SPOILERS (obviously)
First of all...trigger warning, I'm giving you. I saw it nowhere written in near sight, but the story deals with a heavy mental issue and mentioning of self-harm. I was slightly shocked, and if I saw mention of it, at least I'm prepared.
The other thing - shock value. This manga is full of it, not for the better.
I'm not sure if the effect the author was going for was supposed to be dramatic...it wasn't, I was LOLing hard at the "badass" characters and the tragic yet hilarious turns the story took every fifth or so page.
Illogical decisions, total lack of comprehending the gravity of
Jul 16, 2012
Kuimonodokoro Akira
I can't believe no-one has rated this jewel yet!
I stumbled upon this one by pure chance of combing through a list of mangas. It was put in the yaoi genre, but really, it's not about fanservice and the sweet romance one *would* expect. This is a tale of a small restaurant and the life of the workers there who want to get through the day, and hope for the best. The story, which I believe is the first of the mangaka, is very powerful, and sometimes painfully honest, about how one really has to work for a relationship to work, not just stalking someone for a ... Jul 16, 2012
Crazy for Daddy
While I was waiting for better, no, good titles to load (goddamn you slow internet T_T) I'd took a peak into this, umm, thing.
The overall experience was actually enragingly dumb. There was no story whatsoever - okay, this, I can overlook, for the sake of smexy men getting off. (there was none) The first part by itself was enough to send me flying over the edge, and I could not decide if I should cry or laugh. This is extreme, as extreme as possible."Daddy" is not simply kawaii - he looks like a damn 8-year-old! I can't really spoiler, as there is no story. Oh yeah, ... Jul 16, 2012
Calling Series
Two things I've come across in yaoi/shoujo mangas so far: first, every Japanese men are potentially gay, never REALLY angry at a surprise buttsex; and second, most of them think that stalking is a sign of undying love.
Apart from this truly cynical thought, I enjoyed Calling. It's structure reminded me of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: we come across several stories of three pairs whose lives occasionally clash. It also means that there is no conclusion to any of these, so the overall enjoyment may be flawed. The story's value lies in its novelty - I mean, it was my first time reading a (yaoi!) manga revolving around terrorist ... Jul 16, 2012
Boku no Kawaii Hito Dakara
Okay, so, the rating might have been rushed, because between "dreadful" and "fair" I really don't feel that much difference, and the manga is, indeed, this indecisive about its nature.
For starters, there seems to be a shadow of a potential storyline, lingering around for a few chapters, and then disappears without a bloody trace, leaving only the sense of wasting time. Well, the art may be better than I rated, I just didn't like the way that everyone kept having this smug expression on his face, only to be changing whenever they torture protag-chan. Protag-chan, who goes by the name of Yuuri, is plain stoopid. Really. Dumb ... Jul 16, 2012
35 do no Renai Netsu
I was really thinking about how to be fair to this manga without sounding biased or - God forbid!- prejudiced. Thing is, I haven't read THAT many (hehe) yaoi-themed works to begin with.
The story itself, despite being older than I am, is still refreshing to read without the oh-so-common, obligatory angst in yaoi nowadays (my skin is crawling just to think about it). Not to worry, it's still pretty generic, or rather nonexistent, with a touch of slice-of-life (although I still have no idea what this expression means exactly), as our protag-chan works as a pharmacist. It's cute, as well as totally neglectable. ... |