This is a short fantasy anime with elves, magic, and priests with some parody elements. It's on the comedy side. The story follows a priest who leaves his religious order to go a region called "G" which is taboo. In this mysterious region, some sort of truth would be revealed. However, since it's a very short adaptation, it's naturally incomplete and only one small introductory arc is covered.
Weak points: very incomplete story. 90's gags that you may not like. The fights are mainly spell-casters chanting spells at each other.
Strong points: art looks okay if you like 90's anime girls and dark elves.
I checked this anime
Jun 24, 2023
Tengoku Daimakyou
A post-apocalyptic sci-fi full of action, mystery, and sexual themes. It follows a pair of protagonists on a quest through Japan after some event leaves society in ruins. They scavenge and take odd jobs while they travel around. And they strange fight monsters that have started appearing around. Why did society collapse? Where the monsters come from? Will they finish their quest?
Weak points: unappealing & peculiar art style/character design. Lackluster ending. Strong points: realistic action/fight scenes against real dangerous enemies that require wit and strategy. Varied characters, relationships and settings featuring people striving to have a life in the ruins. Content warning: several plot points are about ... Jun 17, 2023
A short light hearted ecchi comedy about traps. This is a NSFW anime with panty bulges! The protagonist is forced to crossdress by multiple school girls in order to repay loans. There are other crossdressers in the show.
Weak points: the otaku humor may not be your thing. The character design may be off-putting. Strong points: pink-haired femboys. Content warning: this is a fetish show so don't watch it if you're not into crossdressing to begin with. This anime is just too much for me. It's unbashed comedy about traps/crossdressing. I'd prefer it if it went for pretty instead of funny, with more beautiful designs instead of cliches, but ... Jun 16, 2023
Vampire Hunter D (2000)
An absolutely gorgeous Castlevania-esque action anime with some sci-fi lore mixed in. It follows D and other vampire hunters in a quest to rescue a woman kidnapped by a vampire. The vampire employs several monsters with all sorts of abilities to block the hunters' path.
You don't need to watch the 80's prequel movie to watch this. They don't have anything in common except for the protagonist. Weak points: fights. The world/main character remains mostly unexplained, just like in the prequel. Strong points: beautiful traditional art. Interesting side-characters. Content warning: contains flashing lights in some points. Despite being packed with action from start to end and the protagonist using a ... Jun 16, 2023
Vampire Hunter D
A Castlevania-esque action anime with some sci-fi elements. Although it's a vampire anime, there isn't much biting. The vampires (nobles) employ a large number of varied monstrous underlings and the vampire hunters spend most of their time slaying those monsters instead.
Weak points: the world/main character remains mostly unexplained. Strong points: fights feel realistic as it's just a guy with a long sword fighting monsters. Content warning: contains flashing lights at some points. A bit gorey. There's a perverted monstress. A cool thing in this anime is that some monsters appear twice. The protagonist fights the exact same creature two times. It's not two creatures that look identical because ... Jun 16, 2023
Variable Geo
Anime adaptation of a girls-only fighting game. The fighters are all girls. The fights happen in public. The loser gets naked. Some evil mastermind is planning something.
Weak points: the story isn't very interesting. Strong points: nice hand to hand combat animation in some parts. Content warning: besides martial arts, there's some violence. Girls are stripped naked against their will. Heads are stepped on. Among the girls there's a traditional dojo martial arts fighter, a female wrestler, a dancer, a bunny girl, an analytical computer girl with glasses, a loli with robotic animal paws, and an ojou-sama with long drills. Jun 16, 2023
Ninja Mono
Cool little anime with ninjas. The plot follows 6 ninjas (3 boys and 3 girls) with different abilities on a mission and 3 villain ninjas (2 boys and 1 girl) with different abilities trying to stop them. Kunai are thrown around. There are sword fights. Even some ninjutsu.
Weak points: story/plot isn't very interesting. Strong points: ninja fights, cool character designs, music and choreography. Not much happens since the series is very short (only 2 episodes) and there aren't many fights in total but most characters are fleshed out even in the short screentime they get. The story in the anime doesn't seem to be a complete adaptation ... |