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Jan 17, 2019
"bitter, just like black coffee. But I don't dislike it." is probably what I felt when finished watching this movie.
Well, I'm late lol. But to be honest I'm actually grateful that I'm late. Why? I'll tell you later.
First of all let me give you a fair warning, this movie is NOT meant for kids. No, not because there's a R-18 or something, but it's just that you need to be mature enough to actually understand and appreciate this movie. This story is targeted for a more mature audience; adults that has already grown up to the society. Okay so if you think you're mature enough
then let me move into the second warning. This movie is NOT for those who are trying to escape reality, because this movie is the exact opposite of that. This movie depicts the boring life you have always experience in reality. You might think that I'm exaggerating but no, I'm not. If you still want to try it, then mind you that you have been warned.
Let's get a bit deeper then. What exactly is 5cm Per Second all about? This movie is not your typical grandeur happy love story. In fact it's the opposite; it's about how life goes on no matter what. At first we were introduced to our two main characters, Takaki and Akari in their childhood, although a bit fast-paced, served as a background for our story. After that we watch them as they grow up as an adult although not being together and.. that's it. And yes, I'm not joking. What's the point of this movie then if you ask? it's how it depicts our reality where sometimes things just doesn't go as smooth as we think. There's no build-up, there's no climax or some grandeur story. Life just goes on and on with it's boredom. But in the midst of that, there are some bittersweet things that we have experienced as it goes on, and the whole point of this is only to reminisce it. In this case, it's about a love that was never meant to be.
This movie was targeted to people who probably has experience those stage in life, which is probably why I can actually appreciate this story and why I was actually glad that I kept this on hold until now, as at this point I have already started to grow up to where I can actually graduate from anime anytime.
However, despite being able to express the meaning of such theme, the lack of character development might be a reason to why people couldn't get too affectionate with this movie. The lack of close-up on how they grew from their childhood until being an adult is a disappointment for me. I had hoped that they would have explored more of that in the second part rather than bringing a whole different story for it.
Nevertheless, although 5cm Per Second might not be the best, it is far from what you would call something bad. Paired with the magnificent art of Makoto Sensei and beautiful soundtrack, this movie that explored an unusual theme had given me a unique experience on watching anime. And like a black coffee, it is clearly not meant for everyone. Some might dislike it, but some might find the bitterness flavorsome.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 9, 2018
Warning: This might contain a bit of a spoiler on the plot (just the plot but not specifically)
You know how the feeling of completing one side of a rubik's cube? that is how you would feel after watching S;G. But how about completing all sides of the rubik's cube? that is what you feel after you watch S;G0.
Before I go in deeper I question people in the review section. Why would you say this is a "what if" arc? this is definitely not. Everything is connected from S;G and S;G0 making this just a completion of S;G or what you would call a "True ending".
Without this, the ending of S;G wouldn't even exist in the first place. Get your facts right please.
While S;G0 might be a sequel to S;G, it is actually not. S;G0 is just a detailed explanation of how the story evolved into the final episode of S;G. Remember how at the ending of S;G, Okabe got a video of his future self? I'm pretty sure we all are curious on the story of that future self Okabe and S;G0 is the answer. So for people expecting a sequel to the original S;G, sorry to break your heart but this is not. (I mean we already have the movie sequel and ova, what else is there to do a sequel with? A sequel after that would only break the perfect ending of this masterpiece)
So how about S;G0 itself? S;G0 paced really slow at the beginning. For someone who re-watched S;G and binge'd S;G0, it was really irritating. There were character that suddenly popped out and we were (kinda) forced to accept their existence. The story itself as a standalone is mediocre. However, if you see the big picture, this 2nd season was meant to support the original S;G and when you see the whole story, it was really satisfying especially the 3 last episodes, which although was a bit rushed, was really worth it after all the agony of waiting.
In the end, the most important part of S;G0 was to get to the last 3 episodes. However, I still think that they could've done better on the beginning and the end, as the beginning is slowly paced and the ending was rushed, they could've balanced it by compromising on each. I also find that the art and the sound itself really lacking, which probably is a letdown to some of us. Another thing that would be wrong about this is how Kurisu's voice in S;G0 differs a bit with the original S;G albeit being the same voice actor. Feels like she forgot Kurisu's personality or something.
