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Jan 19, 2025
One of the worst romance male leads I've EVER seen in anime.
This story had an interesting premise. In episode one, we can immediately sympathize with the free-spirited young girl who was shipped off to become future queen. Her strict teacher, her carefree parents and unsympathetic brother all played a part in her misery. This is a great set-up for a story: A girl trapped by the expectations of others. We want to see how she breaks free, and finds a new life for herself! But unfortunately, that's not how it plays out.
Her prince charming treats her like a problematic child, and strips away any
freedom she had because he "loves" her. She has refused him multiple times and is ignored. She has tried to escape and is physically carried back to her room. Everyone around her turns a blind eye or gaslights her. His behavior is not fun or endearing or entertaining to watch. I gave it the 3-episode-rule, but I can't anymore.
In a different context, this could be an interesting premise. There are plenty of villain romance stories that start in this way. However, the tone is all wrong, and they are trying to frame him as a flirty prince instead of the monster he is.
Rating: 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 21, 2024
Just finished the final episode, and I was unfortunately very disappointed. The premise of the show was interesting, the slowly budding romance was natural and sweet, and the drama and business ventures were engaging. But as the episodes continued, the animation quality declined drastically and the plot slammed on the brakes.
Firstly, the animation was never incredible, but it started out decent. However, with each episode, characters looked more off-model than not, and still-shots slowly increased. The last episode was the worst, with more than half of the episode being still-shots of some sort. Absolutely unacceptable quality.
The next drawback was the plot's pacing. The
first three episodes had good drama (though it was a bit quick in my opinion) but it helped get me hooked. However, once Dahlia's first large hurdle was cleared, there were no other hurdles in the race. I would've preferred if Dahlia built up her business without her father's favors. As of now, it feels like everyone is just helping her because she's so-and-so's daughter and they like her. Watching that isn't very interesting plot-wise. The season had 12 episodes to build to something up, either artifacts-related, business-related, or romance, but it really didn't. I'm sure with another season, this would be solved easily, but with such poor animation, I don't think anyone would want to.
Overall, I really wanted to be immersed in Dahlia's journey, but I'm so distracted by the poor animation quality that I couldn't. If this somehow gets another season, I'll watch it since the show was decent, but let us all pray for a higher animation budget.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 17, 2024
I'll get straight to the point: I like it so far! It's a combination of 'The Devil Works Part-Time', 'Kaguya-sama: Love is War', and 'My Dress-Up Darling'. More specifically, it has a similar premise and vibe to 'Devil Works Part-Time', the romance-related comedy of 'Kaguya-sama', and the sweet, but sexual tension of 'Dress-Up Darling'. If you enjoyed these three anime, then I would at least give it a chance!
Based on other reviews, this show does not follow the manga well, especially it's ecchi scenes. I would agree that this anime is definitely more romance than ecchi. However, it can get a little spicy at
times compared to pure shojo anime (I'm looking at you, Episode 5). Maybe I'll read the manga and change my mind, but as a show, I think its funny and cute! Please don't pass on this show like I almost did due to a bad score.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 30, 2023
Undead Murder farce was a refreshing change of pace.
The premise itself is already interesting: supernatural detectives solve supernatural mysteries. BUT, that itself is not enough. Unlike some other supernatural mystery shows, this one has better art direction and more interesting world-building.
Overall, this show has creative visual storytelling and art direction, especially in intense interrogations and fight scenes. This is very apparent in the first episode with its dynamic camera angles, close-ups, and colors. They don't do this the entire show, but it's used to make a visually boring scene (mostly conversations) more interesting. In particular, the interrogations in the vampire mansion (Episode 3
& 4) and the cave fight in Episode 13 were incredible. The overall art direction was my favorite part of the show and in itself worth a watch.
However, it was also fun to see a "multiverse" of sorts with famous characters like Sherlock Holmes and Phileas Fogg walking alongside supernatural beings from European and Japanese folklore. However, the show didn't slack on introducing new unique characters and groups either. They were all interwoven in a believable way, which enhanced the overall world-building.
Was this show perfect? An instant masterpiece? No, I wouldn't go that far. But as our blue Oni-boy states, "I'm nothing more than an opening act." This season is clearly just the beginning. It introduced many important places and people that will likely make a return in future seasons. If they continue their creative visual storytelling and world-building, then Act Two will be worth coming back for!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 4, 2023
Just finished the 13th episode of this...whatever it was. Wanted to spew some thoughts, because holy mama this was a doozy. The best way I can describe it is vanilla frozen yogurt. Its sweet, so its tastes okay at first, but its generic and reminds you of better things to eat. You end up finishing it just because you were almost done anyways.
