This review will be different from the ones you usually see on MAL. Why? Because just like one of the main characters, I'm deaf. Fortunately, my case is a lot less worse. I can't hear from my right ear and my left side is normal.
This movie is a reminder for us to keep being humble. My goal with this review will be to try to explain you the other side of being in disadvantage. I'm in no way close to the situation our main charcter Nishimiya is but I wish to give you some of my personal examples in order to help you connect
with this beautiful movie :)
Although I'm in an entirely different situation, it's very easy to feel judged even with 21 years of age. Sometimes, I have to ask people to repeat what they were saying. Sometimes I need to ask them twice. I never go beyond the 4th request though. It's embarassing and I feel bad for the other person. I also notice that people think I speak too loudly. I can't help it, my own tone feels normal in my head. How would you feel if you had to whisper to everyone? Super strange, right?
Let's take just 1 example from my daily life. Imagine you're also deaf from your right ear and you're having dinner with a group of friends tonight.
=> First, realize that having only 1 ear working means you can't hear more than 1 voice at a time. During your friend's dinner, you'll have to listen to a lot of people at the same time so make sure you pay as much attention as if you were in class.
=> Next, you'll have to sit at the right side of the table so you can listen to everyone else (they'll be on your left where you can listen using your good left ear). Be at the middle and you'll feel bad for the people that are on your right. They'll feel ignored because you just can't hear them.
=> Dinner has ended and you're going for a walk with your friends. Have you ever noticed how crazy people are walking on the street? They're constantly changing from left to right, back to front. Why does it matter? Well, if you can only hear from your left ear, you will always have to walk on the right side or you won't hear anyone. If someone changes their position and you want to listen to them, you'll also need to do it. This has to be done every single time ONE of your friend changes.
Let's take another example: paying attention to your classes.
Have you ever had a situation when your teacher/professor asks you a question and you can't answer it because you didn't hear the question in the first place? I had this a lot but it wasn't because I was distracted. It was because somewhere around me, someone was talking (remember that I can only hear 1 thing at a time?). So now I am stuck into either blaming my friend or feel humiliated by my teacher/professor. Either way I lost. Now that I'm in the University, I don't even bother to go to most classes. Am I lazy? Am I careless about the classes? True.. but there'll also be a lot of noise there.
I'm very grateful that I have the pleasure to hear your beautiful voices every single day. Even just music, I might spend more than 4h per day listening to it (but I shouldn't.. because I need to protect my left ear). I can't even imagine how people in a way worse situation than mine feel. Can you?
Just like me, they're used to their condition. Just one normal day in their lives, right? Yup, but deep down they know they're in disadvantage. They know they'll probably feel insecure half a dozen times that day and that there's nothing to be done. Yes, only half a dozen.. because you're so used to it already.
So, why should you watch this movie?
This movie is about courage. It's about not taking our life for granted. It's about fighting for the life we always dreamed of.. because it's worth it. Every single bit of it.
This is about reminding you that whatever you're going through, it's okay to be sad about it. However, you must never forget that you're still able to fight.. because people like Nishimiya have yet to give up :)
PS: My goal here is to spread awareness for hearing disabilities (and others). I feel that society accepts it very well. However, by understanding a little bit about the effort these people make everyday, every single one of us can get a lesson about life :) Suddenly life will seem more colorful ^^ So if you enjoyed reading this, let me know if this review was helpful.
May 24, 2017
Koe no Katachi
This review will be different from the ones you usually see on MAL. Why? Because just like one of the main characters, I'm deaf. Fortunately, my case is a lot less worse. I can't hear from my right ear and my left side is normal.
This movie is a reminder for us to keep being humble. My goal with this review will be to try to explain you the other side of being in disadvantage. I'm in no way close to the situation our main charcter Nishimiya is but I wish to give you some of my personal examples in order to help you connect ... Apr 2, 2016
(1:30mins QUICK AND SPOILER FREE REVIEW! - Because your time matters to me)
I really enjoyed the synopsis when I read it for the first time: a girl called Kurumi loses her boyfriend on a plane crash but thanks to incredible robotic technology, she gets a robot identical to her boyfriend. The goal here is to Kurumi to find the confort and love that she once felt. Knowing this, the question that you're probably thinking is: How can both Kurumi and the robot (Hal) grow their relationship? How can they find love when one is a robot and the other had gone through such a tragic ... Mar 25, 2016
Boku dake ga Inai Machi
(2:30 minute reading & Spoiler free review w/ all you need to know - because your time matters to me)
People will tell you about the hype train. There will be some telling you that this is a masterpiece while others will rate this 5 or under just because they're childish haters. This extremism between the viewers is what made me write this review. So what's really the truth? The truth is: this anime had a lot more potential. That's true. The first half showed us that this could be one of those masterpieces that would survive the test of time no matter what. If you had ... |