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Feb 11, 2021
Idol anime aren't really something I've seen too much of, even though I love watching musicals in general. The original Love Live was actually the first idol anime I have seen, so there isn't much of a reference for me on if this actually was any good or not, besides my personal enjoyment of things, so my rating for Sunshine comes mostly from that personal point of view on what makes the show enjoyable for me.
Story (7/10):
The story might be the biggest weakness of Sunshine. Too much of the time is about trying to follow the nine muses of the original and catch the shining
light of them. Most of the time it's about trying the same things in a different setting and only near the end, they finally try to go their own way.
Art (8/10):
There isn't much negative to say about the look of Sunshine. The 3d stuff finally better and the rest is great to look at anyway, so I would have only prefered less of the 3d stuff in the dance numbers, but it's still really good.
Sound (9/10):
I actually liked most of the songs and the voice actors did a great job. Nothing really to say here.
Characters (9/10):
I believe that the characters are what makes Sunshine better to me. Yes, they don't seem like more than the original girls, but their interactions and reactions to things feel better to me. While µ's always had their happy-go-lucky charm, which made them pretty much win anything, Aquors has it much harder and actually loses at most things. They are sad, they cry, but together they never give up. Fitting the title of the show, the girls shine thanks to their faults and instead of going for the top, they are just happy with turning that 0 into a 1. To me this makes Chika a better leader and her group into something I want to follow and see develop. That's also where most of my enjoyment comes from. Yes there is more drama, but it's always used to have the characters grow and try to become better. It's not about being the best school idol group, but about being best friends.
Overall (9/10):
While I would have prefered the story to be more of its own thing, it's actually used in the end to have the characters grow into their own kind of school idol and I'm looking forward to more of that in Season 2. For now I think that this was just slightly worse than Season 2 of the original, but I was definitely happy with what I got.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 12, 2020
When I started to watch Rent-a-Girlfriend, I actually thought this would be something pretty fun, as I didn't have a problem with the general idea of the show and it seemed like a lighthearted romance show to begin with. Sadly I was absolutely wrong about that.
Story (5/10): The story of the show is pretty easy to begin with, but it never really develops from that point and instead turns into your typical bullshit of all the girls falling for the same guy, but no one really wants to say a damn word about anything, so they all just pretend and pretend and pretend. While it
can be charming at moments, I stopped caring mid-season and had to force myself through the show.
Art (8/10): One of the things that made it easier to force myself through the show was the art. It's a great looking show and all the girls are super cute.
Sound (10/10): Actually the standout here for me. A wonderful Opening and Ending song (especially the ending to episode 7), great background music and all the VAs are perfectly chosen. If just the rest of the show would even be half as good as this.
Character (2/10): But there is this massive flaw with the show, which are the characters. There's a few interesting characters in here, but even those have big flaws, that just exist to make the show more annoying.
If I'd have to name the more interesting characters, I'd easily begin with Kibe. He's barely in the show, but seems to be the only friend to actually care about our MC and his speech to Chizuru was the best moment of the whole season. It was the one moment, that seemed to show of some character depth and it was for someone, who rarely ever is around.
The shy Sumi may be super cute, but she only really appears for one episode, so she doesn't have any chance to really grow and become interesting. Then there is Ruka, who becomes obsessed with the MC. Why do we only get to know the real Ruka as part of a credits montage though? There seems to be a real interesting character here and if she'd talk once honestly with the MC, she might actually have a chance.
Then there's our female lead Chizuru. Whenever it's the real her, she actually seems like an interesting person, but since she and Kazuya never share an honest moment together, all of it feels bland. It's obvious that she fell for him, just as it is obvious that he is into her, but they prefer to keep their fake game going for whatever shit reason.
And then there are the other two characters. On one side we have the reason for all this to happen. Ex-girlfriend Mami is someone I seriously dislike for how she acts around other people and what we see of her, whenever she is alone. She broke up with the MC and yet the first thing she wants to do, as she sees him with another girl, is get them to break up. I don't care if she may actually still have feelings for him. She broke it off and has no rights in acting like this.
But even she isn't the worst of the bunch. Kazuya himself is such an annoying character, who's just so obsessed with Chizuru, that most of his actions actually seem poisonous. He's stalking her (and he's incredibly poor at that, as he always is found out), is super jealous and at the same time falls for the next best thing to have. He was fine with straight up going for Mami, even when on a pretend-date with Chizuru. Yet for some reason, he can't get himself to ever give Ruka the chance she deserves.
Overall (4/10): It's a great sounding and really good looking show, but I can't get myself over the characters and story progression. I was so damn near to giving up after episode 8. I don't even care if this may turn better with following seasons, as I'm done with this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 11, 2020
I didn't really expect too much from "Okusama Ga Seitokaichou!" as I mostly watched it on a whim, since I'm on an ecchi trip at the moment. But I got great enjoyment out of it and was overall very happy with giving it the short time it took, as the episodes are only 8 minutes each.
Story (7/10): The story is pretty basic and is just there to force our two main characters into a romantic relationship from the very beginning. The parents promised to each other, that Izumi and Ui would marry each other and that's why they now have to live together. This is
definitely nothing special, but it works and offers us many cute, funny and enjoyable moments.
Art (9/10): There's nothing about the art to be unhappy about. The characters are distinctive and everything looks really nice, but it shines the most, when the show goes to its lewd moments and offers us squishy tits and butts. Cute when it needs to be cute, sexy when it wants to be sexy and funny when it wants to be funny.
Sound (7/10): The sound is pretty normal on this one. The voice acting is good, but nothing outstanding (though Ayana Taketatsu really brought Ui to life) and the squishy sounds are wonderfully squishy. But there isn't anything really special about this.The Opening and Ending Themes are nice too.
Character (7/10): This would be where my biggest problem lies. Ui is a wonderful character and the heart of the show. Even with barely any time per episode, she always gets moments to grow and make her POV clear. She's incredibly cute and just a great character.
Izumi on the other hand feels like a douche to me. Even though he was forced into a situation he doesn't want to be in, I'd would have prefered it much more if he'd giving it more of a chance. He never had a girlfriend, so it would have been more interesting to see him accept, but use something like a deadline ("Let's try to make this happen, but if we both didn't fall in love with each other in X months, then we break this off"). While this might have killed the comedy aspect of him fighting against it - which happens from the very beginning - it would have allowed for more comedic moments of them trying to fall for each other and discover romance together. And there'd still be the other characters to have weird moments with.
And then there was Rin as the last bigger character. She's the only side character to actually get some character growth and who might be of romantic interest for Izumi, but her fight against Ui never grows above "holding hands is evil" and most of her interaction with Izumi grows out of a misunderstanding/lie. She might be an interesting character, but she doesn't get enough moments to actually turn into something interesting.
Besides that there is catgirl Niikura, Rin's lewd sister Kei, Ui fangirl Karen and Sawatari, who likes to stand below Rin's boobs and often pees herself. There really isn't much to say about these one note characters.
Enjoyment (8/10): I enjoyed the one note characters, the fights between Rin and Ui and I especially enjoyed Ui and how she tries to win over Izumi, but I wasn't much a fan of the subplot between Rin and Izumi and the same goes for the main plot surround Izumi not wanting to marry Ui. Both took a bit of enjoyment out of an otherwise great show (according to me). The short runtime, the incredible cuteness and the many cute-lewd moments still made it worthwhile to me though.
Overall (8/10): Pretty much as said in the Enjoyment part, I had much fun with this, but there were two plotlines, that just didn't really work for me. I would have prefered less of angry Izumi and more of them actually openly trying to get things done, but there were many elements to the show, that made me like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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