easily as I was played into hating the Guren. These aren't flat characters whom you watch impassively. I was drawn in enough that I'm interested in reading the manga to see what happens to them.
Enjoyment/Overall 8
Like I said, I'm willing to go to the manga to continue on the plot which is a rarity for me since I'm willing to leave animes well enough alone at the ending they choose to cut off at.
The fights scenes and tension were good enough that I think this definitely fits into the shounen genre, and the small bits of comedy kept me happy enough to balance out the angst.
One thing that I particularly enjoyed that others might not is the chemistry between Mika and Yu. Not all people enjoy shounen-ai and while this isn't listed as such, it definitely carries an undercurrent of it and it would be amiss of me not to mention such. In that way it kind of appeals to shougo readers as well because there is a distinct element of wanting to 'fix' the other character, something that could only be done through friendship and love. While I definitely don't think this show is going to choose that route (the clear nihilistic line between vampires and humans this show plays to doesn't seem to call for an end other than the extinction of the other if you know what I mean) if you choose to come along for the ride, you're going to have to be prepared for how much Yu and Mika's relationship/brothership/friendship is vital to the plot.
Hope this helps anyone that was looking for the opinion of someone who enjoyed it. It may not be what you expected, but this is my honest take on the show. I'll be looking forward to their season 2 coming in October.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 25, 2015
(light spoilers)
Do not get attached to any character, would be my suggestion if you decide to take on this anime.
The best part of this anime is hands down the fighting scenes. With such little run time, the producers must have poured a lot of time and effort into the fight scenes which I think were worth the effort. Easily a 10/10 for every battle, because seeing such detailed work without being over-exaggerated with plot twists and power ups is kinda rare.
The biggest plus point for me is hands down the female characters. I'm not an anime expert but of all the animes
I have watched so far, this is hands down the strongest female line up I've ever seen and probably will ever see. It's amazing, from Esdeath to Akame to Mine, never once did I feel like their roles or characters were undermined by the arrival of the male character, Tatsumi. They were amazingly strong, driven but still individualistic and unique. All the characters were unique in their own way, so it was very much appreciated. It's too bad that we couldn't get a feel for all of them their short times.
The plot's pace was uneven, unfortunately, and by the final battle you had a sour taste in your mouth. I was kinda relieved when it was finally over, but not in a good way. The final battle was amazing, but I have to say that it just wasn't worth it. Perhaps because the anime didn't focus on the plight of the people enough, I just couldn't really get on board with the drive the rebellions had. Because of this, the series of events that flow through the anime just felt needless. By the time you reach the 20s you just kinda want this anime to be done so the heartbreak will be over, but you've stuck with it for so long you need to see what the ending will be.
Overall, an anime worth watching to form your own opinion. I don't regret watching it, but I wouldn't put this in my favourite anime section. It was memorable, that's for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 21, 2015
Before I begin, this review is more of an opinion piece for myself; a way to achieve catharsis by reasoning out my experience and trying to move on. It may not make sense to others and I don't think it would give much insight until after you've watched HxH 2011. If you choose to read be warned it also contains major spoilers.
Overall I would give hxh 2011, a 6-7. My suggestion is if you plan on watching it, don't binge watch it. You can finish this show in a week if you have the time, even less if you have the effort. But I
really suggest you don't, because I made that mistake and it's what drove me to a lower score than I think it honestly deserves.
The first half of this show is amazing, it would cement itself easily in best shonen animes/manga based off of the first 70 some episodes. That is why I gave the original hxh a 9/10. However, in my opinion, it's all down hill from there in regards to pacing, rhythm and character development.
Everything after the events of Greed Island, namely the Chimera Ant Arc, is where it went down hill. Up until this point, the pacing was typical shonen with building friendship and trust, big battles, short training periods, and battles testing strength and resolve again. Even with all this, most arcs didn't take more than 20-25 episodes.
The entire last half of hunter x hunter is dedicated to only one arc, spanning more than 60 episodes. It's a complete pace change, where we went from light hearted hope and admiration of Gon and Killua's strength to complete terror and darkness. No seriously, I'm surprised the rating didn't go up considering the torture scenes, massacres, lack of morality, death and the amount of dismembered limbs.
The characterization goes completely wonky where half way into the arc Gon and Killua do a complete character swap - Gon with murderous intent motivated by revenge and Killua the loyal friend with a driven will to protect those around him. Mentally it left me a bit put out when I realized I was more excited to see Killua on screen than Gon, considering a large part of his part in the battle is sitting in one spot, crying, and then going bat shit insane. The power-ups were insane but ultimately useless. Gon and Killua's characterization remain questionable right up until the very end. I can't say with certainty I disliked their new qualities but I just felt that the reasons for the shift were too quick and too unfounded to really have any impact on me. I was left more confused as I jumped episode to episode on where this was going than excited to see how this would end.
