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Sep 26, 2022
Sigh, where do I begin with this one.....
Does this anime have anything to offer? Does this anime do anything unique? Does this anime do anything to set it apart from the countless other power-dream isekai anime? The answer to all of these is a big fat no, this anime does nothing special, offers nothing special, and gets lost in the dramatic flow of all the other anime's of the same genres. Starting off with it, it seemed like it was going to try to go the Konosuba route and play a parody of the genre. That got squashed rather quickly. Then it seemed like it
was going to go the farming route, having a character start out rather weak with the potential of big stacks later on. Hahaha no. This is just your normal Isekai powerful mc with an ever-building harem.
So getting into the actual critiques now that I've done nothing but complain about it.
The anime's plot is your generic fantasy, isekai trope in which our main character is chosen for one reason or another to be transported into another world based on the wisdom of a religious deity. In return for going over, our main character must forfeit all of his memories and start life anew, kinda new but nothing special. What throws this entire situation out the window, however, is that as soon as waking up in the new world, our hero says "Guess I've been Isekai'd," completely ruining the initial set-up of memory loss as established by the show. Not a good start. The new mc has a constant skit in which he cringes at the transgressions the old him made. While this can be potentially be used to comedic effect, it means absolutely nothing as we never met the main character before he lost his memory, making these interactions pointless as we have no basis to compare the two selves.
In the beginning of the story, the main character starts off at level one and goes through the struggles of fighting monsters at the same level. In a smart move, the hero gets his butt handed to him by the monsters initially, keyword being initially, after a few missed swings and getting knocked off his feet, he is able to read their moves and succeed. Although there is nothing inherently wrong with this matter, it is the only time we really ever seem him struggle as after this it becomes very one-sided victories. Even if the main character pronounces that the enemy was strong and the fight was a close one, it never really seems like it due to the animations or lack-there-of.
With the main character being a summoner, I thought it was something new compared to the other copy-pastas and was hoping that he would focus on being a back-line summoner support type character, like he himself says at the beginning. Sigh, no. While he does make contracts and summons, his other spells are just as powerful making him a battle-caster, ruining the entire point of him establishing himself as a summoner.
As for the art itself; the main character is rather unique compared to the generic Kirito rip-offs that every Isekai has as their main character. The higher level enemies designs are okay, nothing breathtaking but they're not CGI monstrosities like you'd see in many other Isekai. Their designs are rather bland and boring but not a copy paste, though the same cannot be said about the lower level monsters. All of the other characters are just as bland and unremarkable as a bowl full of unfrosted flakes, I mean the mc has a literal full size dagger as an earing. The side characters are just your same copy-paste face with different hairstyles, eye colors, and breast sizes. The personalities are the same tropes from all the others, and the main character himself seems to really be in his element all the time, never struggling being in a new world, never having to understand something new, the very definition of 'takes things as they comes' but to an extreme level. Also, personally I hate CGI, but I do understand it is easier and cheaper to do than cell animations, so I will not fault anime for using it from time to time. Surprisingly though, CGI is used in limited supply here and when it is used, it honestly does not look terrible at all. But man, there are some shots from this anime that look like actual trash. Like random freeze frames from early Nickelodeon shows bad.
Characters are introduced and rather than go through development for said characters, building up relationships and revealing the nature to the watcher, the anime opts for a time-skip instead. Rather than build up actual characters, the anime would rather skip the juicy bits and skip right into the girls fighting for the male lead.
Run of the mill story. Bland Characters. Power fantasy. There are some notable voice actors in here but I feel as if this was nothing more than a paycheck for them. Gotta get the whiskey on the table somehow if you want to enjoy your cereal. If you're a fan of this type of thing, a brain dead anime thats a power fantasy with a fill-in character hero, that goes through a tale with impressive powers and gets all the girls, then this is for you. If you're looking for something unique and promising, something to really tune you in, then this is very much not for you. Though I guess anime like this are really that popular, otherwise they wouldn't keep making them.
To sum up each score with the hated system:
Story: 1/10
Art: 3/10
Sound: 3/10
Characters: 1/10
Overall: 2/10, don't unfrost my flakes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 1, 2022
I'm going to come right out and say it. I didn't even like the first season all that much. I could see from a mile away that as soon as I knew the revenge storyline and saw all the chicks in the screenshot for the cover, it was obvious how it was going to turn out. Now, this season... oh lord, it's just your generic isekai with an overpowered main character. Nothing special about it. Anything and everything that the first season had going for it was completely destroyed with the introduction of this second season.