To end this, the true timeline of the whole S;G would be:
-Season 1 from ep 1 to midway ep 23
-Ep 23 beta OVA
-All of S;G0
-Second half of S1 ep 23, then 24+25
-Cognitive Computing OVA
-Deja Vu movie
However I wouldn't really recommend watching it like this as it would ruin the whole fun of this series. Also, to watch S;G0 I would recommend watching from the beginning of S;G (The first season) for a better experience. After finish watching S;G0 you might wonder how some facts in the end contradict with the rules of the S;G itself. For that you might want to check the last ep discussion (there's someone who explained about it) because as I said before, the ending itself is a bit rushed and you might have to think with your own about how it can conclude to that.
TL;DR if your brain can't handle processing the original S;G "puzzle", then you wouldn't have fun deciphering this whole S;G0 because the theme of both S;G and S;G0 is connecting the dots.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 7, 2018
Oh wait wow can someone just give this anime a first season? get it? ugh
So what's actually wrong with this anime? two problem.
1. Feels like you're watching a second season of something without ANY background information.
2. Ending is poorly done (too loose and rushed like they don't even care about this anime and let's just throw something to end it, no? hah)
The whole different universe or "isekai" theme started rising since the hype of NGNL and Re:zero. However, as you would've known, there's almost none that could actually pull a decent one let alone become a hype. Right now the theme "isekai" itself have a
bad reputation due to a lot of anime failing at this theme. And as you would've guess, this is one of them. The reputation is already bad enough to make us lose interest, but I wasn't expecting the anime itself to have a problem.
First of all, you're thrown into a world where- wait whaaat no this story doesn't start from there it starts after that. And when I say after I mean WAY after that. And when does the anime fills us about it? Never. They never did any proper introduction. There was a brief flashback of explaining but it still doesn't fill us in completely. All we know that the mc is right now at the top of the command and with only that information we're expected to enjoy the show. Yeah we can do that right? no, just no hell no.
The starting itself was already bad as it is, but it gets worse. Why? Because it's rushed, the whole plot felt so light that it doesn't have any impact whatsoever, and suddenly we're over with it. Not to mention the way that they pull of the ending just proves to us how little they value this anime, at least that is what I conclude after finishing this anime.
To wrap it up, is this an anime that is worth to watch? My answer is definitely no. This anime will only make you hate the theme "isekai" more and if you're a fan of this theme like me, it would be wise to just stay away from animes that make the reputation of the theme "isekai" worse like this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 2, 2018
Oh wow, what did I just watch here
Sports anime is always something that I liked because it's unique. Baby Steps, Kurobas, Haikyuu, Free, all of them are really pleasing to watch. Of course, I had an expectation for this anime especially since I myself like badminton but, it was quite a let down tbh. I got immersed into it for the first 2 episodes because they did a really good job on portraying character and story but after that I don't even know what they're aiming anymore.
Unlike most of the sports anime, the competition scene wasn't really appealing (with the exception of the last episode)
so I thought they would've focus more on the story but nope, not really. A lot of things in the story was just bland. Character development is undeniably just ridiculous (especially with the change of personality stuff) and there are lots of background story that are like come and go, they tell us about it a bit and just move along without really giving a conclusion.
In the end what was this all about? Honestly idk, it's just a come and go for me too anyways. Story was too wrapped up to even find a good conclusion and the competition was just too bland to be attracted for. I guess they wanted to focus on the story, abandoning the competition scene but failed miserably.
Overall I give this a 6. Stayed just because my love for badminton and sports anime. They should've been able to manage better even for a 13 episode long anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 13, 2018
And here I thought that the second season would be better. Nope, dead wrong.
This second season is just a pain to watch. The pacing is too rushed, and oh boy this is one of the worst pacing that I have ever known in my life of watching anime. Character development? who cares about that, let's just throw all of the plot from the manga to let people know more about it and let it end absurdly.
to summarize what this season is, they basically squeeze a bunch of plot from the manga (although I don't read it) into a 13 episode long anime. There's just so
much happening in an episode that I had to close it and watch the previous episode to see if I missed anything, and that happened in almost every episode.
I give it a 6 just because they stay true to the manga and I know that they probably are trying to promote it, but I guess it backfired due to the poorly executed anime which leads us to a no more anime sequel of this series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 13, 2018
Oh wow, they really love beating the characters in this anime into a pulp, don't they.
If you're looking for mainstream things where the characters level up by training and stuffs and starts to become stronger like in Naruto or Bleach, this anime won't live up to your expectation. You'll just be irritated on why the enemies are too strong for them.