The battles are disappointing and the defeat of the Chimera Ant is almost largely accidental. Netero defeats the King not with Nen but with a bomb and the King's own pride, after which we see the King being reborn even *stronger* than before. It's at the point where I threw my hands in the air and was just done with the absolute imbalance of power. It was at the point where I was so certain the only way they could go with this was the complete devastation of humanity because not even a Goku level power up could save any of them. But then lo and behold, the Ants are defeated not by strength, but by a delayed poison effect, leaving them to die on their own with no opponent needed to face them (not that anyone there stood a chance). What's worse is before that point, there is a complete character change in the 'villains', to the point where you almost sympathize with them. That was neither good nor bad but just a quiet end to a bombastic season.
I think the biggest reason the Chimera Ant Arc was so disconcerting is because it was fruitless. We spend 60 some episodes on the massacre of humans, the fight for humanity, the ultimate war, and at the end of it I do not honestly feel like the Hunters 'won', just that they got lucky that the events unfolded the way they did. Knuckle and Killua hardly do anything real fighting the entire 'war', Netero and Morel too much. Gon going berserk in his battle with Pitou led to more harm than good - and that he had to go to that point to win also made the months of training and will beforehand seem pointless. Netero's fight was fascinating, but it wasn't a good enough to tip my opinion - his ultimate attack did mediocre damage, leaving him to have to resort to death by bomb to kill the King. The character deaths in this arc give me a strong reminder to the pacing of AoT/SnK and it was really off putting compared to the first half.
The snowball effect continued on with the last 10 or so episodes with the Chairman Election Arc. Most of the time spent on this arc was trying to figure out the dubious logic that was fuelling the election. I have a university degree that specializes on critical analysis, and even with it I was left shaking my head in confusion on how any of the events made sense or were even pertinent to the growth of HxH.
The final straw that crumbled my enjoyment for HxH were completely summed up in the last episode in 3 main parts: how Gon finally met Ging - an abrupt end to the journey I felt like Gon has yet to complete; how Gon and Killua chose separate paths - the deep bonds of their friendship leaving me to wonder why they would do so when the narrator even admitted that Killua considered him his most important person; and how we never see Kurapika again - the most interesting plot line from HxH that was left too short and uncovered, and which I thought we would revisit one last time before the end. The culmination of all of that was having all the 148 episodes I binge watched become empty and hollow - like the stairs I was climbing to reach the peak suddenly started to crumble the closer I got only to completely break leaving me to free fall. It's an empty feeling I feel like a lot anime lovers can empathize with when the end is not what we expected.
So overall I cannot say that this was a bad anime - just a confused one. If there is another season or renewal in the works a year or years from now, I would like to watch it. No, I need to watch it. Because as it is right now I am left with a niggling feeling of disappointment and empty promises where there is brilliant potential for more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 30, 2014
I'm actually kinda surprised at how high this show has been rated. But to be fair, everyone has their own taste in anime.
This was not mine. I was actually pretty hyped up to watch it after reading the reviews. But I'm looking back and wondering how I finished these 25 episodes.
My biggest issue with this anime was it has this 'spark' that promised to bloom into something more. But until the end I was waiting and waiting for it to go off.
Shiroe is the loner genius that relearns the bonds of friendship. He is not a fighter but a strategist. Thing is
I really didn't see Shiroe as any kind of genius but rather a good politician and businessman. It is more of a 'oh he thought of it first' kinda of genuis. That or when he does solve the problem, it is with such vague logic you wonder how it even came through. When you take that out of the equation all Shiroe really has as an advantage is that he is a senior player and has the items and experience necessary to navigate through certain situations. That said, he isn't a bad main character because I like how he isn't the hero filled with purpose and drive but more of a character that rides his own flow and intersects with the main river to keep it from dying out. It made it interesting to see how he would deal with every situation.
Romance/Female Characters
The romance irritated me to no end. The main love interests look like 12 year old girls. One actually is a 12 year old girl. The rest were represented by huge breasts and outlandish personalities that removed them from the possibility of being love interest. They were hilarious and endearing in their own way but they were more for comedic effect than anything.
I really really really liked Akatsuki and wouldn't even mind her love for Shiroe if it didn't completely limit her. We see her fight once or twice in the first 5 episodes and despite being one of the strongest characters she is not seen fighting again. Ever.
The fighting was non-existent, funnily enough for a video game. The issue is that every 4 or 5 episodes there would be a situation where a fight is happening but the fight itself was just lackluster.
