This is a shoujo manga that has a male lead as the protagonist, told from his point of view it deviates from the standard shoujo genre.
The story is not that unique though, a handsome misunderstood playboy boy falls in love with a not-so poor but feisty girl who tries to win her heart. But I am enjoying reading this, for me I think the best thing about this manga are the characters. They are all likable and the female lead though feisty is not overbearing nor annoying, her longtime one-sided crush is quite painful to see but she holds herself strong and is quite
Aug 8, 2015
Akuma de Koi Shiyou
Okay this is the first manga I have read from this mangaka that led me to her other work (Haru Matsu Bokura) which I'm currently enjoying but that's for another discussion.
For some reason I really like this mangaka's style, the art is pretty and her storytelling is quite funny even though it's the typical cliched shoujo stuff. But I guess the way the setup of the story was executed a bit different with how the leads met and their background story. It does not mean that it was good though because I felt that the resolution was done so fast/rushed. I guess it couldn't ... |