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Hachimitsu to Clover
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Students from university trying to find happiness in life. Both anime are bitter-sweet, but they leave a viewer with a simile on his or her face, claiming that we really can be happy, even in spite of difficulties.
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The stories are completely different, however atmosphere are exactly the same. Both amine have a very calming effect on viewer's soul.
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Ciel's character is similar to Integra's one. They are both very strict, demanding and they will do everything to achieve the goal. What is more, they are perfect examples of "being master" attitude. Alucard and Sebastian are similar because of their fighting abilities, hidden (not every time) dark side and good look ;) Both anime ale pretty dark with a lot of blood and supernatural things included.
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Cowboy Bebop
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I can think of around 20 similarities between Cowboy and Trigun - general mood, main character, plot development ect. All you have to do is watch both to understand that.