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Feb 22, 2023
It's not just a slice of life, it's about the first steps into adulthood.
In the very first episode, we see what it's like to start your own business, to be part of a new community, and then in the following ones to change other people's lives out of simple charity. This does not stop others from trying to destroy your business, con you or eat you alive with debts. Kindness is not enough, in this life you gotta be smart.
One of the disadvantages of not keeping up with several anime during the season, regardless of the score, is to miss certain adaptations that hide some
gems. This anime may not have good animation, it may get repetitive at times, and it may simply be tedious. Sometimes I had to force myself to keep watching it, but I'm glad I did. But for those who seek something beyond distraction, they can find several genuinely beautiful moments, such as the intimacy between Sarasa and her teacher, or the last episode, which against our common expectations, is not about a supposedly epic battle, but about a moral drama that any of us can have: facing the past and choosing the future path.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 15, 2021
I didn't expect to have to do a review, and since this show is fairly unknown, I think it wasn't necessary, but I needed to share my impressions with someone. I usually expect an anime with a rating of 6 to be either hidden treasure (Futakoi Alternative, Uta kata) or a great idea poorly executed but still retaining memorable features (Geneshaft, Divergence Eve). Love Get-Chu is the latter, but without the memorable aspect.
Love Get Chu is the swan song of Radix studio, which like every studio, has at least one undeniable masterpiece that won't be forgotten as long as there are people watching anime:
Haibane Renmei. But it's not a tuneful and worthy one, so it can't even be considered a swan song. In short, it is the story of a group of young girls wishing to become seiyuus. The story goes on well and interestingly in the first half, until episode 14. Then the love triangle involving the main character drags things out and when we finally get rid of it, the last episodes descend to the ridiculous in an insane championship to decide who will play the main role in the most awaited anime in history. If you're a fan of seiyuu and voice acting, the first half involving the slice of life and the whole career description will be pretty good, followed by a bearable ride to the end. If you're anyone else, the first half will be good or decent, and the rest unbearable or dragged out. Interestingly, Shirobako is a mirror image of what Love Get Chu could have been like if it had been performed well. The fact that it's the male lead who declares himself at the end and makes things happen is noteworthy. I suspect that if the show was better realised, perhaps the same story would only need 12 or 13 episodes, not 24 ( the last one is an extra).
After that show, Haibane's studio went bankrupt and became Studio Seven, which produced other kinds of masterpieces, but it's still a sad ending and a terrible death.
Eu não esperava ter de fazer uma review, e como esse show é bastante desconhecido, eu creio que não era necessário, mas eu precisava compartilhar minhas impressões com alguém. Eu geralmente espero que um anime com nota 6 seja ou tesouro escondido (Futakoi Alternative, Uta kata) ou uma grande idéia mal executada, mas que ainda guarda características memoráveis (Geneshaft, Divergence Eve). Love Get-Chu é o último, mas sem o aspecto memorável.
Love Get Chu é o canto de cisne do estúdio Radix, que como todo estúdio, tem pelo menos uma inegável obra-prima que não será esquecida enquanto houver gente vendo anime: Haibane Renmei. Mas não é um canto afinado e digno, logo, nem um canto de cisne pode ser considerado. Em resume, é a estória de um grupo de moças desejosas de se tornarem seiyuus. A estória segue boa e interessante na primeira metade, até o episódio 14. Depois o triangulo amoroso envolvendo a protagonista torna a coisa muito arrastada, e quando finalmente nos livramos dele, os últimos episódios descem ao ridículo num campeonato insano pra decidir quem fará o papel principal do anime mais esperado da estória. Se você for um fã de seiyuu e voice acting, a primeira metade que involve o slice of life e toda a descrição da carreira será muito bom, seguido de uma viagem suportável até o fim. Se for qualquer outra pessoa, a primeira metade será boa ou decente, e o resto insuportável ou arrastado. Curiosamente, Shirobako é um espelho de como Love Get Chu poderia ter sido se tivesse sido bem realizado. O fato de ser o male lead quem se declara no final e faz as coisas acontecerem é digna de nota. Suspeito que se o show fosse melhor realizado, talvez a mesma estória necessitasse apenas de 12 ou 13 episódios, e não 24 ( o último é um extra).
Depois desse show, o estúdio de Haibane faliu e virou o estúdio Seven, que produziu outro tipos de obras-primas, mas não deixa de ser um final triste e uma morte terrível.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 29, 2021
This movie is better than the first because this show has an actual development of the main story, but, for my surpriese, the later has less of what makes Trinity Seven a good show (at least in the manga, the anime has much more fan service), and that is the good chemistry between all the characters. Trinity Seven is a very good harem, slice of life, but not a good action shonen, despite some pretty good ideas.
The movie dont have a clear continuation with the series or the previous movie, what make the entire film a little episodic, and the fact that the villan is
the father has no effect in the story, and that would actually make a good story about the conflict of father and future lover, but it was totally wasted, and despite get knowing Akio's past, the effect on the plot or characters is near zero too, except for one or two good moments.
But, even with this problems, the movie would be pretty much enjoyable, deserving a 6/10, but then we have to talk about the last and greatest problem: the quality is a piece of shit. The direction, the animation and above all, the inexistent ost. The soundtrack is took from the many endings of the TV show, and dont help to create any other atmosphere except agitation, like, "oh boy, here it go!".