It follows your generic Isekai plotline, or at least the
plotline that used to be the most common. Now its just boobs and outfits. Major revelations that aren't that major, main character is super strong and does not have to try for anything, kidnap plot, and a crappy villain who's a villain for either the sake of being able or for a stupid and almost inconceivable reason.
To sum up the hated point system that is all too common in reviews:
Art: 5/10
Story: 3/10
Character Development: 2/10
Sound: 5/10
Overall: 4/10
The art is a definite downgrade from the previous season and the story as short-sided as the thought that Twinkies last forever. Without going into spoilers as best I can, certain villain's from the previous season make an appearance but not in the way you would except, with them giving the generic "I want to be the one to destroy you. So we must work together." the enemy of my enemy is my friend jargon. Then moving into the villain itself. Uh, honestly boring. In order to make a good villain you need to establish why he is the villain, what are their motivations, what do they wish to achieve. While this is all there with the main villain of our story here, he's motivations and plans are lackluster and make absolutely no sense. They are the "I knew all this was going to happen. Everything went right according to my plans", villain. This can work when done properly, however, in this case, it definitely was not.
There is so little character development in this season that a person without arms can count the amount of times development happens on their fingers. The season will take character developments established in the previous season and act like its an enormous event that happened then and there. None of the main characters go through any sort of struggle, as soon as a moment arises that makes you fear for the safety of one character, that fear is immediately dismissed as that character was not ever in any danger to being with, simply because of their power.
Shield Hero was a revenge story, an anti-hero-esque, outcast-type outlier that presented a unique standpoint into the isekai world for anime (not for manga), so it make sense why many anime watchers were intrigued and had their hopes up. From a personal standpoint, it should have either stayed as a outcast story or ended with season one. While I did not personally enjoy the first season that much, it was infinitely better than this season and this season honestly just taints the image of its predecessor season.
4/10. Didn't come with a side of fries.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 9, 2022
Good god was I so bored watching this one. The show was only 12 episodes but it felt like it dragged on forever. For those wondering, it's not really your generic isekai with a harem and drastically overpowered character. The main character is strong, strangely so in his world, but so far it's quite limited to what he can do in terms of his blessing.
To start off the title of Paladin in this show confuses me, typically I see Paladins as devout believers in a deity, who are more of a support tank, though this of course changes depending on the anime. But in
this anime, our mc starts off as a tank, wielding a shield and using blocks, parries, and magic as his main arsenal, then halfway through the show he completely just drops his shield and changes fighting style. Consistency is definitely not this anime's strong point.
My biggest complaints about this anime are its pacing and its characters. The first five episodes could have been completed just fine in one or two, in fact, you could easily have condensed this season into 5 episodes and accomplished the same thing to the same effect. What ended up happening are episodes and arcs that drag on for way too long and really accomplish nothing but to fill up those 12 episodes. Something dragging on forever is not something I should be complaining about in a 12 episode long anime season, you should develop your world, your characters, and set a basic plot in motion. This season spent 5 episodes simply explaining our main character and the background of the world, then after that, the next 3 are spent developing the world. If this season was a movie or a long OVA, then it would have done a much better job at developing the anime and keeping me from getting bored.
My second complaint is the characters. The main character is a whiny bitch, this is not usually something that bothers me too much, I like Deku from MHA, Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, etc. but the difference between Will and the others is that Will does absolutely nothing but whine and bitch about everything. Furthermore, the show desperately wants us to get attached to its characters but it does nothing to really show us why we should care about them.
"Oh care about her and him because they raised him", they threw her in our faces and that's about it. Take FMAB for example, the plot revolves around the brothers trying to bring their mom back to life and to care about her, it shows us just how much she meant to the duo. In this anime, they simply seem like acquaintances, yes the mc cries over them, but he cries of everything else too.
"Care about the elf because he's the mc's friend" No he's not, the mc literally says they aren't friends, and they never give him a personality trait besides standoffish. That's not a personality, that's a singular trait, it cants define a character. Sasuke from Naruto was dark, edgy, and standoffish but he had a reason to be. The elf is just because he is.
