I'm going to try write this somewhat brief review, for a very vast series. If it's too long, read my tl;dr at the bottom of the review. Nope. Nevermind, can't make it brief. Too much to say.
Coming from someone like me who is extremely inattentive when it comes to longer series of anime, this one far surpassed my usual "60-episode limit" that I impose upon myself normally. Nonetheless, I finished it. I was nothing short of impressed that I managed to stick through the whole series.
The first thing I would like to address is the good parts of the anime (No spoilers, just what I
liked about it personally.)
- - Epic, lengthy storyline: For those who love a grand and epic story, Bleach will most likely not disappoint you. It's long, and interesting, and fun!
- - Good artwork, and a great soundtrack!: I absolutely loved the soundtrack for the anime, more than I even liked the anime itself. That being said, the artwork and animation in the anime is definitely of good quality!
- - Diverse cast of characters!: What I marveled at the most about this series was the immense amount of characters you encounter and/or follow on their prospective journeys. It was truly massive!
Now, the bad. Keep in mind however, this is what I personally dislike about it, the things I name may be considered a plus in some viewers' eyes. So this is pretty much just a list of things you can determine to be good or bad.
- - Long: I'll be blunt here, the series is LONG. 366 episodes?! Seriously?! Way too much for me, my enjoyment of the series deteriorated due in part to the immense number of episodes. Really not my thing, might be yours though, give it a shot.
- - Some lackluster character development: I wasn't very impressed with the development of individual characters in the series, it seemed like the series was swamped with the quandary betwixt quantity and quality. But they chose a larger quantity of characters instead of a higher quality of character development. I didn't get to know and love characters like I have in some of the shorter series I have watched in the past. But that's sort of what happens when you have your story jumping from character to character in the midst, or between episodes. I liked the characters, sure. I just didn't love the characters. Kind of important for me normally.
- - Filler episodes: Now, before I get blasted by someone's secret technique for this, let me just say that I absolutely cannot stand filler episodes. I hate them. Some of you like em, sure, they're fun and can be interesting. But throwing up a good 6+ episode arc right when the final showdown between the main character and a powerful adversary was about to unfold? SERIOUSLY?! That's just insulting. I was not pleased with discovering so many strange arcs appearing in the series exactly where I didn't want them to be. If anything, the series should've maybe been 200 episodes long, if you cut out all the filler and all the stuff that felt unnecessary. That's just my two cents though. If you like fillers, you'll probably adore watching through this whole series.
- - Techniques became dry: Some of you may not get what this means. But you know how in a fight between two characters, how they fight, and one thinks he has the upper hand, but then he discovers he’s injured and the opponent launches into this lame dialogue about the secret technique they used that the person didn’t expect? Yeah. That garbage is RAMPANT in Bleach. I got so goddamn sick of it by the time I finished the series, I wanted to cry. In small series with few episodes, this isn’t a problem. I’ve seen the tables turn so much. Bleach could’ve been a Pokémon adaptation that involved magikarps using splash attack until one finally evolved into Gyrados and used hyperbeam. The excess of plot twists would have M. Night Shyamalan spinning in circles. This is no big concern for me normally, most anime I’ve watched have plenty of what I just mentioned. However, 366 epidoes full of this stuff is far beyond what I’ve ever wanted to experience as far as plot twists are concerned.
tl;dr : So, the good is that it's interesting with a fun story and cool (and numerous) characters. Fun for people who like a long series to immerse themselves in. The bad is that it's friggin' long, has too many filler episodes and arcs, and doesn't leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling with any of the characters except for maybe a very slim few, none of whom are the main character. Frankly, I’m glad the anime is over. For now.
Aug 13, 2012
I'm going to try write this somewhat brief review, for a very vast series. If it's too long, read my tl;dr at the bottom of the review. Nope. Nevermind, can't make it brief. Too much to say.
Coming from someone like me who is extremely inattentive when it comes to longer series of anime, this one far surpassed my usual "60-episode limit" that I impose upon myself normally. Nonetheless, I finished it. I was nothing short of impressed that I managed to stick through the whole series. The first thing I would like to address is the good parts of the anime (No spoilers, just what I ... |