It started off good - the first 10 episodes were at least decent. But slowly it just stopped. They scene barely last 5 mins, the same spells are used, and in the case of the 'major event' later on we don't even actually see combat despite the situation. We get a full frontal shot of the character getting ready but no actually movement. Only colorful lights being thrown everywhere. It was disappointing to watch because the animation was there and the potential to have at least one good battle is part of the fact I kept watching. Sadly, that never happened.
So what's left? :
Majority of the story is set in world building - politics, government, security, and public calm. We see small things like teaching, festivals, fast food and other nuances of our world being put back into the video world. The more they try to do that, the less of the 'video game' feeling we are left with towards the end of the season. The last 'battle' perfectly exemplifies this.
The comedy is the only thing I would give this show a 8/9 for. It's what kept me going.
Personally, I am not going to watch season 2. Would I recommend this anime, not really. However, if you know what you like, maybe you might find something to connect you to Log Horizon. I couldn't find much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 1, 2014
So I'm writing this review with the knowledge that there is a season 2 coming up. It kinda inflates the scores a bit because I have hope that season 2 will make up for the short comings of season 1.
All in all, this was a good anime. It's engaging and draws you in, especially if you are a fan that prefers fight scenes over story. I recommend this anime, despite the questionable ending (once again with the assumption season 2 will pick up where this left off). If I could summarize this anime in a short sentence, "a 'kai' version of Gundam Seed".
- 7
Good enough for me. The plus point of this series for me was the short 12 episode length. Everything was to the point, no needless flashbacks or back story explanations. We were given the bare basics of what we needed to know. Unlike others, I don't think this anime was trying to be more 'profound'. It's super clear when an anime wants to do that because they go overboard, and Aldnoah did not. It was laser focused on battle which I think goes hand in hand to the goal of this anime clearly outlined in the beginning.
The story fell under to the battle scenes, but I was okay with that. It wasn't like the story was subpar, just brief and negligible when you've watch a 1001 animes with discrimination, war, hatred and needless suffering. You've seen it once, and you don't need to see it again. That's why I rated the story as high as I did. It glances and nods to the suffering aspect of war, but remains hyper focused on the here and now adrenaline of battle.
That said, the ending keeps it from being higher. It's not even the 'events' that take place. It's the aftermath - we are quite literally left with a blackout scene of the major battle with the narrator describing who won. Nothing is said about what happens to the rest of the crew/friends. It was needlessly abrupt so as to keep fans on a high climax to draw us in for the second season. But I really didn't like that, especially all that happened between the characters.
Art - 10
It's a newer anime and it shows. Everything was amazing, the battle scenes fantastic. Another plus point for me was that the characters were anime-ized (colored hair, eyes) but nothing extravagant or unrealistic. When there is a blond/blue eyed character they mention that they might be European/Slavic etc. making this more 'real' for me.
Sound - 8
Good music, enough to get you drawn in and pumped for the battle scene. But it gets a bit repetitive. I noticed there wasn't a lot of 'desperation' music - the sounds of when a character is sad or gets betrayed. The soundtrack was almost always only for battle.
Character - 6
It's a short anime, and it's not focused on character development. Who you see in the beginning is who you get. Which I appreciated a lot. We have all sorts of characters here, and in that way it's nice we don't follow one person the entire time.
Inaho - I liked him. He is what I look for in anime characters - the smart protagonist that outwits his opponent. He is dull, not hyper active like traditional male protagonists but I was okay with that. We don't follow him all the time, so he doesn't get boring for me. He's an unexpected main character with more 'wisdom' than what we expect making him seem older but that wasn't a drawback for me.
Seylum - she reminds me a lot of Lacus (from GS) but a better version. I didn't hate her or find her whiny . While Aldnoah didn't focus on character development there was a bit of it with her - we saw her grow and realize what it takes to get to her dream but still have enough hope she can see it through. I rooted for her and sympathized for her.
Slaine - he is the reason I rate the characters so low. I honestly had no clue what Slaine's purpose in this anime was. Honestly, it seems like he was there only to get beaten, anticlimatically be snubbed down, and be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The only time he shows a slight bit of character independence and emotion - and that's saying something considering the emotionless Inaho - is at the end. I can't even hate Slaine because I just couldn't get a feel for his character. He wasn't even mysterious, more like that annoying dead pixel that sits on the centre of your screen. You have no idea when it got there and how to fix it without throwing the entire monitor away.
Secondary characters - they are what made this anime. We have Marito, Yuki, Inko, Calm, and the Oribtal knights. They give the anime dimension through their various personalities. Even the villains are people that really get under your skin. In some aspects the secondary characters completely outshine the main characters.
Enjoyment/Overall - 8
It was a good anime, with the exception of the ending. If I didn't know there was a season 2 planned, I would lower this score. The ending cuts off any enjoyment you might really feel, literally. Hopefully season 2 will pick up meaningfully what was left of season 1.