Art is kinda nice, when its not moving. If it moves at all...
- It isn't apparent at first, but to avoid animation, they'll have our view distorted by a random object or hold WAY too long on a shot. This gets worse
with each episode, and once you notice, you can't unsee it. And the CGI is...oof. Its too bad since I like the art, its very distinct and pretty, but it feels like they just wanted to draw the pretty ladies than actually animate...
Story is non-existent at worst and episodic at best.
- There's no denying its basically self-inserting, pandering, fan-service to the max. Every episode is him getting a cool thing with no effort, saves hot girl(s) with thing, and then goes on a sorta date with said hot girl(s). It was fun at first, but it got old real quick. ANY hint of action or drama is pointless since Kyoya will fix it immediately. It feels more like an episodic morning cartoon than an action/fantasy anime. And the ending wasn't an ending, it was just an embarrassing CGI fight and rushed after-credits slideshow.
"So I'm disappointed, so what?"
- Overall, I wouldn't recommend. The only reasons I give it an average rating is at least its a unique premise and the art was pretty (sometimes). If you do want to watch, focus on the first few episodes since those are the best in my opinion. Just expect disappointment afterwards. This seems to be the studio's brand now, especially after the disaster of "So I'm a Spider, so what?" So much wasted potential.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 5, 2022
This story starts out as generic as it comes. A renowned hero is outcasted by humanity after saving the world. We understand that this story will follow this "fallen hero" as he re-established himself in the Demon Queen's army. After a few episodes, we know what's going to happen. This self-insert generic, arrogant MC is going to come and "fix" the flaws of the demon queen's army, establish his honor as a hero, and maybe get a little harem on the side...
But then, it doesn't.
In a single moment, you suddenly realize that what you thought would be a 'meh' anime has become a tragic
tale of purpose, friendship, and regret. THIS is what kept me watching until the very end.
There are many fantasy anime that are similar to this story, and though it shares flaws with other mediocre fantasy tropes, it had strengths that can't be ignored.
Its main strength is deception. This show knows how to string the audience along. Just like the Demon Generals, we know he's there to help them, but we don't know WHY. We know he's a hero, but we don't actually know what that means. These little mysteries keep the story engaging, and their answers changed my whole view of the entire series. After all, there were constant hints throughout that were only obvious until later. Most of my enjoyment came from being completely blind when watching, so I'd recommend also viewing it this way.
Are there flaws? Of course. Like I said earlier, the first 5 episodes are pretty generic. There are also moments that drag on a bit, are predictable, or are pretty overdramatic. Also, it would have been cool to see more of Leo interacting with the other characters, more of Leo's past, and more world-building. It's too bad since this could have been a really good show if these flaws were addressed.
Overall, I enjoyed this show, and yes, I did shed genuine tears. Despite its flaws, I think it deserves at least one watch-through since it adds a much needed twist to the generic anime fantasy genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 31, 2022
From what I've seen of other reviews, there is a fair mixture of likes and dislikes about this show. Here are some thoughts I wanted to add:
Overall, I enjoyed this show. I ended up binge-watching the entire season and felt it was worth my time. Were there issues? Sure. As others mentioned, it can be hard to blend comedy and horror and there is evidence of that. I also thought the fanservice was a bit excessive and unnecessary for the tone of the show. However, nothing dissuaded me enough to drop this. I did legit laugh many times at some of the ridiculous situations and
I thought all the monsters were creative and creepy.
This show is like a darker parallel to The Book of Friends, were we see a youth interact with youkai/monsters, except this time, these are definitely NOT friends. This tonal shift is cool to see since we see the difference in how the protagonist interacts with the supernatural.
What I truly appreciate about this show is the world building. We see her interact with not only monsters, but other mediums, spirits, and even gods?! There are so many questions left unanswered about both her situation, as well as the world. This show doesn't hold back in re-affirming that the protagonist is very alone in her situation, where mistakes can not be made. It seems like any help she receives either doesn't work, or comes with strings attached. This kept me intrigued and always wondering how is this going to end.
Worth a watch in my opinion! I can't wait to have some questions answered in Season 2!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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