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Oct 21, 2022
It was a very bland show. Just barely watchable at most times. The jokes were always stale to the point of being bad. They relied too much on the shows premise in a bad way, it really isn't that interesting how everything unfolds.
The show feels like a bad rip-off of sayounara zetsubou sensei, especially the main character, just with a more positive vibe, which didn't work out at all for it. There were times I wanted to give it an average rating (5) but then they remind me why I choose not to right after.
The characters were average at best, most times it felt
like a group consciousness thing, instead of them being individual characters. The main, his editor, and the kid are probably the most eccentric and interesting to watch due to the situations it provides. However, even they are not great. The main just constantly overexaggerates on his anxiety which I found didn't connect into proper comedy scenes usually. Just ridiculous delusions. Meanwhile, the girl is only there to provide cute interactions and emotional investment, oh and for the main joke, which isn't funny, not just because it doesn't really matter, but with the way they handle it. The editor is probably the best when he's not being too complacent or mixed in the fray of the group consciousness.
The ending I found to be a very forced situation, the fact he couldn't recognize her after what, a few years? Didn't even see the similarities? Must've loved her so much... This whole situation put the score down to 3 and like they said in the episode, "it's a cliché that wouldn't work even in a manga" (unless done well) which was not the case here. The fact they referenced it like that felt like they were trying to just push off any seriousness of the situation to make it acceptable. I would not recommend this show. Unless, your here just for the relationship between father and daughter, there should be some enjoyment there if you can put up with the rest of the elements.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 27, 2022
The story here seemed nonexistent and didn't connect in the end. It mostly about recruiting strong troops and then it was led by actions taken only to help lead the demon inside of our protagonist out. There were Kings with more than a few screws loose that somehow command unwavering loyalty from their troops. The first king was the most pathetic but can be forgiven. The second seemed better at first but was only after hakurous demon form, ignoring all of his other affairs, because he wasn't interested. Somehow, he commanded his troops to kill groups of civilians with no respite from them like it
was the natural thing to do. The last king was just a brat being controlled by her elders, the second her support stepped away for a day, she was swayed into exterminating all of the countries in order to "unify" them. This along with hakourous rapid addition of insanely overpowered soldiers is ridiculous. The enemy troops are weak and trifling in comparison with no commandeers or even half strong warriors. The few that were defected to hakourous side shortly after.
The show lacked very much in world and character development. The fight scenes weren't anything special nor does it show much actual combat. Leaving much to be craved for enjoyment for this type of show and it doesn't help the character development since its one of the main aspects of their lives. The characters were dull but had potential, yet they weren't fleshed out nearly enough. The lives of the Enemies were barley shown and their motives were hardly explained leaving it to be pretty shallow. A longer run time for character and world development could have helped immensely.
Now... The ending was just a massive disappointment. I get the gift from the gods bestowed upon the one clan isn't actually supposed to be mechas, they are some other similar creation which are probably alive, explaining the flesh and blood however... seriously!?!?? Mechas!?!?! These mechas got destroyed with a single slash each time, one from a scratch, another lost its arm and apparently that meant death, until the last one left fought hakourous demon form taking a beating greatly contradicting the actions from before. Hakouros backstory would be acceptable if it wasn't so abruptly add it in at last second without explaining a thing. They also added in guns there too destroying the setting the show is based on.
The biggest value contributing to any enjoyment is in the fact it's a show i watched from back when i was young.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 10, 2022
Umibe no Etranger gave the vibe of being something that could be better than most when I first saw it. Contrary to my belief it left me unsatisfied in the end. The plot developed way to fast it felt like it skipped all the major developments. One second they meet, the next their holding hands, the next one of them goes away for years, then comes back and basically gets at it right away. I feel it didn't show any bonding/development till after the fact. Just a random pile of events which are not great. The short run time didn't help either. I read a
review stating this anime is just fanservice for the manga readers. Not worth the watch IMO.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 16, 2021
Dull, weak, cliche characters. Medicore fight scene, after fight scene. Story nonexistent. Some bullshit wannabe plot twist near the end, most of was predictable, like how the Eva were created, and without clearing anything up, they do two episodes of psychotic acid trip therapy sessions for each character until the mains turn. Hardly explored characters I'm not attached to one bit screaming about there problems in a black background and repetitive transitioning of the same sequences. Speaking of, the scenes were shot poorly, it had times where minutes passed where everything was still while people were talking. It started nowhere, a boy is the only
one destined for the Gundam, fights scenes and random scenes, major animation cut at the end, and then it ended nowhere. The rating for this series on this site shocks me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 3, 2021
I am baffled by the rating and reviews on this series. We start off being introduced to some weird family that talks in circles and loops, saying the same thing in twenty different ways, in a fast paced suffocating manner. A knock on the door leads to a conspiracy theory of bullshit where it took the main 30 minutes to open the door, to somehow still find the person (a time traveling granddaughter) still waiting.
Characters would stay bashed against a window, leaning against the air, *the the window is bashed out* for a five minute scene while some wanna be coca-cola spokesmen,
time traveling security agent, still spouting pure nonsense with his arms ticking back and forth in the motion of a clock, as if that was suppose to be a joke. For one episode, every time a misses was asked something, a light is shun on her and she gets up to say a word, to sit back down. Yea, just hilarious... not the way it was done here. Random and forced.
I didn't expect anything of the animation, but the bit of fluid movement that there was, was wasted on pointless scenes. yet, they couldn't move buddy away from the window, they can turn their heads and respond, but still be stuck to the window.. as this lanky pedophile dances around.