The art is okay. It was nothing special and neither was the score, to be honest. The characters are bland-looking and so are the colors, and the whole anime simply seems to be "muffled". There's nothing wrong with having typical looking main characters, though usually, anime does do something to set them apart from the others, the only ways this anime separates is through the mc having ginger (not bright red) hair and slightly bigger eyes, the other mains are seen as mains cause ones an elf, ones a halfling, ones an old man, that's it. The art, music, and sound, are bland. When you get to the enemies as well, they're all bland as well. They use CGI a lot for the enemies, which isn't inherently bad if they weren't just so choppy and boring.
There is a second season coming out, so hopefully, this will give them the chance to expand on their world and story, and redeem themselves from this season, but I honestly don't have high hopes for it.
3/10, boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 5, 2022
Isekai has definitely been a vastly overused, over-popular, trope-filled with crap anime and a few diamonds in said piles of shit. From the get-go, I could already tell this anime was going to be another dumpster fire but I trekked on regardless.
The biggest thing that has always dumbfounded me with the isekai genre is the people who are transported. I know the reasoning behind the people is to have them be like the people that enjoy this genre like the otaku from Muskoku Tensei but the reasoning never ever made sense to me. In Konosuba at least it made sense because they reincarnate multiple people
but why reincarnate a lazy good-for-nothing as the hero? So they can live out their fantasy? Sounds like a loud of bullshit to me. Then you got this anime, where the person being reincarnated was the best assassin in the true world, at least it makes sense, that is literally the only thing this anime has going for it.
I will give the anime props by going through some darker themes such as human trafficking as presented in the first and later episodes but that in itself also falls into the isekai trope of all the villains just being rapists. Furthermore, one of the main girls who was in that position could have had some major character development but they completely ruin any chance they had with her by simply making her the number 2 in the main character's harem. It's just a load of hot do-do.
The art is the same copy-paste style that's in every single anime these days, remove the hair, change all the eyes to black and they all look the exact same. The main character is just another "enter op mc here" style that's just a copy-paste from SAO and Smartphone Isekai. There is absolutely no originality put into this anime and you can tell from episode one. I truly can't think of a single thing I liked about this anime or that made it stand out from the others in the genre.
If I had to say one thing, however, it would be the premise behind the main character getting resurrected. To avoid spoilers I will not say what it is but it's quite literally the only thing this anime possibly has going for it.
2/10, Dumpster Fire.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 5, 2022
Basic as basic can be. Not even worth writing a thought-out review. Don't watch unless you want to be bored to death.
Unfortunately though, due to guidelines I must make the review longer. So why is it basic? Dude is op but is not seen as op, weaker people that are not op are mad that hes op. Big titty blonde girl knows hes op and wants his seed because hes op so they fuck. Dude is op so he does op things but hes also an alchemist so now hes op in alchemy and can do an mri, brain surgery, and the most complex of
medical procedures in the 12th century. Can he really? No but hes just that op.
The dungeons are basic cause they made them look futuristic in a world that is medieval-like all the bad anime with op mc do. Big battle at end but mc is op so it lasts 3 episodes but it could have been done in 1. Did I mention that the mc is op.
The characters are boring as boring can be and constantly flip-flop from one mindset to another and act completely different in each episode. The art is lame and is nothing special, all of the actual action is done offscreen and what is on screen is basically just the standstills fighters have where they block each other's swords, grit their teeth, growl, and stare at each other.
The anime almost showed some promise by the bestowing of gifts regardless of race, sex, or social status and could have led to some very interesting premises, such as expanding on the fact that the hero doesnt want to be a hero but is forced to because her gift forces her to act, but the amount of stuff they do with this premise is absolutely minimal.
2/10, train wreck.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 5, 2022
Demon Slayer has been the focus of the "mainstream" battle for quite a bit. It is definitely the top anime next to My Hero Academia and SnK as the gateway show to get new people, especially westerners, into the anime world. People praise its art style, characters, and story greatly and consider it one of the greats of the anime universe. Many people I have seen also consider it their personality traits such as can be seen in the Harry Potter Universe or fans of astrological signs.
