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Aug 15, 2021
To preface my review, I haven't read the Hellsing manga so I'm going to treat the anime as standalone for the time being. After reading some of the other reviews I am now interested in picking it up, and once I do I may come back and edit my review if it's necessary.
So, as someone who hasn't read anything Hellsing related;
Story - I enjoyed it, but in my own opinion it did get a little bit messy towards the end. I know the climax was building throughout the entire series but I didn't particularly like the way it went unfortunately. It did make sense
in most aspects, and it almost jerked an emotion out of my cold dead heart but we didn't quite get there and it felt almost a bit disappointing in the end.
Art - I thoroughly loved it, every moment. I love the drama, the start colour contract, the animated gore. All. Of. It. Right up my alley. This is definitely personal perferance but if you're not squeamish, I think you will be able to enjoy this aspect as much as I did.
Sound - Much like the art, I adored the music. The drama, I lived for it. Beautiful. It fit the scenes very well and I wouldn't change a thing about it.
Character - They were all well developed and no one felt unnecessary in my opinion. They all felt likable and fit into the environment. The character interactions felt genuine for the majority of the time and my favourite thing is that there wasn't huge monologues, particularly RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of fight scenes. I hate that, and honestly this did a pretty good job of not doing that. So, it gets a 9/10 from me for not being bad.
Enjoyment - I enjoyed it. I did. The episodes are hella long though, nearly an hour apiece, so it takes a damn long time to get through it, but it's so worth it. I was so engrossed the entire time, and if I didn't have to go to work I probably would have binged the entire thing in one sitting, no joke.
Overall - From what I can see, if you go into it without any expectation set from the manga, you will probably enjoy yourself. I surely did. Nothing is perfect, this certainly wasn't, but it was a good time nonetheless. That's my two cents on the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 10, 2021
i watched this in more or less one sitting.. to try and get it over with as fast as possible. it hit SO MANY typical tropes. i don't really have an issue with the "beastman" concept as a whole, but oftentimes it's just not done well in my personal opinion.
bna tried to explore way too much in too little time, leaving then entire plot basically unfulfilled including an attempted setup for a second season - which i hope t doesnt get.
story - *insert eyeroll emoji here*
the science was bad. made no sense and i have no idea how the authors managed to come to that
conclusion (forensic scientist as a day job - i am *not* fun at parties) and i think even the average untrained person would catch onto that. injecting dna into people doesnt work. it simply does not. the dna molecule is too big to get absorbed and your body just sends its own little biological mechanisms to dissassemble it and get rid of the pieces, then life goes on as normal. i cannot overlook this. they didn't even try. no to mention the super typical character tropes. ugh.
art - it was okay. kinda enjoyed some moments, totally cringed at others.
sound - ost was the only thing i liked. wouldnt go so far as to say it slapped, but it's the only thing i can forgive here.
character - shiro ogami. white wolf.. whose beastman form is.. a white wolf. wow. 10/10 for creaticity here guys. there was essentially no character devlopment. i hated it, i hated the dynamics. it was all bad.
enjoyment - i didn't.
overall - 4
the very few redeeming qualities pushed it from a 2 to a 4. would never rewatch it, even with a gun pointed to my head
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 10, 2021
** plot spoiler free, will vaguely discuss a few science concepts **
decided to read this entirely on a whim one evening and i got totally engrossed. not gonna lie, i went into this not even knowing the english translation of the manga name so i had no idea it was even zombie related. that was good though, at least i had to expectations! even if i did, i think they would have been met at the very least :)
i'm a huge zombie buff and i consume SO MUCH zombie related media, the concept genuinely facinates me. besides HOTD (sidenote - i did enjoy it) this
was the very second zombie manga i ever read and i wasnt disappointed!! there's a lot of deus ex machina in the zombie/horror universe in general so i was prepared so have a few convenient plot holes and whatnot but to be honest, i felt pretty fulfilled through the entire thing and i really *really* enjoyed the character development since it didn't feel way out of what or completely at a standstill.
story - i enjoyed the entire storyline. a few science concepts were a little whacky/wouldn't have held up irl (forensic scientist day job - unfortunatly it's my job to be a buzz kill here) so i did have to raise my eyebrow at a few different points but it's not really that unusual of an occurance for this genre. so, not surprised and i can mostly overlook it. someone without a science background wouldn't really be too bothered about this kind of trivial stuff i think.
i liked the ending a lot. it makes sense to me, and it seems like the most realistic concept for me. i love how they didn't just end the story after the final hurdle and actually expanded on the universe a little bit, and also on the characters and their respective endings.
art - point blank loved it. gore is my thing and when it's done well it brings me joy.
character - they're all individuals and progress naturally throughout the story in a way that makes sense in their current circumstances. humour didn't seem out of place and wasn't forced. they're all highschool boys and it seemed to flow very naturally to me.
enjoyment/overall - 10/10 enjoyment in every aspect but the story. 9/10 overall. few odd moments but nothing is ever perfect. if i go on to read any other zombie related manga, i think they're going to have a hard time trying to beat this one.
if you're gonna read it, total thumbs up from me - just make sure you're okay with gore AND body horror :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 8, 2021
** Spoiler free **
I origionally meant to watch this season when it first came out, but I never really ended up getting round to it til good ol' 2021. I watched the first season waaaay back when in 2015.
