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Kidou Senshi Gundam: GQuuuuuuX
Kidou Senshi Gundam: GQuuuuuuX
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One Piece
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Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
Feb 25, 2:57 PM
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My Child Will Have a Different Father
My Child Will Have a Different Father
Feb 16, 10:45 AM
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The Warrior Returns
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The Greatest Estate Developer
The Greatest Estate Developer
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somaisbatman Jan 1, 7:20 AM
yeah I agree, Kou and Nina is a mess, and during the period of the show where they're involved Nina is suuch a less interesting character. Keith and Maura get time together past their initial scene so it's hard for me to get invested in their relationship in the first place. It really seems like it only happened narratively to taunt Kou into making a move, rather than actual chemistry.
somaisbatman Dec 31, 2024 5:00 PM
Thank you!! And I do think your review was solid too. I really like the part about getting so bored with the show that you started BL shipping the guys. I was doing the same with Nina and the mechanic she works with, so I feel you 100% there. Category 5 women moment is also such a good way to describe the ending lmao.
somaisbatman Dec 21, 2024 7:14 PM
Thanks for the pointer! I wish they'd been able to incorporate this backstory into Stardust Memory proper, just as much as I wish that Cima had more to do in the OVA. Ah well, on to better gundam shows lol
HatStandMaster Dec 7, 2024 4:37 PM
Might be best to just stay with clips of the dub.
HatStandMaster Dec 7, 2024 3:37 AM
Umm, Lucy got introduced in the first episode... but yeah it dose drag on a little in places and it does go overboard with how much skin it shows. It has other problems I won't go into since you don't intend to go back to it anyway.

I do suggest you at least look into the situation with Sailor Moon and it English dub done by that British company who name I miss read as something else. I'll let you find that part out for yourself. But the real meat of it has to do with season 3 with the gay characters Haruka and Michiru. The westernization through dubs in the early 2000's is so much fun to look back on.

If you do want a good love story to go watch From Me to You. Its underrated and benefits from its slow pacing. We recently, finally, got a season three and did really well.
HatStandMaster Dec 6, 2024 1:33 AM
I've heard about Oda being asked as to whether or not One Piece is only for guys to which he responded with something close to 'It can be enjoyed by women as well if they can understand and enjoy the male spirit of competition.' Not word for word but the basic spirit is there. As long as one can understand the appeal of a genre for its target audience, one can get something out of it. I myself got something out of Sailor Moon, season three being my favorite by way of story and Haruka specifically (not to mention what happened with the dub done my that British company, I found it hilarious and disappointing honestly). From Me to You is also my favorite romance if you don't count Love is War at least, which I prefer to contain within RomCom. As such, being shojo isn't much of a barrier for me It's more of what kind of show it is that will denture me.

I have other things to get through before I have room to get to it, but I will go back to RGU at some point.

You mentioned that shonen and made a valid point which I agree with and touched on with the Oda quote. That does lead me to ask why, on your list, the only ones you've listed as watched are Pokémon and Yu Gi Oh while the rest are on hold or dropped. I can understand having watcher those two on tv while waiting for other shows to come on, and why you would go past Jojo (that show is a bit much even by anime standards). I do wish to home in on and ask what you thought of Fairy Tail. I have thoughts you see and have only discussed it with fans and would like the perspective a woman who has decided to drop the show.
For the recorded, Mid for Dragon Ball clones like Fairy Tail I place above where I do other shows and chose to place it below that line. Finishing it mostly to know all needed details needed to speak against it.
HatStandMaster Dec 5, 2024 11:03 PM
Question: In Snow White With Red Hear, and I hear other shojo, that take some kind of stand on patriarchy come across as "if only these men weren't so entitled then I could go save the day." While I'm not against obvious messaging with women as their focused, it's come off as preachy and as if men (not generally all) as being the problem, sometimes as if they shouldn't try to work around the limitations of the system instead of trying to barge through them (something I do remember happening in SWWRH). Similar to an extent to how the Work community seem to think that in men just got out the way and let them work then things would be just as good if not better.

I won't stand here and say women don't have a place in the workplace and all that. How the message that there should be room is presented is problematic when you direct it at women and expect it to be just as impactful with men. RGU being shojo and thus not meant to be consumed by men makes me wonder if this would be another SWWRH. Don't get me wrong, the reputation the show has suggests it's all good. It's that descriptions have all come from women and I just wonder how close to (for want of better phrasing) bias propaganda this show is given it seems to point out several problems with the Patriarchy. No one really likes getting talked down to after all.
HatStandMaster Dec 5, 2024 6:38 PM
In trying to come up with a complement for how well you put this together, the only thing I could come up with is feeling like a proud teacher reading their student's essay. Not the best complement I know, on the weird side maybe, but this was a great response. Almost like you're a fan of the show lol.

Thank you for clarifying the royal thing, makes my view of the show. I was going to say less critical, but since it's a metaphor apparently, I'll just be adjusting my aim if I ever go back to the show. I have started growing an interest in shows and movies that actually explore peoples place in a patriarchy society. More out of interest in how they get presented and the story they decide to tell. The difference between those with an agenda and those who just want to tell a story is something that is of growing interest to me. And if someone had explained this side of the show to me sooner than I might have watched it sooner and made it through.

That said, I don't generally care for dragging myself through a show/movie when it isn't even well written or animated/shot. Which makes me want to ask how well RGU does at what its trying to do. If it does a good job in that regard, I might be able to put my preferences aside and actually watch it all the way through.

In other words, I'm asking you to sell a show that isn't appealing to me, suggesting that you bank on the part that might sell me on it: how patriarchy harms men and women.
HatStandMaster Dec 4, 2024 8:08 PM
I have seen shojo anime before such as Sailor Moon, From me to You (which I loved, one of the best romances I've seen) and Blue Spring Ride. While they're not really tailored to men, there were things I can still get behind and enjoy. Something about, for want of a better word, the aesthetic put me off. The picture frame and flower thing it was doing throw me off.

With this, the main character Utena doing the whole cross dress, being a prince and getting plenty of attention from the girls as a result. I have enjoyed such characters before, bit comes from how its handles that makes room for that. I come to anime in part because it can get away with some ridiculousness that you can't with Live Action. And a Princess going as far as she seems to with this crossdressing thing pushed my suspension of disbelief too far. Real nobility seems too strict for it to get THAT far.

On top of this, Anthy was not really appealing to me. To close to a object to be obtained, not that she was genuinely that useless or anything. With that, I had heard that this anime was a good show when it came to showing Gay couples and was not expecting to see Anthy as the pries of a Duel instead of some kind of romantic interest like with Haruka and Michiru in Sailor Moon.

I can't remember details to speak to the rest but do remember that it fell too focused on appealing to a female audience for me to go any further.
HatStandMaster Dec 4, 2024 5:02 PM
I've tried to watch Revolutionary Girl Utena because of its good rep and could not get past the first few episodes not seeming like it was my thing. Worth getting back into it?
desusama Nov 18, 2024 10:10 AM
The series can be a bit of a mixed bag but I love how it captures how war affects both sides without (usually) devolving into the pure noble good guys cleanly defeated the bad guys. (Even if Zeon are objectively evil as a side).
Glad you're enjoying it.
Ezela Nov 17, 2024 4:02 AM
thanks!! btw do you have discord? messaging on MAL sucks xD
Ezela Nov 17, 2024 3:46 AM
hii i like your anime list :3
we have similar taste let's be friends! :D
desusama Nov 16, 2024 4:27 PM
That's a lot of Gundam my dude.
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