While there is nothing bad about liking a "mainstream" anime, and it is definitely good to see the anime
community growing, and to have anime for the less hardcore of fans, it does not really mean that the anime is altogether good just because it is popular, for example, FMAB is considered the top anime and is definitely one of my favorites, however, it is not without its own flaws.
So where does KnY fall into this rant? Well, "mainstream" and art can only get you so far, or should only get you so far, in my opinion. KnY does indeed look pretty and is a good shy-away from this one style fits all base art style that every anime these days has been using, that's about the only one of two things this anime has going for it. The anime is a shounen and as such is very closely follows the shounen story plot elements and development to a T, it does not shy away at all. From the training arc going not as planned, to the power of love and friendship, or in this case sibling-bond. There is nothing unique about this anime.
Its plot is not the only place where I really see this anime falling flat either, my biggest issue is honestly with its characters. Ranging from just plain annoying to tiresome, I couldn't get attached to, feel for, or generally, even like any of the main characters. There were some points throughout the story that took me as a surprise with the main character, such as his willingness to attack his archrival in the middle of the street, in the crowd, which truly did show his anger at his circumstances, but that's about it. The main character of the show is the exact same as any other modern shounen character, he's forced into the world one way or another, starts off as a crybaby, and then throughout the story toughens up and starts acting more like a hero, the character development is as basic as it can be. They tried throwing the characters up by having a dude wear a boar mask and another only fight while he's asleep but at the end of the day it's just the exact same as the generic angry character and the perverted character, the Bakugo and Minoru combo. Nezuko is just the Baby Yoda of the show, everywhere and annoying.
Earlier in my review, I did say there was one more element in the show I enjoyed and there was but to be honest; it was simply a single line of dialogue that got me intrigued. The world-building of KnY is simply okay, there was one line a character said along the lines of "Slayers are a dying profession and are not really considered an actual respected profession now, most people don't even believe in Demons". This one line interested me more than the entire anime and I believe that if they did more with this one line, the anime would have been a lot more interesting to me. If they had gone for a more mature overall theme and played on this line, I feel as if the anime could have been something special if done right.
At the end of the day, KnY was enjoyable and not really that bad but it is far from anything special. The hype and popularity around this anime really astounds me, especially people who say it's the best thing ever and unique, when everything in it has been done countless times before. If you want to watch it go ahead, it's worth its weight in hours but it's far from something that I would say has rewatch potential.
5/10, just okay,
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 13, 2020
Re:zero is one of those anime in which I am rather surprised it has a good score if I'm being completely honest. This has to do with the whole depth of its characters, especially one certain, widely unliked, character. The anime itself is good of course, it brings a fresh perspective to the whole world of Isekai anime and tends not to follow the usual tropes and cliches that the others do. Or at least not to the same extent to make this anime fall off into the world of obscurity. Before I go into depth in my review, which I will do my best
to keep spoiler-free, I have something to get off my chest concerning a certain character known as Natsuki Subaru...
This character I see be globally hated among the anime community and it gets me thinking why as I personally do not feel any hate towards him. Yes, he can be annoying, but what character can't? Honestly, I think people hate him simply because he's a realistic character with depth, something that is not widely seen in anime anymore (resort to "trapped in another world with my smartphone" for example).
Subaru is realistic in the sense that, like many people *cough* especially in the anime community *cough* in the sense that he has a pretty big ego. He wants people to like him and to acknowledge him. Yes, he cries a lot and whines a lot but for fucks sake, the guy has died lots of damn times and seen shit that many people would break from. I doubt that most people bitching about him could go through what he has and not cry, let alone even do what he has. Subaru is a realistic character, he cries, he fails, he whines, he strokes his ego, he doesn't want to be alone in his pain but is forced to due to the circumstances of his power. The dude suffers endlessly and somehow, only managed to break once. If you want to go see an anime with a character that is not so realistic and bland, go watch any other isekai.
Now, onto the matters of the show itself, which again I will do my best to contain spoiler-free. This is my personal opinion of course but I absolutely hate when shows are cut in half with the other half being shown months away, although due to these viral circumstances, I will ignore this fact.
The second season is good, a solid 8/10, and a really good watch, although personally, I do not feel it is as good as the first season, this could be due to half of it missing. The show continues its character depth from the first season, developing more on the backstories of the characters and giving them proper development that you would expect from a good anime. Dislike or like the characters, they are well-made and tend to have pretty realistic emotions and development, something I believe to be disappearing in the anime world as of late. The art is astounding, as usual with this show, and the sound is just as outstanding, providing the infamous witch sound and choir whenever something spooky or suffering-related is about to happen.
