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Aug 21, 2018
This manga physically exhausted me, because of that I only managed to (force myself to) read 8 chapters. I honestly wanted to read a little more, and atone for the sins I committed in my past life by going through this torture, but I just couldn't. Let's dive in into the abomination that is Exposition: The Mang-uh, I mean, Only Sense Online manga...ahem.
Story 1/10:
There is no story when it comes to this manga. Just the MC logging into an online game and farming for loot to upgrade his skills (aka Senses). All chapters have basically the same 3 things: a) MC crafts potions or an
item while at the same time extensively talking to himself about every single process or skill that he uses (WARNING: This part is capable of inducing mild headaches due to the high amount of exposition). b) MC goes and sells them to a vendor, each time surprised at how much money he made only to later end up spending everything in a jiffy, he also sometimes discusses trading and economy (WARNING: This part, too, is capable of inducing mild headaches due to the high amount of exposition). c) MC chats with his friends about Senses, and they make fun of the terrible choices he's made in the game (WARNING: This part is also capable of inducing mild headaches due to the high amount of exposition). Rinse and repeat, over and over and over again.
Art 1/10:
Do not let the pretty manga covers trick you into reading this (like it did to me). While it may look pretty with color, Only Sense Online has some of the most generic character design and art I've ever seen in an isekai manga. While I do not have much to say about the copy-paste character art and design, I do have a some things to say about the backgrounds and environments: You know, I thought Re: Monster's artist was terrible at drawing environments, but OSO just takes incompetence to a whole new level. Background art is basically non-existent, and whenever the artist actually decides to draw something, it is so terrible that it makes me wonder how this was ever approved for serialization. Monsters designs are blocky and would be impossible to know what they actually are if there weren't helpful boxes with the monster names written in them. To give you an example, there was a chapter where the MC was shooting arrows at some birds, and I could've sworn they were seagulls...or something like seagulls...but then again, he was at the woods and seagulls don't live in the woods...I am honestly confused at what those things were. Anyway, buildings are somewhat better off than the monsters, but they are still far worse than anything I'd expect from a manga artist. Sloppy and rushed is what I would call them.
Characters 2/10:
The characters would honestly be fine if not for the dizzying amount of exposition they offer every single time they appear. I'm serious, every time a character appears they start off by offering some random chat about a quest and stuff like that, and their conversation ALWAYS ends up with explaining how to craft something or enchant that other thing, or how Senses work, their various combinations etc. This manga is usually around 35 pages long, and you could spend more than half of each chapter, just reading explanations on how things work, just page after page after page of unrelenting exposition that is done solely through dialogue. It came to the point where I rolled my eyes every time any character appeared, cause I knew it was gonna end in some sort of long explanation about some mumbo-jumbo shit that would give me a headache.
Enjoyment 1/10:
No. No enjoyment. The only enjoyment I ever got from this manga was when I stopped reading it.
Overall 1/10:
The story is non-existent and every chapter follows the same formula. The artist either doesn't bother to properly draw the background art even though he is serializing a monthly manga, or he's just plain incompetent at drawing. And the characters are only every used to offer exposition about this or the other while barely giving the reader any room to breathe.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 5, 2018
'Running on Empty' has been quite a mixed bag. On one hand, it's almost a decent manhwa, both in the story and in the characters. On the other hand, the dreadful art makes it impossible for me to give it any sort of positive score.
Both the story and the characters were nothing exceptional. Fortunately, they weren't utterly terrible either (most of them at least). So, I'm not gonna say anything about them beyond "they were bearable".
Let's talk about the terrible art:
In Korean manhwa, the artists often take real-life locations and re-draw simplified versions in their works. This author goes beyond that and uses real-life pictures
as her background art. They are blurred so that they won't look completely out of place, but any normal human being with decent eyesight can tell that the background "art" are just blurred pictures. When she isn't using pictures as background art, she uses some ugly grey or orange color to smudge things up, and sometimes there's no background art at all.
There were also a couple of "action" scenes that were terribly drawn. The author again used blur to indicate the motion of the characters, and it was not pretty. A guy was throwing a punch, and his entire body was a fucking blur. It doesn't make sense.
I didn't like the main protagonist, Han. He cried about how his father ruined his life but didn't consider how he acted like an edgy 12-year-old when people started talking behind his back, and instead of trying to move on or fix things, he just stayed quiet. Even when someone finally approached him with good intentions, he lashed out like the true, depressed emo boy that he was.