The plot is dull and a cliche mess, if there was comedy in the show, it was over-exaggerated and i never notice anything to be funny... maybe a few scenes made me go "that wasn't as horrible as i thought" Most of it was just random squabbling that almost that went on for what felt like decades. One scene which almost lead to a golf club and baseball bat fight between father and son was so abrupt it was stupid. Then, oh god. The super annoying mother pops out of her room, B**ching and complaining the whole time for someone to answer the door. Which still took a good half hour to accomplish
This isn't for old time lovers or veteran anime watchers, i am basically both. This series is just for people who have specific tastes. To me, this was a special kind of torture.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 24, 2021
The series starts off flinging Sei into another world almost immediately after the first episode begun, leaving no time for any background information or character build up to leave us invested. They then skipped the scene when she was summoned and the events that occurred, only referring to it a few episodes later, which seemed to hold some valuable connections. The fact they were only referencing to it then felt off and made me check to see if i didn't start on the second episode by mistake.
The plot was rushed and felt like it didn't go anywhere and could use a second
season for that purpose. The animation was decent, it fit the style of the show and the peaceful vibe it gave. I found the actions seemed looked kinda out of place. The characters were all pretty enjoyable, but i did dislike aira and how a lot of general interactions were shown that added nothing. The whole show felt like a filler and didn't have much depth to it but it was done well and i have hopes for the second season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 12, 2021
Hiromiya is a peaceful / slice of life / comedy which focused on the characters profoundly. Each character had some great development scenes and all the main characters ended up impacting you in a way you just couldn't dislike them. The main characters relationship actually flourished, pretty early on at that, but i find it didn't develop their relationship much after that but focused on other character development and comedy aspects. The characters were interesting whilst the show ended up being pretty funny at times.
Hiromiya stayed entertaining throughout yet i found i couldn't watch many episodes back to back or they would start
getting dull, probably just my preference for the genre. It was a nice series overall, another season could be great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 26, 2021
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin - The anime was very well done. The story focuses on a group of teenagers who end up in confinement where they are then abused by the guard Ishihara the whole time. During this time it shows Aniki teaching his new cellmates, turtle, jou, mario, cabbage, uncover and soldier life lessons while building the bond of true friendship. It was done in a very captivating sequence that made you feel for each character.
After they manage to be set free, disaster came rolling in as Ishihara was keen on keeping his secret. The scene with Ishihara and the result was
emotional and gave a lot of insight about the characters but i find the next scene right after ruins all that and ended up done in a half assed way. I would have liked for Aniki to watch jous match instead of meeting up with sasaki. The same result would have happened, it would've felt better and made more sense but either way it worked.
With that the next arc to the story begins: where you could see that the characters have matured by the actions they took, besides the one who still had a bit of learning to do (uncover) :p. This arc mostly focuses on the struggles and hurdles the group has to overcome to realize their way of life and was done in an extraordinary manner. With reference to the bombings.
A few random comments: With the narrator popping up throughout each episode building up the suspension / emotions it made it kind of hard to tell if the episode was ending i find. But that's nothing.
I really liked the main character "Sakuragi, Rokurouta" or "aniki" and was very sad with his story. The anime could have ended with the first arc honestly and to me it kinda did.
The start of the show felt rushed even if they could fit all the major scenes about the story in one recap episode. I feel they could have fleshed more out, the characters, situation, etc. Thankfully the second arc does this splendidly. After re-watching for the first time in like ten years i was glad i continued through and was not disappointed by the anime in whole.
I also re-watched most of this on LSD so... there's that. I am recently new to reviewing and hope this review is done well enough to give someone the motivation to check out this amazing series!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 7, 2021
Otogizoushi was divided into two different arcs that felt like separate series with almost no explanation. The first arc i ended up not liking very much and stopped watching two episodes before the end. All i remember now from it is that it was in the medieval war setting and they are on a quest to obtain a stone. when i came back and continued the series it didn't seem nearly as bad as i thought as lost as i was.
The second arc felt less serious more of a slice of life, comedy, mystery. It was about Hikarus search for her missing brother while
helping her (tenant?) Tsuna with his work of odd jobs related to the occult that later on tied in, how i felt was loosely, with the overall plot-line. The characters were portrayed well enough to attract your interests and were developed fine.
The character designs seemed rough and could have been better. What stuck out most were the faces. Their was a lot of features to their faces however most of the time they were motionless or when they weren't it wouldn't show it correctly like the kid Kintaros face while he was happy, it looked very creepy. The fight scenes on the other hand were fluid and not bad at all.
Being i hardly remember the first arc i plan to re-watch it at some point. I feel like the show had a good story to it but didn't capture the potential with the abrupt arc switch leaving it on a cliffhanger, while the slow and almost unrelated second half resolved very little. Otogizoushi is a decent title.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 5, 2021
I would like to give this show a 4/10 because the characters became enjoyable overtime even though they didn't flesh them out much. The main character is made out to be fool throughout the show but it is also shown that he is actually observant and charismatic, which everyone gets to realize eventually. The comedy was only decent at times IMO.
What was wrong with the series is that i found the plot to be lacking and boring, maybe even confusing whilst it was also being shown in poor animation. with that and how the fighting was implemented I could get zero enjoyment out
of the fight scenes, it looked like it was jumping from picture to picture (like they were teleporting) making it not at all fluent.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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