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Just a person existing
If you want to add me on discord, here's my user: iamgroot1243
Since myanimelist gives you just 10 spaces for your fav characters (and have many more than 10) i will add some here (in no particular order)!
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 7.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries87
- Reread0
- Chapters1,191
- Volumes103
All Comments (424) Comments
Don't worry, take your time ;)
゚。happy birthday!
hope you enjoy your day ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ
Oh you're skipping class and not paying attention? now that's not good, please become better.
I've been bad yeah like u said, idk what happened but life sucks, sucked for the last 5 and a half months now. maybe it's because I found out gojo died :(
It's ok that u took long dw!!!! and advice on how to get rid of someone, well blocking them would work I think? but if u don't want to seem like a bad person just slowly ghost them, that works!
Oh I hope ur alive then... seems like this semester u were going through it rip. hey don't call me a dumb bitch wtf that's mean? I don't even know u. sounds like u were going through crazy exam stress during this period of ur message so I hope u got through jt well!! lmk if everything went well I hope u got great results!!! mehhh the UK education system is mehhh you get one chance for everything and if u fail u pretyy much just are a failure sadly. OH DONT KILL YOURSELF JUST_ILE !! cheer u up?? u called me a bitch that's just really mean so I hope ur not cheered up.
Let's raise a baby tiger together??? WHO ARE YOU??? I DONT KNOW U
MONKEYSSSSS ARE AMAZING YESSSS. let's get a pet monkey (insert joke I'm not allowed to say here)
yeah dw I never planned on watching wonka anyway I was never the biggest fan of Charlie and the chocolate factory so meh. Laland seems mid tho :((( again u say watch it together... do I know you???? why do u speak like we're familiar, unless your My long lost sister? barbie is also mid so yeah I ainr watching that. ur dumping me??? well considering that I literally don't know who u are do it that's fine wirh me.
oh the mf thingy, what ever happened with bro I hope bros living amazing, and was I a W advice man or what?
So what??? I'm not allowed to LMAO anymore??? LMAOS.are amazing they bring good vibes even if the other person is suffering fr.
Yeahhh I'm not looking for a relationship, I'm still pretty young so it's whatever and j need to focus on my studies like a good boy. oh woah I completely agree!!! I really hope someone named chris becomes the love of my life LMAOOO. tf how was chris mentioned here.
odd taxi a W.
Wtf is fratellone? let me guess without stepping down, something to do with like bro or bother right?
I yap? I don't really yap that much tbh do I??? and you love it??? WHO ARE U ???? PLS STOP ACTING LIKE U KNOW ME ITS SCARY IVE ONLY SPOKEN TO U ON MAL AND A COUPLE DISCORD MESSAGES.
dw dw I was never joining zeds server tbh. seems mid I hate servers. YO IS THE FRJEND OF THE BIRTHDAY PARTY UR TALKIMG ABOJT HERE THE ONE UR CURRENTLG WITH IN THE UK? smh u was in a gc and didn't say one thing? L member fr. no, never joining the server nor any server.
DW IM ON 0 HOURS OF SLEEP TODAY?? WHY? BECAUSE I COULDNT SLEEEPPPP LETS GOOOOOOO, IM HIGHHHHHH. dw dw I got faith in u that u passed ur coding class fr.
well I didn't check on u because idk u like that lil bro
YOU SENT ME AN AUDIO? NO U NEVER? ARE U SURE UR MESSAGING THE RIGJT PERSPN BECAUSE I DONF KNOW U???? W story tho LOL. but get a husband fr, I'll help u, well I'll try find someone good for u? I can judge a good man I think.
Sorry for the short ish reply. am.tired :(( and it's kind of hard to make a long response now. I Hope you're doing amazing!!!
ps. I don't fuckimg know you.
I hope your friend is doing fine; losing a beloved pet is one of the most horrible experiences ever.
Don't worry about late replies; aside from my cat dying I have also had some other issues the past few weeks, so I wasn't able to reply as fast as I like. I hope everything goes well in your new career :)
I am from South America, Chile specifically. I watched the scene where Neferpitou begged Gon to give them more time in Spanish and Japanese, and in all honesty, in the Spanish version, Pitou sounded way more convincing; their despair and worry felt so real and even appealing. Kurapika is incredible, it is amazing how he started learning Nen and he got such an overpowered ability; though I must say I felt bad for Pakunoda, especially in the 1999 version. In the 1999 version, her final scenes lasted a bit longer, and it was compelling to see her being happy with the cats.
Aside from Killua and Neferpitou, another one of my favorite characters is Feitan; the archetype of short height/patience can be very funny sometimes. Plus, he is such a beast while fighting.
It was nice to hear from you; I hope you have a great week C: