Most adorable Rom-Com I watched. Rin is just too cute. VA went on full throttle for sure.
Since all of this is in description, it doesn't count as a spoiler. Girl is acting multiple personalities to create a pseudo-harem for the guy she admires. This is what show is about. Subjectively i gave it 10/10, objectively i would give it 8/10.
I gave it 10/10 because show is very enjoyable and Both MCs are very adorable together, the way they act, the way they treat each other. Born out of friendship and goofing around, grown into romance. Very healthy, enjoyable and cute anime. VA generally is
Oct 7, 2024
Bye Bye, Earth
no spoilers here, just something you should know if you decide to watch this.
I haven't read manga, but clearly this anime didn't have much budget to tell the story. I rated 5 Because this anime has huuuuuge potential, but it's also clear that it was cut short. the plot itself is amazing, but it should have been at least 24 episodes to tell the story. From action to action, memories to memories, jumping left and right constantly. Even though it said "to be continued", for example what should have been told in 3 episodes, it was cut into 1 and etc. extremely shortened. This is ... Jul 3, 2024
Unnamed Memory
Hard to describe it, but feelings I had was boring and interesting.
So every episode changes your mood, feels like whole anime was rushed. I never read LN or manga, but at first it seems interesting to watch, then it seems boring, then interesting again, then boring again. I got really tired watching it and dropped after 6 episodes. Basically I was forcing myself to watch it. It has tory to be told, but tells nothing, everything seems fast forwarded. Sure there are many animes like that, but at least they don't make it soo boring in the end. Any way wouldn't recommend. Jun 27, 2024
Isekai within an isekai. That's the only difference between this anime and many other Isekai anime.
Even though it was somewhat enjoyable to watch, but kinda meh.... If it were a bigger anime, like at least 16 episodes at least, it would have been more fun to watch. It's just an Isekai anime with slow life kind of theme. That's it. After watching so many Isekai anime, characters don't feel Unique. The story somewhat lacks content. It feels like only a couple of months of the characters' life were told. I doubt anyone would enjoy this anime much, if they have watched many anime, but ... Jun 17, 2024
Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru
There are pros and cons, but I Give 10/10 For the original and very healthy story. I would give Oscar to this.
Spoiler-free review with all pros and cons: This anime is the true definition of Love. There is not much romance, but it shows what true love should be like. I feel jealous of them as all the characters in the anime. Because Today people lack the concept of true love, and as said the main pro is the Concept of love, "will always love till death does you apart". It's So touching, it's so cute, it leaves you with positive and fuzzy feelings ... Feb 15, 2024
Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro
Spoilers are a bit below.
Let's start by if I would recommend it or not. It's a mixed answer. Those who like drama, would like it, so Drama tag should be added in genres. I don't want to spoil it much, but not everyone will enjoy it. At first it seems like love story with simple drama and you would enjoy the story, but as you watch more and more episodes, it is hard hinted that it is becoming quite dark. Above text also seems like a spoiler in a way, because there is no drama genre included, but trust me it gets quite dark and ... Feb 13, 2024
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Fine
Even though I wrote a high score, I kinda feel negative about the movie. Warning contains spoilers. don't read if you don't want to get spoiled.
2 seasons were amazing, I loved the whole game development process and the actual character development relationships between them, but the ending was kinda shocking. Honestly whole show was good, I was also expecting Megumi to develop feelings, but I was hoping she wouldn't. Even if she would, I would prefer the show to end without a proper ending, like keeping the audience guessing who would he end up with. Why? Because Eriri and Tomo actually had proper relationship ... Jul 11, 2022
Kawaii dake ja Nai Shikimori-san
Here is an honest review. I barely write any reviews, but the low score by others made me write one.
Let me point out that most people probably wrote a low score because of jealousy. Probably most of them thought "guy that is so useless, how did he get such an amazing GF, while I haven't" The main moral of the story probably is "True love exists when you really love a person for who (s)he is, you don't search for his(her) weaknesses or judge by appearance." It's hard to find a person who is kind and trying their best for others. This anime could serve as an ... Sep 7, 2020
At first, it seemed interesting. Fun to watch. when I reached the halfway point, it started to get boring, in the end, the story got boring. It left me empty - "Why did I even watch it again?"
That's the question it left inside me. The art style was good, The idea seems good, but as if the writer didn't know how to continue, and feels like a half-finished story. I was expecting more. Didn't enjoy it in the end. As for MC male, what was his point in the show? He did basically nothing. Either the Anime Part is very bad made or the actual ... |