Other stuff I like - I personally really like that Inaho could hold off superior technology with his brilliance, that he was almost always guaranteed to win. The battles were great, the in between enough to make me keep going. It's a short anime but it's jam packed with action, drive and purpose. There is always something going on in each episode and with how many characters there are of importance, the plot seamed together really nicely.
I recommend this anime to those fans that prefer good battle scenes over story, even if the battles are often short. I can honestly say I am looking forward to season 2 and whatever it may bring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 31, 2014
I'm probably biased from having watched this first and then Brotherhood, but in my opinion these two are almost completely different and FMA-2003 pulls ahead for me as the one most memorable.
The impact that FMA-2003 has is on a different level. The goosebumps, the heart pumping, the confusion, the anger and the gut wrenching feelings of injustice are just different. Brotherhood had the classic anime ending we want of the good guy winning. It had a plot that was easier to follow. FMA-2003, without giving away spoilers, was and still is one of the few animes that show that overcoming the porblem doesn't mean everything
will be set back right.
The journey was different, though the end goal was the same. Going through the journey with Ed and Al the first time had me desperately following them along, eager for them to get the happy ending they wanted. I flinched along with them, cried along with them, pumped my fist for them. It left me with a hole in my heart but a bittersweet smile on my face. In Brotherhood, it was like I was walking beside them and sometimes pulling ahead and impatiently waiting for them to follow. The urgency and genuineness of their plight fell a bit short (but that's not really saying much since Brotherhood still pulls up better than most animes) in comparison.
Brotherhood is the closure that you need after watching FMA-2003 because it neatly ties everything together. The beauty of FMA-2003 was that it left everything open ended, that I could imagine and learn from Ed and Al what going through life means. Sappy as it is, FMA-2003 shaped who I am today because of the lessons of morality and human nature it showed me.
If you haven't watched this anime yet and are thinking of doing so, I can't promise the same impact. The art and sound were brilliant when I watched this back in 2005 but rewatching this may not be up to par if you compare them with the 2010s anime. However, I guarantee that the characters, the story and the enjoyment of this anime will still be 10/10 no matter what year you watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 31, 2014
I truly enjoyed this anime, but I can definitely concur that not everyone will feel the same. I can promise you that this anime will be memorable at the very least, love it or hate it.
Story - 8/10
Watching this in 2014 with so many animes having already tackled dystopia type universes, the original premise was not what snared me. The storyline is still very unique and while at times it will remind you of bits and pieces of other animes, ultimately you will see it's own originality peek through.
Without giving away any spoilers, the 1st half of the show (up until
ep 13) is what anime truly is about. The thrilling plot unveiling, locating the antagonist, having our protagonist train to take him on, finding the girl he wants to protect, and most of all - possessing that power that will define him as the strongest. I can almost guaruntee every viewer will love the first half. It's the 2nd half where you will need to watch out. This is where the term 'Guilty' in 'Guilty Crown' truly takes effect. The second half continues on mercilessly from the first half and shows that the war is not finished with one battle won. The plot becomes to heavy to bear the burden in 25 (12 really, since the second half is just so different) episodes.
It does not receive full points because I felt the divide between the two parts of this show, and the second half most definitely cannot stay within the confines set out in the first half (most noticeably the high school aspect of this show). Nevertheless, the story line is one I will find myself comparing newer animes to which proves its originality in my eyes.
Art - 10/10
One of the finest art and animation I have ever seen in anime. If you love well drawn fight scenes, this anime is absolutely it.
Sound - 10/10
One of the few animes I've listened to the full soundtrack - background music, opening/ending, battle music, and the like. It will set your heart pumping as soon as you hear the first chimes.
Character - 6/10
I struggled between giving this a low mark or giving this a 10/10. Quite a divide, no? Shu and Inori are both very generic characters, in my opinion. I've seen the cowardly school boy with that shred of decency before as I have seen the apathetic female character learning to love. However, if you watch the last few episodes, Inori sums up why Shu might have just gotten away with a perfect score. "Shu's human. He's heartbreakingly human." Given the circumstance and the society Guilty Crown's Tokyo eventually turned into, everything that Shu went through makes sense. The reason I decided on the lower score is because Inori and Shu together are what made this anime memorable. Take them apart from each other and they just don't have the same impact.
Enjoyment - 10/10 + Overall 10/10
As I said, this anime is memorable. I smiled, I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I felt rage and every spectrum in between. The fight scenes were on a level that animes need to get on, considering this was made 2 years ago. The story line was fragile and had me questioning if this anime wasn't just completely insane but it comes together in the end. The story wasn't perfect - but right from the title it never claimed to be. With all the supernatural elements and suspension of reality, it was a great show to get at the heart of what humanity and power mean. So for me, Guilty Crown gets a 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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