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MALoween Mansion (Trapped Soul)
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Jan 8, 2024
Wow, no spoilers. Just wow. Reminds me of the time when you know you have a masterpiece after 2 episodes and just binge watch the whole thing.
This intro is one I never skipped. The scenery that comprised the intro was actually pretty amazing. It wasnt a huge spoiler or showing characters to come, it was just its own thing with graphics that take you on a short journey everytime.
Where to begin, the end is just the beginning. This series is sort of a mix of a lot. A Monogatari Darling in the franxx, apocalyptic super power wielding ghost story type of anime.
To begin
with none of the textures per say are amazing, its kind of a low res animation, but the way its layered and every scene is shadowed or coloured made this beautiful. The sound effects or music with every situation was spot freaking on.
I come into anime with no prejudice, just like every other. I didnt know about this at all and it seemed nobody was talking about this and then boom. I cant even remember how i found it but it was a banger.
The thing people might hate the most about this though which was absolutely amazing to me was the realism. Bro i cried. I really cried at one certain part specificall. But the character acting, the events being portrayed.. its all real. Past present future or even prophesized. This anime was built with the near future and current events in mind, like a lot of anime do yes.
But this was spot on how it played every single thing. Most anime has a lot of ties between episodes like episode 8 references something you got shown in episode 2 but was never talked about etc. Everything was fluid as could be. I like that society is becoming really more open to seeing scenes in anime that are disturbing, even though yes they had some befor. But this almost bears all giving you enough to know but not too much.
Out of enjoyment I give this a 10. I mean thoroughly as an individual I enjoyed it, i dont care who else doesnt. If your not a hypercritic you will too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 29, 2022
I am going to make this short and sweet, but informative.
When I first seen the synopsis of this, I wondered how you can create an animation purely from gambling? Make an enticing story, with content enough for 12 full episodes with nothing lacking?
I to be honest dont know how they did it, but they did. The main reason for my perfect score is that I personally found nothing wrong with this. I enjoyed every single episode, nothing was too slow paced for me, nothing felt cheap or they didnt drop budget mid way through. There were constant twists and turns that despite the mc
seeing, you wont be able to tell because of being in the position of the viewer. If you come into this with no fantasies about what it should be, not to be a simple critic, you WILL enjoy it as long as you are psychologically adept. It isnt so much of a big brain anime, but you have to be able to understand small things that might fly over the normal viewer.
I hate giving spoilers as well, including character names and story progression, so i will use the point based system relatively.
The story leaves nothing behind while being relative enough to progress you from episode 1 to 12 without being lackluster anywhere. The ending of course leaves room for the next season, there is questions left to be answered, but the story is complete and actually enticing. It makes you want to watch the next episode to see exactly what will happen because there are so many what ifs, and even if you think you know, youd be suprised by what happens.
The Art is purrff for me. The stylization of this anime because of lack of action focuses heavily on portrayed emotions and bodily visuals. As wierd as that might sound, from the hundreds of anime I have seen, this was unique. And they have a single contrasting element that they incorporate a lot in this that I found stunning every time. Its really powerful to say the least.
The sound... The op is more than enough to give this a 10 alone. But they really emphasis the little things in this. Again with a lack of genuine action that is what is necessary. So unlike stupid sounds or out of place music and ambient sounds, this has none of it. But the op is really amazing
The characters are to each their own. And I really like that despite discrepancies in agreeable decisions, the characters move along with each other the best ways possible. I dont find them to be too much like any other visually or personality wise that you find yourself comparing them throughout the entire anime. I also didnt see any big archetypes in this except for the big burly bully, but that was also handled well based on the story of the anime.
That being said my point system is really probably on a scale of 1-15, but the reason for that is the hypercritical people and the way the point system is viewed by those who are coming to see if an anime is actually worth watching. a 7 will turn somebody away just because it seems like it wasnt enjoyed by a lot of people, like a 3.5/5, but that really isnt the case. imagine when you see a game rated 3.5/5, that sounds pretty bad and that is a very good perspective that you can visualize easily. But thats why I give this a 10. I thoroughly enjoyed this and binged this completely within the time i had between the two days only because i needed to sleep and had my little brothers party. I really recommend this at any point in time, its a good fit if your looking for a pick me up or just something thrilling, because itll pull you in and make you feel the excitement for gambling no matter how you feel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 15, 2021
I would give this 11/10 if i could. I do not come from the novels, or anything except the anime. When I first heard of it, and how much people were into it, I just pushed it aside. With all the other mainstreams that I figured were overrated. When i got to it with my ex, it was a pure binge of season 1. then a hold off on the movies and then we binged both of those, and she left in february, so I just about a week ago got to season 2.