My biggest complaint with the second season so far, though of course, this may be simply due to the full second season not being out yet, is that I feel as if nothing has really happened in the episodes besides for some major reveals here in there. Unlike in the first season, which consisted of multiple arcs, I believe this season will simply be one major arc, the sanctuary arc. This is not a bad thing, of course, don't get me wrong, it is simply that it feels as if nothing but major reveals has happened rather than plots. If anything I feel as this season is going to be more for character development and pave the way for a third season if we are ever lucky enough to get one.
All in all, I would definitely recommend this season and the anime in general to anyone who may be interested. It is definitely a ride, I'll give it that. Some feels, some hate moments some disturbing ones, it's a good quality show with some decent depth to it. A nice change of pace for someone trying to get out of the basic isekai or the "My Hero Academia is the only good anime" mindset.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 3, 2020
I am writing this immediately after having seen it in theaters. Went with my friends and we all were upset with how it turned out. I was completely disappointed with this movie, having expecting some on the early MHA levels, like the previous movie; I was just let down.
Bad News first:
My major complaint with the movie is just how freakin predictable everything about it is. From the fights to just everything. I knew exactly how everything was going to turn out the second it started. The hero fights the villain, another hero intervenes, both lose. Then enter the end of the movie, the villain returns,
heroes fight, and push the villain back just barely. Villian releases final form, hero's release final form. Hero's win but just barely cause at the end, they're all beaten up, unconscious, get some words out but end up slipping into the cold black of sleep.
There you go. I just told you the entire plot of the movie word for word, scene by scene.
Now with some spoiler, so don't read past here unless you don't care.....
First off the villain, the main baddie. Completely just basic. Usual cliche "create a world in my image" guy and they took the basic a step further with the whole "power will rule" motto that only the kool guys are in to, you know the reeeaaaallll edgy ones. Yeah. That. I was so completely underwhelmed by him. Well I was underwhelmed by just about everything to be completely honest. But yeah, the villain is straight meh, and for a superhero show, the villain makes the show. Shiguraki was in there but you could easily tell the two scenes he had were nothing more than just to hype him up for the future arcs cause his screentime is next to pointless, kinda.
Another complaint I had was the whole ending to the whole fight as well. Basically just a Dragon Ball Z reference with the main characters. Spiky Hair pointed straight up into a tip on both Deku and Bakugo, Deku's hair turns blue and Bakugo's turns yellow. They literally just went super saiyen, that's quite it. All of it was because Deku transferred One for All to Bakugo, which speaking of, that whole mess had the most predictable ending as well because OF COURSE it doesn't actually transfer over cause dead people said "no".
To sum up the bad stuff. The plot is extremely predictable. The villain is just meh, there's no tension whatsoever, and everything was so underwhelming.
Sigh..... Now for the good stuff:
The art and sound is good. That's it. It's MHA, didn't know what you expect. Art is phenomenal as usual and the sounds and voice acting are great.
The movie was not bad, don't get me wrong. But at the same time, it wasn't good either. It was okay and just okay. 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 18, 2020
Solid 5/10, perhaps a 4/10 but I'm going to be generous and give it a 5 as I have seen worse anime with a higher rating. So uh where to begin? Is this season bad? No. Then is this season good? No. Honestly, I'm rather stuck where to put most of this. I have thoroughly enjoyed the other seasons of this anime and was looking forward to getting more sequels but this one should not have been one. I have been extremely confused and rather irritated at how most of the shows nowadays are all 12-13 episodes, it's not that big of a deal but
where it bothers me is when a show releases, let's say a second season. A 12 episode second season. You watch it and you feel like that it isn't a second season. Then 2 months later in the seasonal section you see *enter anime here* season part 2. Then you're just sitting there like "what?"
Well, that's basically what has happened with this anime. Why can't you just release it all at once? It would make sense if the source was not far along enough but with Shokugeki no Souma, the manga was finished by the time this season started airing. The Fourth plate is not a season. It should not be a season. The story, the pacing, everything about The Fourth plate belongs in the middle of a 24 episode season because that is exactly how it feels like it should be. It begins exactly in the middle of the conflict, continuing on from the previous season. Literally, no joke, right immediately into the dramatic conflict. This should have been part of Season three, otherwise, everything seems out of wack. The pacing is severely slow but at the same time I feel like it is for no reason, let me explain.
