Non Non Biyori repeat is 2nd season which continue on the character's daily life in urban village. This is different from another anime because the aspect is on the village not in the highschool on tokyo or whatever. Ok, so now i will rate it :
Story -- 9
The story is great, the MC's daily life is consistent with their own theme. The theme itself is about living in urban village. Like catching bug, fishing, go to school with friends with age's different. The comedy itself is excecuted so well.
Art -- 8
The MC's art are very good, like our modern anime's style now. But it doesn't
Dec 24, 2014
For me, date a live is one of many mainstream harem anime. This OVA, you will meet the luckiest man ever, Shido and Kurumi, your typical beautiful anime girl.Ok, now i will begin my review.
Story - 7 Not the best, not the worst. Art - 5 You know, that the studio that direct season 1 and season 2 is different. Because the ova is after season 2, some of you maybe know that the quality of art is low. I confess; i dont like the quality. If you are the typical who watch anime consist of the art, this anime maybe will disgust you. Character - 7 You will ... |