I was expecting something similar to that when I started watching D.gray-man, as it is a popular anime but I guess I was off the mark. If anything, D.gray-man focuses more on developing its story rather than its fight. However, it wasn't really executed well
imo and did gave me a let down.
The fights were..horrid. They will fight without any improvement and keep getting beaten up by the enemies. Even when they get a power up, the enemies that appear will somehow be more stronger than them and then they get beaten up again.
Overall I give a 7, just for the sole reason of the story being good enough to follow although it is still executed poorly. The character development was good enough though, because they explored more on the story they have more room to do it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 21, 2018
If you think that koiame is an anime that only focuses on romance, you'd be in for a surprise. In fact, the romance was a trigger to lead into something else. What is that something? well, let's just say it you can relate it with real life. I won't mention it in here so you'll have to watch it to find out.
One of the good things in this story is that there are lots of interesting and funny moments, but even so you'll find meaningful words thorough the entire episode, which gave me a good watching experience.
Another aspect that might be a good thing is
rather than focusing only on the main story, there are some side stories that actually became a strong background for the whole story. This might be a simple thing but in my opinion is something that anime these days lacks. However, this is actually a double edged sword since it might looked like they just add some side stories and don't really focus on the original plot, making people think that it's just a mediocre story.
Another flaw in this anime would be the character developments. Excluding the characters who are related to the side stories that I mention, other character have little to none developments even though being really near to the main characters. If I may point a big flaw, it would be the one in episode 4 and episode 8 (I won't mention any spoilers here).
Overall, the anime itself does have its own strength, however the execution of the story might have been a flaw. Nevertheless, I still believe that the hidden meaning of the story is what made me give a 9 for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 30, 2016
Tl;dr: this series' greatness depends on your own personal viewpoint. If you're a person that is strictly influenced by the moral of this world regarding incest, then I suggest to watch only until episode 9ish or something and drop it, or even not to consider watching it at all.
But if you are an open minded person that would actually think more deeply and wouldn't jump onto a typical prejudice and disgust, then you're more than welcome to try this.
I would like to say that I am reviewing this based on a neutral viewpoint, hence the morality of this series will not affect how good or
bad this series is. And also in each arc of this series there will be a bit H scene so do consider this too when wanting to watch this.
Yosuga no Sora, despite being a rare type of series, is one of the interesting series I had ever watch. Even after rewatching this after four years or so, it didn't let me down. The storyline consist of a few different arcs such as a vn would be, because this series is actually an adaptation of the vn. There are four arcs in this series, and the last arc is the true ending. After a route have finished, the next episode retracts to an event where the main protagonist would choose a different route than the first route.
Each storyline has its own meaningful story and is quite emotional. The theme of this series is a really deep and serious one and the soundtrack also seems to fit on this. The soundtracks are emotional and always matches with the situation of the story. Furthermore, all of the soundtracks are great to hear and it is also one of the plus points on why I liked this series. However, despite having a good story the pacing is faster than the usual ones that it felt somewhat rushed. This might be because they had to compress four different story onto a 12 episode long anime, which is one of its shortcoming. Another one would be that even though having a good introduction and character development for its side character, the main character itself, Sora and Haru didn't really seem to get developed deeper. Whilst the first three arc had its own unique conflict and resolution, Sora's arc only had an internal conflict between them and the resolution of it felt dull. Nevertheless, this series is great and not disappointing. The reactions and actions are fairly realistic especially how they describe the internal conflict of the last arc, since that matter itself is a complex one.
For the conflict of the moralism, as I said in the tldr note, those who are strictly influenced by the morals of this world regarding incest, then I suggest to watch it only until episode 9ish and stop there. Or maybe even not to consider watching this. The reason why I said this is because the anime itself isn't that bad and I don't want to say that it is bad just because of the last arc of incest.
From episode 1 to 9, the first until the third arc could still be digested rationally. But, the episode after that might not be easily digested if you have a strict viewpoint and if you were to force yourself to watch it, you might find it destroying the whole image of the story. However, if you are a very open minded person (like me) that is willing to think more deeply on things and wouln't throw the typical prejudice and disgust, then digesting the last arc would not be too much of a problem.
