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Ookami ni Kuchizuke
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Uso Kano
They both start with fake girlfriends where the girl actually loves the guy. The guy takes a while to figure out his own feelings and the two of them are just really similar to each other.
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Kitchen no Ohimesama
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I am surprised no one made a recomendation of these two yet. Both main characters in Kitchen Princess and Rockin' Heaven have very loveable characters that are too meddlesome for their own good. Story-wise I can't really say they are similar, but I can see some similarities such as how anyone would fall for the main girl or how they make friends so easily and how they love to help each other out. They saved relationships between the guys and their family and someone in both manga dies! There were lots of possible love triangles going and and both girls do their best in getting the guy that they wanted, as for it they succeeded, there is only one way to find out! Read it and explore the adventures both girls go through!