I also didn't like how everything was resolved. They arrested Lee, but he was free in the last chapter because the real criminal suddenly "confessed after some time". Like, what the hell does that supposed to mean? How did that fucking happen? Some kind of explanation beyond a "confessed after some time" would've been nice.
In the end, it is not worth it. It was decent enough that I kept reading till the end, but there are better shounen ai manhwa and manga out there, with better art and better stories. Go read those.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 13, 2018
I rarely ever write reviews, but after finishing this dreadful thing that calls itself an anime, I felt like I just had to put my opinion out there.
A wise man once said, "Never go full retard". That's something Souten no Ken Re: Genesis seems to completely ignore.
Firstly, I would like to start with the most prominent thing that I have on my mind right now: The bad guys that have their own designs and don't look like random background or cannon fodder characters OR as I like to call them, the medium tier enemies.
All of them look like pigs OR some variation of pigs. Both
in appearance and in intelligence. Even the sounds they make are like those of pigs. I assume this was intentional, I don't understand however the 'why'. Was it for comedic purposes? I don't think so, I never once found myself smiling because of their looks. Was I supposed to go "Oooh! He looks like a pig lmao!"? Was this the reaction they were hoping to get? I am as confused as you are about this decision. Making them look like everybody else would've been far better than what we got.
There is this one dude towards the end. He's a bad guy who infiltrated the German army and acted as a "spy" for Kenshiro's enemy. That same guy can barely hold a normal conversation and is as dumb as a brick wall. I am very curious how in the hell he ever managed to trick ANYONE and didn't blew his cover on the first day. Or maybe I was supposed to take it at face value and not give a fuck about anything? That is a high possibility.
That's another thing btw, the soldiers in this anime are as dumb as they come. They all have guns, but rarely will you see any of them actually using their weapons effectively. They prefer to get reeeeeeaaaally close to Kenshiro and the rest, you know, the guys who know deadly martial arts and can kill people with one hit? Yeah...
Admittedly, however, I did come to enjoy a few episodes here and there. I don't know if it was me or the show itself, but it suddenly went into "it's so bad that it's good" territory, and I had quite a few laughs. That, however, didn't last as for some reason they introduced two idiots that served no purpose whatsoever to the story and are only there to make you laugh. Or in my case, make you regret ever watching this anime. They're PigManWithAMask-kun, and OldManWithAMetalWig-kun (I have no idea what their actual names are). Would you look at that, another character who looks like a pig! At this point, I just think the author has a weird pig fetish.
Most of the dialogue is pretty cringy. In some other anime it might've worked, but SnK Re: Genesis jumps between comedy and seriousness far too often to warrant itself great and convincing speeches and/or dialogue. It just falls flat like so many other things in this anime.
Let's talk about something nice for a change. The main cast is pretty decent. I have no major qualms with them. Sometimes they can be cheesy, but I can take that, no problem. The little blonde girl is the one who steals most scenes. She sometimes acts too mature for her age, but I still ended up liking her.
Yin-Ling? I think that's her name? She's also some really nice eye-candy if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Let's address the elephant in the room now. The CGI "animation". I don't know if this is how Polygon Pictures has done all of their other anime, I haven't seen any of their other projects yet, but boy this show has some terrible frame rate. A small DISCLAIMER here: The "animation" might hurt your eyes or even make you feel dizzy, for me it was the latter until I got used to it 2-3 episodes later. So, just be careful when watching this show.
The characters are disproportionate. Their hands are gigantic, their heads are small. It's especially obvious whenever Kenshiro smokes, the cigarettes look like toothpicks in his hands. And he smokes a lot, like, all the time 24/7. So, you can't really ignore it even if you wanted to. Their wounds magically disappear. I don't know if super fast healing is a thing in this universe. If it is, then just ignore this part. If it isn't, then...Well, I'm not sure what to say.
I'd like to take the time and praise the Opening. Both the music and the intro animation and editing are really well done (it was the main reason I started this anime, to begin with). It works well with hyping you up about the episode.
I think this is all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading. I'm leaving a TL;DR below since this ended up being much longer than I expected.
