This is a romance story in the Victorian setting that is pleasant to watch and for this it deserves 7/10. Setting and relationship development between main characters is what will keep you watching, 9/10 if you are a lolicon.
Main paradox of this story is that everybody says that everything could be explained by logic and supernatural is just con-art but the main heroine has magical ability.
She could roll a dice and from that deduce your credit card's PIN because everything is connected to everything.
This is definitely not a detective story because there are only two types of mysteries.
1. Easy ones that are obvious at
Mar 2, 2018
Zero no Tsukaima
If you are into BDSM this story is solid 10/10
Otherwise 2/10 because this is tsundere ad nauseum with emphasis on nauseum. It is hard to focus on other story when the main mistress constantly beats her slave and he gladly accepts a punishment. The story is too repetitive so I dropped it. This story doesn't have characters, it has plot devices. So far everybody serves just one purpose what is convenient to story. I found art average but boobs aren't drawn well, which is what matters in this story most. This show is about boobs, slave touching other girls boobs and mistress punishing him for that. I do ... Feb 20, 2018
Quanzhi Gaoshou
First I wanted to compare this to Naruto as one of most overrated animes, but the better comparison is to power rangers which is more enjoyable.
The main part of this shows are fights. Fights versus goblins/zombies... where power rangers look more real than this. All rangers fight. Here only main character fights while all other players just stand there for a whole episode. They are there only to praise MC Praise him that he could click really fast. Drink brawno and click so fast to turn him invisible, which doesn't make a sense. Fights versus bosses are similar as while power rangers work together ... |