Overall, this series is (really) enjoyable for me and I would recommend to watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 29, 2016
So I have just finished watching this and I think I'll be giving a (not so) short review
Well, the point is that this anime had wasted a lot of potential
At first when I watched this, I found it to be interesting since this anime focus around a new type of sport, so I at least expected it to share the same thrill of what a sport anime should be
But in the end, I was dissapointed
At first I rated this 8, but as I watch it, the disappointment led me towards lowering it to 6
Well, there are pros and cons, so I'll be discussing about the
pros first
-it is a brand new sport
What piqued my interest is this, since we always wanted something to be fresh and not mainstream, and aokana is one of them
-decent raphics
The graphic in this one is still acceptable, it isn't one of those that really has a bad or weird grapnics. And since it centers around the competition of the sports, I would expect the graphic to be at least intriguing to watch and yes, I could say it did
-flow is more relaxing
Because the story is not too serious and tense, we wouldn't need to be too focused on the story since it flows quite relaxing, hence making it more enjoyable so plus point to this
Well, okay I could say that aokana focuses more on fun, so... yeah
-characters are clear
The character development is acceptable, it doesn't have too many characters that would make us really confused and it focuses more on the main characters, but it does lack a bit of the characters backstory.
And the cons
-the competitions are a bit boring
Despite from being something fresh, the competition doesn't really have much variation, thus making it a bit boring for me. Of course this is to be expected as it not a common sport, but I thought it could have a bit more variation
The most intriguing one I found is only at episode 12 and yeah, the last episode
-Story development
aokana is weak at the phase of the story. Every phase of sports is crucial, by this I mean that from the introduction of the sports, the practice, the competition, until the win or loss, everything.
The introduction of the sports didn't have any problems. What I felt missing is from the practice until the result of the competition. It didn't pack a punch
-an imbalanced character
This imo is one of the most weakest point in aokana and the biggest factor to why I rate low
As everybody knows, Asuka is the character that has the most spotlight, in fact, aokana prioritize her too much. And to add it, Asuka is too OP, it felt like the most important thing is talent, not hardwork. She could easily do anything, I mean anything any other people could do.
This kind of talent itself is not that bad of a plot, but for it to be over exploited leaves a bad outcome.
To conclude, aokana does have many flaws, but is still enjoyable to watch
It is more of a leisure anime than a serious one and is better to watch if you are just intrigued and isn't really expecting much
I really wished it to give more spotlight to Masaya though, and in a certain episode (no spoilers intended) did gave my hopes up, but....
Well, nope
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 21, 2015
so I have just finished this and decided to write a review
to be honest I am a bit disappointed even though it has potential.
[Story: 6/10]
at first this anime started out decently, a boy living in a futuristic city, living a life with school, and then got sucked into a battlefield between his universe and a parallel universe. But then, after more episode, it became rushed. There were plot holes, the romance started escalated out of nowhere, and most episode were just battles. The ending imo was quite forced. Despite having so many events going on the ending was suddenly sprung towards us, It wasn't enough
to cover all of the events. It's like from "wow so many things going on, this is really exciting!" to "wait, what? what just happened? why has it already end?".
[Art: 7/10]
nothing particularly on this, except the character designs are a bit weak when you first look at it. battle scenes are so so, doesn't really catch the eye albeit mainly centers on battles.
[Sound: 7/10]
bgm is acceptable, but none really catches the ear. The opening is average and the ending is quite good. Personally I really like the ending because GARNi is my favorite and also because they don't usually do mellow songs.
[Character: 5/10]
imo this is the weakest points on this series. The character developments are really low, there are many characters including the parallel ones which means there are many personalities but almost none of them were really told deeply. The main character is probably one that gets more development but still it isn't enough. For example, Kyouka's brother, Kyouma, which has a quite funny personality from the start can suddenly change after Tohru and Kyouka first went to the battlefield and then sometimes revert just for a while, to me this makes his personality inconstant. There are too many side characters especially from the parallel universe which we don't even know who they are, they are only there as side characters even though they appear quite often.
[Enjoyment: 7/10]
to me it is average. quite enjoyable if you have a spare time, but I wouldn't really recommend this if you really want to focus on the story since as I said before, it is rushed and seems forced.
[Overall: 6/10]
fair enough, I continued watching this because of my own rule
"If I still deem it worthy to watch then I shall seek it till the end"
luckily though this is not one of those series that is really horrible and you just want to drop it like dead and just bash your head wondering why the hell did you ever want to watch this- eh anyways it's not that type of anime. And as I said before this one is better for entertainment if you're bored or have lots of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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