for this anime combine the most annoying elements for shonen and shoujo anime into the two main character and have the story focus on their other somewhat pathetic character development. the other supporting characters are all damaged goods in some way while the two main ones wistfully and ingorantly go bout adventuring
i mean the fact that after the first few episodes you can predict teh path of the main characters makes it very weak. the lead male likes the female but she constantly dogs him and ignores him; he gets upgraded and she becomes angsty blah blah blah. same contrived ending
the fact that the
Nov 12, 2009
Haja Kyosei G Dangaiou
hmmm, this is what happens when an anime loses its way, it started off like a decent if not somewhat generic mecha anime, and had all the characters, female side kicks, commanders and auxillary staff, mysterious people, and the weak male lead, from there nothing happened, there was a completly nonense level in the middle of the series which was a waste because that wasnt expanded on later,
to top that off the ending did nothing to the show expect make us wondering what the f-- just happened, there was no great conflict or even falling action it just jumped off the deep end on a ... |