I recommend this anime to all my friends. It is strictly for people who enjoy absurdism. If you don't like it after the first episode, this anime is probably not for you. If you ever enjoyed watched cursed content or YTPs back in the day, you will probably highly enjoy this anime. It is a very weird and bizarre anime based off a Japanese card game.
While the animation quality is not good, the story is surprisingly interesting. The characters and all their interactions are pretty entertaining, and while the plot twists can be somewhat predictable, especially if you binged the series, they are still pretty
Jan 25, 2024
Skip the 1st episode, and watch the 2nd episode. If you don't like the 2nd episode, you probably won't like this anime. The first episode is very generic isekai setup and made most people I know drop the series. As I write this, it is currently rated 7.5/10, and its first week it was below 5, that's how bad the first episode was, but that dramatic ranking improvement is what got me to actually take a look at it. I'll add a brief summary, which contains all the plot elements of the first episode at the end of this review, so that you don't have
Jan 24, 2024
Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete
If you don't like this by the end of the 1st episode, then you should find something else.
Basically Demon Girl Next Door season 3, but instead of them just being suggestive, they were very explicit. An S&M ecchi where the main girl gets off on mild S&M play with the magical girls. Plot is kinda weak, even for an ecchi, and there is a decent amount of plot armor, at least thus far on Episode 3. I think the general more adult attitude of the characters is nice, it makes them feel more real even though they are still charactures. Dec 12, 2023
Hoshikuzu Telepath
If you don't like this by the end of the 2nd episode, then you should find something else.
If you ever felt lost, alone, depression, empty, or just like you did not have a place in life, then put this anime on and watch a bunch of, fairly dumb, young girls try to find their place in this world as they attempt to do the impossible. The main character starts the anime as a shy loner who no longer wants to live on this planet, but her life turns around when she meets a runaway classmate who claims to be an alien, which leads her on ... Dec 12, 2023
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
If you don't like this after the first episode, you should probably stop watching.
This is a degenerate comedy about awkward and clueless middle schoolers, where the main character creates "science" devices in order to woo her love interest. In each episode the device fails in some way that is spectacular, usually in a fairly predictable way. This anime understands that this type of humor gets old really fast, and makes each episode short and to the point. Each episode is really like 2, 6m episodes in one, as longer than 12m at a time might be a little much at once. Dec 12, 2023
Witch Craft Works
I would say that if you do not like this anime within the first 2.5 episodes, you will probably not like this anime. But if you like ridiculous animes, then I definitely recommend this. It feels like every episode more and more ridiculous things happen, like if the anime is trying to outdo itself. You have to watch every episode just to keep up with every ridiculous thing that is going on, as they build ontop of each other. That is something that unfortunately the plot does not do, as the plot if fairly weak, but that is fairly typical of comedy animes. There are
Dec 12, 2023
Binbougami ga!
This anime does not get better after the first episode. So if you like the first episode, you should keep watching. If you do not, I suggest that you find something else to watch.
The humor mostly relies on two polar opposites personalities interacting and all the conflicts that occur due to their competing personalities. It also has a lot of references to popular animes, mostly notable a lot of Lupin III, and a lot of 4th wall breaking. The anime is however very quotable, with the most funny parts being individual lines and not the anime as a whole. |