From the standpoint of the main points its asking, the music
in this and of course battle music is always great. The sound effects never have discrepencies, and the art is always amazing.
But to get down and dirty with it, I think people are taking on too much into worrying about what its supposed to be. I do not think this was boring at all, I enjoyed the lore and to be honest, it is building up what we havent known, and sets the scene for whats up and coming. This season was purely enjoyable lore for me with a little bit of action where it was appropriate. I could understand going through Emilias background some individuals getting bored by it, but to be honest its just not understandable if you ENJOY this anime.
Somebody said the true backers are the ones who are dedicated to all of the media, but that is untrue. The true backers are the ones that see it for what it is, not what they think it should have been. The characters are even very unique in this. We have a clown in this for petes sake. lol But the characters definitely add to the lovability of this. And so if your not a sucker for character relations this might bore you as well.
All in all though, I dont think there is any way somebody who truly likes anime should be less than entertained by it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 9, 2021
this review does contain spoilers. Dont listen to the critics. They are here to critique the anime based on their own biases. Which is not constructive by any means and i dont think reviews should truly be allowed aside from the numbers. Although then there would be considerable trolls. You already know how many animes you have seen that have been underrated. Give this a go, dont think its yuri or romance etc. Its just a storytelling anime... I will simply post my comment on the site thread itself for you to get the feeling of what this will be. If this is your cup
of tea definitely watch it, if you completely despise yuri like i do yaoi then thats understandable. I always say if you go into an anime with bias or expectations you will ALWAYS be let down. Its just anime, theres tons of it. Why not enjoy it all instead of being unsightly? There is only one thing i hated about this and you will see that in my comment.
iits sad because no matter the anime, even how farfetched it might be like citrus, its all realistic. even the most fantasy ridden animes have morals and stories that have at some point in time been portrayed by real life circumstances even if only similarly by the boundaries of humanity. but for the characters emotions in this. i LOVE the plain and simple because it allowed us to put our focus on this relationship and the characters around them. it didnt make the few mcs pop out with different coloured hair and makeup and drown out the rest in sepia or black and white etc. it brought realism and that amplified the feelings tremendously. And I feel really sad by this although for some reason I didnt cry, because i know Haruka is a real person. And there is a girl out there just like mc thats waiting to express herself but doesnt know how, and cant even really understand her own feelings. Though the thing this got wrong is the continuation. WE NEEDED TO SEE that they really kept going. Everybody already knew, everything was out there. Why stay in your cliques and keep it on the down low? Thats NOT a real relationship. there needs to be a sequel to this. at least even a short film or ova for a followup on their successful relationship and growing it together. I really hate when people do allow themselves like haruka to get used though as well. she said she was trying hard to not be alone with anybody else.. and i felt that, but i feel it was also very misconstrued. i just couldnt feel harukas feelings were real. and i feel at the very end honestly they were forced. And I could not FEEL her emotions when she said SHE wanted to enter mcs time. SHE loved her before mc loved Haruka. They didnt give it the time and build it. So in the end I am feeling its a one sided relationship still based on their distance despite the acting.... I NEED MORE.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 8, 2021
very few issues with this anime at all. the thing about this is how many different genres and ideas it puts together in every episode that also progresses the story it has... like what else is there to say? the art is beautiful, and actually very stylized of its own accord. its got the ghibli vibe at times but then the rest its on its own level. and the scene creation and story creation is phenomenal. this is one of those anime you can sit there and break down to understand everything if you want to but it gives you enjoyment no matter what level
of thinking you do. just an amazing anime. i guess the only bad thing i have to say was the ship i had in it being disturbed. but still def watch it
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 5, 2021
Again, I am here because I see this only has a 7.3. When something gets hype as is our society, it has to be beat down by the haters to act like they have some sort of superiority over the simple minded world. But this anime... Is worth every bit of hype there is.
