Feb 4, 2025
Maou Dante
Maou Dante is essentially about this boy who becomes the Devil and it contrasts a lot about demons and gods (like real religion) and has them fighting against each other. The anime starts off with quite a good plot and story idea, the progression is quite good too but it starts to get jumpy and the pacing goes off. Sometimes it will skip important scenes and sometimes it just gives way too much filler which isn’t necessary considering that this anime wouldn’t even need that. The VA and animation is OK as expected for something from 2002, if you’re watching the dub you’ll likely find
Feb 2, 2025
might be one of the greatest animes i have ever watched, the animation is impeccable, each sound and atmosphere in each scene puts you on edge, makes you cry and gives you the chills. this is probably one of the greatest animes ever created behind mars of destruction.
the characters are greatly developed and we get to see them as a child all growing up full of emotion attacking this disgraceful villains who are wonderfully written. The story is unique and one of its kind this totally has never been done before the ending was unpredictable and you never would've seen it coming. 10/10 i ... Feb 1, 2025
Hachimitsu Suicide Machine
Hachimitsu Suicide Machine is a fun little stop motion like animation that basically stars this family which moves into this new home and they find some weird things going on perhaps a ghost, or a supernatural monster perhaps something completely different. Without spoiling it, this anime is hardly a horror. The animation is sweet and reasonable despite its likely low budget.
Don't come in expecting too much as it is only 10 minutes long so there isn't much character development or anything like that but it is definitely worth the watch for something short. The sound quality is good and overall it's a decent short. Feb 1, 2025
Ao Oni The Animation (Movie)
Ao Oni was a huge disappointment as having played the games. The plot doesn't follow the actual game source material at all which would've been alright had it had an actual good plot itself (not really), the pacing of this movie is really slow with most of the action taking place in the final quarter of the movie. The scenes leading up to then are bland and boring and this is represented in the characters too. In terms of the art Ao Oni is just a bunch of CGI on a plate, it is watchable but its hardly likeable. The chase music is the only
Feb 1, 2025
A very disappointing anime, at a glance you see The Lost Village and think something perhaps mythical or supernatural or even perhaps there is a murderer on the loose or there is a traitor in the camp of people but No we don't get any of those things and instead get something so completely weird it ruins the entire plot. The first episode is good and draws you in but after that the plot falls short, i wasn't a huge fan of the voice acting in this and the MC was kind of lame. The animation is of standard but the entire anime itself is
Feb 1, 2025
Seoul-yeok is a disappointing view of a zombie apocalypse. It starts well with a good plot but falls short at everything else:
Pros: More realistic take on a zombie apocalypse and starts off well introducing the town and different characters, it feels a lot more original and at the start the atmosphere here is done very well. The progression through the story is reasonable but sometimes appears as quite bland and boring and the ending was quite surprising in a good way but seems lackluster and empty. Cons: Really annoying characters, most of the characters especially the main characters will **** you off, they're idiotic and ... Jan 31, 2025
Hitsuji no Uta
Hitsuji no Uta offers a more realistic take on vampirism and being a vampire, despite traditional western views of this mythical creature that sucks blood and turns into a bat in the night here we see a more original and humanistic view on it where it appears to be more like a cursed illness instead. For many, this is a breath of fresh air and is something original and interesting. Additionally, the atmosphere created at certain times is excellent though sometimes repetitive. The animation and voice acting are pretty standard. This anime does fall short at its plot, it is very shallow and there isn't
Jan 28, 2025
Yami no Purple Eye
This anime is just purely music so don't come in expecting a 30 minute segment of peak fiction or any development at all, although this is certainly peak music. The animation itself is pretty poor but as expected for the era it was made, there isn't much of a plot to this at all and the plot that it does have is pretty boring and isn't worth following. The only take away is that the music is actually quite a bop so perhaps you want a break from watching some anime and want to listen to some music or maybe you'll add this to your
Jan 28, 2025
Aragne no Mushikago
Aragne no Mushikago is definitely a confusing anime for the majority of people. The simple idea is that it follows this girl who moves into this new apartment complex and weird creepy things start happening around her. The actual plot of the movie is confusing and you'll end up seeing a lot of scenes or things that make you go ???. The amount of dialogue is limited so this adds to the confusion of the movie coupled with an ending that makes no sense. The animation is disappointingly poor for an anime that is fairly new. The one good thing about this anime though is
Jan 28, 2025
Kakugo no Susume
This anime is surprisingly not bad, for context more episodes were intended however due to the show getting cancelled only 2 were produced, but despite this it does a good job in telling a story start to finish with a reasonable ending despite only having a short run time. The whole premise is a guy and his sibling get this super cool robot armour but his sibling turns evil. Essentially we see the MC fight a bunch of ridiculous looking monsters and its pretty gory. The animation is OK but is still watchable, its a fun little anime that will have you going WTF at