TL;DR - The anime has some of the worst writing I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing, not to mention that utterly horrendous CGI "animation". The anime cannot decide what it wants to be, it tries to walk the thin line between seriousness and comedy but falls flat on its face every single time. It is not worth it, if you want to watch something truly great that doesn't insult your intelligence at every turn, go watch Megalo Box.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 2, 2017
First of all, I must warn any newcomer to the anime that this is NOT a good substitute for the original TV series. I would advise that you go and watch the 2 seasons instead for a much, much more enjoyable and fun journey, and then come back and watch the movie if you still wish to do so. Now that that's out of the way let's go onto the review:
There are three parts to the story: The sequel-ish focuses mainly on Karma and Nagisa visiting their old classroom, going down memory lane, and checking various places on the mountain where they spent their last
year of middle school. While the first half of the story mainly focuses on the before-the-climax events of the TV series, which is given nowhere near enough time. I would've preferred if there was less narration and fast cuts from the past to the present day Nagisa and Karma, as it was quite off-putting and distracting. And the second half focuses on the climax, with which I have no qualms as it was as well done as in the TV version.
There are no major improvements over the sound, art, or the animation. They are as good as they were in the original TV series, which is to say pretty damn good.
Even though not that friendly to the newcomers, the movie is still a good watch for any fan of the series looking to satisfy their nostalgia, and although I believe converting 50 episodes into just a 90 minute run time was a bad decision overall, I'm still surprised at how enjoyable this movie turned out to be.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 6, 2017
Contains some minor spoilers!!
Everybody knows what isekai is: a guy dies and gets reincarnated in another world. Personally, I find that concept very fun and interesting. Even though it's hard to find a good isekai that doesn't fall victim to lazy writing, I always find myself giving isekai titles the benefit of the doubt. I wish I didn't in this case...
Jaryuu Tensei is about a guy that dies and gets reincarnated as a monster, a DRAGON more specifically. Now, how cool does that sound? Well, you'd think it would be easy enough not to fuck up when your protagonist is a fucking dragon, but everything
with this manga is just so wrong. Let's dive in!
Story: 2/10
From the first couple of chapters you might think, "hey this might be an ok story", the MC is overpowered as fuck, yes, but his cute slime lackeys give you the hope that the story won't go the "I'll be an adventurer!" or "I'll build a city for monsters" route like other titles, since our MC apparently just doesn't give a crap about any of that... Until he swallows an orb and obtains a human form... That's where it all goes downhill to the cliché route of every isekai manga ever made. He gets a hot elf companion, starts doing jobs for the guild, kills monsters that no one else can etc. typical isekai bullshit.
Art: 2/10
Oh god, the art... The art is so bad, so unfit, and so comical, that it's impossible to take seriously anything that happens in this manga. Even the moments where people are brutally killed and butchered are hilarious and ineffective because of the utterly terrible art. I've seen better-drawn art by amateur artists on tumblr, and the only reason I'm not giving this a dogshit score of 1, is because at least it's better than anything I'll ever draw in my life.
Characters: 2/10
Rushed is the only word I can think of that is appropriate for the characters in this manga, they're just never given enough time to be properly fleshed. 15 chapters in an isekai manga and the main character has no clear goal or motivation. He's just a carbon cutout of every other isekai protagonist ever.
Enjoyment: 2/10
Enjoyment? Forget about "enjoyment", this manga isn't even enough to scratch the isekai itch.
Overall: 2/10
I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that doesn't want to purposefully waste their time. Go read Goblin Slayer, Saihate no Paladin, or Tate no Yuusha. They are much better titles that at least have some effort put into them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 5, 2017
As Overlord season 2 draws closer and closer, I decided to watch the first recap movie to refresh my memory of the events from the first season and see some improvements over the TV anime that I very much enjoyed... I don't know about anyone else, but that's the main reason I personally watch recap movies in the first place.
I have to say, however, that even as a fan of the original series, I was quite disappointed. So here I am writing a review for anyone who might be about to dive into the movie with any sort of heightened expectations.
The recap is basically just
what it says it is, a recap. It adds NOTHING to the TV anime, like new scenes or dialogue (apart from the 30-second scene in the beginning), and improves NOTHING even though Madhouse should have had enough time to up the quality even by a bit. The animation is the same, the CG fights are the same etc. You could watch the TV show and it wouldn't make much difference apart from giving you the full story.
The only thing saving this movie is the fact that it's Overlord, Momonga is cool, Albedo is sexy and funny, and all the characters are basically a joy to watch. The music hasn't changed and it is passable.
So yeah, if you're going into this movie expecting something different or better from the TV anime, then don't. It's just the same thing, minus a couple scenes stuck together and thrown in the theater for money money money. 5/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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