If you are looking for fanservice, it was the only thing that has a good quality. Kidding, the fights are not bad too. The voice acting i good as always, at least. How i really like the characters and the inicial charpters of the series are memorable, i really wanted to love the movies...but no, and since the second part of the TV show, it is getting repetitive.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 3, 2021
Now i will solve a crime, a crime named Yuukoku no Moriarty. Given the theme, its obvious that the author is a Sherlock Holmes fan itself, choosing the battle between Moriarty and Holmes, that Conan Doyle never wrote, because it was a pretext to stop writing about the great detective, but the idea was charming to the fans, and till now, because it is always appears in any modern atempt to write about Sherlock Holmes.
Second, i presume that the author is not a good writers itself, choosing to take Moriarty point of view, in the thrive of originality. It wouldnt be a poor choice
itself, but to make use sympathize with the villan, unable to give him a compelling personality, he tries to give Moriarty some complexity, by turning him in a anti-hero, a vigilante, a revolutionary. Thats why he fraud the sociology of Britain, inventing a class struggle that didnt exist, using an outdated economic history of England. The life post industrial revolution was better than before, although we still learn the oposite in school. 100 year of obsolete historiography. In a historic novel, this is fatal.
Of course, i didnt expect this show to be Manzoni's "Promessi sposi", it was still possible to create a enjoyable story with this rotten basis, but to make the crimes of Moriarty less terrible and, to some extent, justified, he turns nobles in cynical psychos, ruining all the possibilities of moral dilemas and simplifying all. The author have fear that we stop reading or watching because Moriarty is rotten, but, make the society worse, we wouldnt have this problem. In Death Note, Raito is capable of murdering inocent people for his ideology. Moriarty no. Who draws more your attention?
The show gets better when Sherlock appears and the mastermind battle begins, make the show slightly better. But tha last episode, making Sherlock incapable of seeing what he would is kind of desapointing. The diference between the twos would only rest in the means, and the last two episodes was to give us that impression. Despite the distortions of Sherlock's personality, he still has moral dilemas, he is a better character than Moriarty and is him that mantains this shipreck alive. The two episodes retelling "A Study in scarlet" were the best part of the show.
Plus, the BL character design and ludicrous and exagerated reactions dont make the experience any better.
This show could be great. Just watch Frtiz Lang's "Mabuse the gambler" and "The testament of Doctor Mabuse" to know how this show could have been if the theme, Moriarty vs Holmes, was done right. This show is just a bad maniqueist fanfic. The only mistery that i couldnt solve is how so much people enjoyed it to the point of getting an 7.9 in MAL.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 14, 2020
I truly didnt expect to enjoy this show, but, surprisingly, i did. The premise of this show is given in its first scene: I got reincarnated, but i still look like a salary man. This mean that, despite the main character got reincarnated as an overpower magician, he is still bind to his social medium. He is still bind to the obligations of a noble and a servant of the king. He has to marriage, help his brothers wedding, and etc... I never thought that i would actually see someone try to open a succession by presumed death in an anime. This show is more
of an slice of life than an adventure or action, the character are not really remarkable, but they shine at least one time or another. The first two and the last three or four episodes are really good too. Bottom line, this show is very interesting, but is not for everyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 4, 2019
Every Yugioh series is based on something that occured way back in the past. This one is no different, but it does it better. Vrains is all about setling things with the past. Lost Jiken is what gonna move not just the MC, but all the villains in the series. Playmaker, and Soulburner later too, seeks justice, Revolver seeks to attone the sins of his father. The second season brings some discussions about Artifical Inteligence and freewill, the importance of the limits of our free will. The last part of Vrains unite both and brings the meaning of life. Playmaker beliving in no absolute truth,
but in the human bounds as the substance of life (what is true, but doesnt make sense at all). Ai seeks the ultimate meaning in life, "If there is no final answer, than is better not to live". Revolver belives in the ultimate meaning, the afterlife, and i belive that this is the meaning of the last scene.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 27, 2016
I Won't write a long review. Argento Soma it's said to be slow. Well, honestly, i didn't care, and i didnt notice until the half way. The construction and the interior drama are outstanding, each character has its own complexity of motives, truly remarkable.
The fights are pretty good. The art has some problems that, i think, come from the character design(too slender and
no nose).
In my vision, the only flaw is the final form of the show. What does that mean? Each episode is great, but the whole is not. What was the point after all?
(SPOILER)The message of understanding others doesnt fit. It was impossible since the beginning. Then we have the buddist shit of the will creating something, that doenst fit in the plot at all. Mr. X being actually the good guy is not a problem, but it betray the eden snake symbol. (END OF SPOILER)
So, in the end, the best option is: Hate is empty, redemption is all. In the end, this is a fundamental truth of life.
If you like mecha and good story, thats for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 27, 2016
First Review, not because i want though. I'm writting it because this no one updated their reviwes and this show desarve to be watched.
The story is like a common place in now days: Fantasy world entirely based on RPG. The difference is the dramatic focus. Anyone who played Tibia (yep, Tibia) knows how a start is all about pain and poverty. The start here is the same till they start to know how the world works. A lot of people call it boring, but the pace was well conduct: we get to know and like every character. The character development is, therefore, very good.
The character design is beuatiful and the background art is outstanding, maybe, the best in A-1 history, and they know it and they don't get tired form showing it. I have nothing to complain about the sound either.
When i watched, i felt relaxed and a sort of warmming. If you want a story with good characters, gorgeous art and slow paced but well worked plot, you should give it a try.
P.s: Sorry for the "bad" english.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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