From the beginning, I will say its all the set up game. It was very interesting, but I dont know of any anime except for slice of life where the story is amazingly ridiculous because it has to be built. You have to meet the characters progressively etc. But then again
this is a Trigger and A-1 anime.
That being said. Almost immediately you have emotion towards the characters, love hate and everything in between. Which it takes a real good anime to make you feel something for the characters that isnt just disgust at how stupid they are.
Second the way they progress the story, and give the moments of awe in between the fight scenes is amazing. It keeps your on your toes if your not going into this with a bias mindset, and really the animation is fluid. And actually has action unlike of course a lot of animes even by other big companies that get budget cuts halfway through etc.
As this anime progressed it only got better. But then I even forgot almost as soon as your into this, its pretty much straight action.
The character development is also pleasant. More so in the end. as if you watch both seasons you will see. But I finished this in 2 days. And bawled my eyes out multiple times in between.
This is really a relative anime to be honest. in terms of characters and struggles, and relationships as well as physical hardships. This has it all and spread across all characters very nicely so its not like anybody is too underpowered or too overpowered. The struggle is real and the ending makes it more so realistic despite what you might actually want the outcome to be.
Overall there is no way that you as a human can not enjoy this. If youd did not enjoy this in the end your are just one of the virm.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 16, 2020
After reading the rest of this review: as i say with every anime. Watch it yourself, enjoy it if you do or hate it and quit. Thats up to YOU. But definitely give this a try and dont miss the opportunity like Yuzu kept doing because in the end you will regret it when you find out what all youve missed because you were being a grinch.
we binged this. and we did so without having an agenda, without relating this to the real world and seeing this as a hateful anime that is trying to justify stupid things that are actually bad. this is simply
an anime about real life. The other people who finds this pushes an agenda are the ones who are hypocritical in every way of their life, while doing nothing more than trying to act like something they are not for the world to see.
This anime is good enough to have you feeling the feels, while loving and hating the characters at the same time. when they make a character so cruddy, and so evil that they make you hate them, is that really a bad character? NO, thats a damn good character. and the trash that happens in this anime is what happens on a day to day basis. Now in terms of love, sex is a thing. but what people explain happens in this anime isnt what happens.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 14, 2020
my main qualm is it got cheap. the first episodes were good start, then the anime got great, but at the end id say 9-13 it was just rushed, no story and good moments but overall crap. id say its about 6-7 for enjoyment overall because of the earlier episodes. so much i can see done but i hate very much when the producers take a good story and decent characters and turn them upside down in an attempt to finish what they started. Mika and Kana couldve been so much more, the yuri is actually slight aside from the underage perversions. but it could
have been so much more. i wish it couldve been and i believe there could be a second season but i would hope the time would be invested equally in every episode with each one being fufilling instead of rushing it out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 17, 2020
This is going to be short and simple.
Stop being a critic. Enjoy the anime.
This story is actually very good compared to most standalones that dont have a huge budget or super sponsoring or a big company behind them. It is a short movie but the overall animation quality is just as good as any normal big budget animes, especially when the big companies lose funds in the middle of the anime and skimp on the quality. This was well rounded with comedy, cute characters, and good action. It just needs more time.
The main thing is we need a two season main story. The before
the current world where they can have their action adventure in their time in all its glory, then the current one and finishing to them going back in the second season. it would be plenty of time to get out all the story, inject the humor, and then finish with a bang like they did this movie. We dont sit here watching animes to be a critic. otherwise we wouldnt enjoy them like this, if you want to you will like this. Its worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 14, 2016
Well, I just want to say a few things.
I actually liked the character illustrations, although this anime was only really halfway animated. I mean, I kinda figured wed be stuck watching that ship burn in the middle of space forever, but gladly we didn't have to.
But the piano classics thrown in the mix really made me be able to tolerate it.
I mean, it is what it is. If you come to expect greatness from everything you will be utterly disappointed. I cant remember the past 20 minutes I watched this, so it definitely kept my attention and wasted my time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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