Shokugeki no Souma is a cooking anime. Season's 1 through 3 showed them cooking, detailed scenes about the cooking, the ingredients, the frustration (if any) as well as the person eating the dishes ecchi or shounen like reactions. It was good, it was enjoyable, that was made this series so enjoyable. HOWEVER, The Fourth Plate does not do any of that. Unlike the previous seasons, there is no focus on cooking. They start cooking, the evil chefs insult the main characters, one or both are done, the judges eat, decide the winner and the show moves on. Very rarely do they even focus on the cooking, most of the time the scene immediately goes from starting the cooking to done and it's like "What are you even doing?". I was very disappointed with this season.
Moving on from that rant, a lot of people said that they felt the animation quality went down. I don't really feel that way. The mix of terribly slow and terribly fast pacing at the same time, as well as the not focusing on the cooking as the previous seasons did, may have felt to some as if the animation quality went down but, personally, I don't feel that way.
The whole season focuses on one shokugeki between the rebels and the new elite ten. With this story shattering competition, you would think that you would feel some sort of tension as you're not quite sure whether or not the main characters would actually be able to pull through, as this show does a good job of not making the main characters invincible in battle BUT the tension is 0. I felt no tension whatsoever, the pacing is just that bad. Even when one of our "heroes" lost their battle, nothing. The pacing is just awful.
My overall jurisdiction over this season? Watch it immediately after, and as part of the Third Season, not as a fourth.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 8, 2020
I will try and keep this as spoiler-free as I can.
So, before this anime started airing and was simply showing up on the MAL homepage as an upcoming anime for the season, I skipped over it due to its cover picture since from that I had pretty much summed up the entirety of the show. Was I wrong after having watched it? Eh, I would have to say more no than yes. I started watching this anime out of sheer boredom, using it as nothing more than a time-waster. I will divide this review into two halves since I was divided upon watching this anime.
the first half, and in turn the first half of the show as well. For this part, I would give it a solid 7/10. It was nothing special don't get me wrong but I would not go so far as to say that it was not enjoyable. The characters are basic, their art is basic, their personalities are basic but for this half, that's not where this anime shines. Where this anime, for this half, gets its points is in its comedy. Watching the first set of episodes, going along with the Hero and his Goddess as they uh.... as they... I guess I would say watching them do whatever it is that they're doing. Leveling I guess. Anyhow, the comedy is great and I had more than a good couple of laughs watching. In the art, where the characters were low tier, the quality of the "special effects" and the faces the characters make, was also something that got this half it's 7/10 rating for me. If you need a new profile picture, you could definitely pull from here. Also, I find that in anime that much of the sound effects used in anime is somewhat lackluster but if my memory serves me correctly I was rather pleased with the overall sounds.
Unfortunately, from there on is where I would have to say the good qualities end. As the show dragged on, I found myself getting dragged on as well and struggling to watch each episode more and more. For anime such as this, in the 12-13 episode time slot, the endings are so much more than predictable. There will always be a damsel in distress episode(s) and the last 2-3 episodes will always most certainly be the final boss battle or the boss battle to lead up to a possible next season. For the second half of the anime, I would give it a 4/10. I do like how throughout the show there were hints given to the main character and at the ned, there was a revelation but I was not surprised at all with what happened regarding the Hero. For this section, the comedy also died for me. The show started to try and take on a more serious tone to wrap everything up and with that I found myself laughing less and less, which is what got me interested in the beginning. The anime, like the characters, returned to basic. The character's actions seemed exactly what any main character of an anime of these genres would do and I just found myself just overall disappointed. I knew how the ending would go from the get-go considering the plot of the show but having a good action comedy in the beginning rather ruined the rest of it for me. Also, the ending was really overdramatic to me.
Overall, if I were to combine both halves into one single score, it would be a 5/10. The Overcautious Hero has good comedy elements in it, I laughed good and hard at some points but it was the development of the story and the change of overall genres (the erasing of the comedy aspect) that killed it for me and returned it to a basic anime. But then again, this is all just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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