First things first - I was, for some reason, under the impression that this was a prequel to season 1? I'm not sure how I got this impression, but I do remember it being stated that there was no intention of a sequel for the storyline of the season 1 anime. I was definitely a little bit confused at first, but then I got a little more
confused since there was more than a couple of plot holes in the story that was supposed to bridge season 1 & 2, but then again it was been quite a while since i watched AnE the first time though I don't think my memory is failing me here.
Although there was a few holes in the story, I do have to say I still enjoyed it. It takes place not long after the finale of season 1, and the characters remained themselves and I remembered why I enjoyed season 1 so much in the first place. I've watched a whole truck load of anime lately and so far this has to be the only one I've enjoyed enough to actually pay attention to what's going on, AND it left me with the post anime blues where you sit there after finishing the series thinking "What do I do with my life now??".
The ended was bittersweet for me, I liked it, and would totally be interested to see where the story goes next. I haven't read the manga so after finishing this I am highly considering picking it up to see if/how the anime deviated from the mangas origional points.
Back to the review - I loved the art. There were some really beautiful scenes especially in the last few episodes that I might even considering trying to find as a wallpaper. The soundtrack was fitting also, and the voice actors are all the origionals as far as I can tell - this can be a real make or break moment for my enjoyment of a series (cough danganronpa cough)
There was absolutely an air of nostalgia throughout the entire thing - I almost did feel like I was 14 again stumbling onto it for the first time. Maybe it is why I rated it so highly because I do see some of the flaws that other users have pointed out here.
Honestly if you are considering watching it after the first season, do! I think you would enjoy it, it does bring back everything we were all fond of in season 1 and tries its hardest to not neglect the characters origional tropes. Can't wait to pick up the books now!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 1, 2021
Absolutely beautiful. I love the character development, I love the episode-by-episode plotline, I loved the entire premise of the show. It may have been initially intended for children but as a full-grown, tax paying adult I can confirm you WILL enjoy this.
You'll get through it quickly with each episode only being ~2 minutes long, but it's not a bad thing. Just like how Spotify offers you a tastebreakers playlist, this is the anime version of that. You'll be done in 20 minutes, it will damn well be the cutest 20 minutes of your life.
(Sidenote: this would also be great to watch after a little bit
of a puff puff pass situation if you catch my drift)
10/10 WILL watch again
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 21, 2021
***No manga spoilers but might discuss SOME events that took place in the anime***
I've been reading the manga on and off for years now, but I finally decided to bite the bullet and finish it, and I'm SO glad I did.
I'm sure we all know how the plot of anime veers away from the plot of the manga - tbh I didn't think they did too bad of a job even if it was very rushed. I think that they should be treated as two seperate entities here.
I did like some of the elements in the final battle of the anime, such as Maka
possessing the weapon and meister capabilities, but the final battle of the manga really trumped it. I read a few comments on the site I was reading on that criticized it, saying that it felt rushed but I would disagree. The last 2 volumes spent a great amount of time building it up and setting a tense climax, with the very final chapter touching on life immediately after, which I thought was a beautiful wrap-up of everything that took place.
The art style improves and varies slightly throughout the issues, but that's to be expected as the mangakas' skills grow over the years as it was being published. I saw some criticism about this as well, but I quite like how it evolved. It stayed true to the original feel and design of the characters, it was just cleaner and neater.
The plot was good. Everything made sense and of course, the characters all remained as lovable as always. Everything happened for a reason, and to me, it didn't feel as if there was a whole bunch of unnecessary filler thrown in your face in between crucial plot points.
If you're here out of curiosity because you've watched the anime. I highly suggest you watch it. You won't be left feeling disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 18, 2021
I think most of us got stockholm syndrome from this story, just like the mc. All of the characters were absolute filth, awful awful awful and no human being should have to endure this treatment ever.
That being said I am an absolutely twisted, disgusting human being and I was one of those terrible ppl that enjoyed this. However, I do understand why it is so controversial and it is gross overall and should have never existed.
*no spoilers*
I do like how the story ended. It was oddly bittersweet. I didn't get emotional because mc 1 got what was coming to him for sure, but it
left me wondering how mc 2 would deal with the aftermath of everything; just from the last panel alone, it left me almost concerned about his future wellbeing? I know he has that friend who was with him in the end, but I'm wondering.. where he is going to live... will he find a job?.... It concerned, he deserves a good life after everything that happened to him.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 7, 2021
Personally I’m a big fan of horror and body gore; originally that is how this manga was peddled to me via TikTok. (surprise, surprise. Who else remembers that?)
Even though it does seem pretty “ordinary” to the genre for the first few chapters, I wasn’t in it for the story at the beginning anyway, buuuut that’s what I ended up staying for.
In everyday life I’m a forensic scientist and there were a couple things that made me rise my eyebrow a little bit, since they would not really be biologically sustainable. I’m aware it’s all fiction, but it was enough to break immersion
for me a little bit. I still enjoyed it, and it shows creativity on the authors part, but it made me laugh a bit. If this doesn’t bother you, or you’re not into science or medicine, this shouldn’t ruin your experience.
Story TLDR; it’s fun, kinda different, definitely interesting and keeps you reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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