After along time of thinking, I decided to watch this series for the second time. I have to say, if you saw this when you were like 10-13 years old or younger I so recommend watching this again because now that I'm older I so understand better and like it a lot!
Over all this story is about one boy who decides he really wants a digimon, draws a creature and boom next day he gets one, and finds out another kid Henry has one and that even Riki a cold girl has one too, but isn't as caring for her digimon like the others. It's
Jan 13, 2010
I just finished it today. 1/13/09
And i've got to say it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I thought "oh this is going to be another salior moon knock off," but to my surprise, it was slighty different. Yes, there are magical beings, and such, but this was such a tear jerker. I mean at first the series is very corny! (I did watch it dubbed, since I was to lazy to read subs) But once you get into the 2nd-3rd episode, you think, "it's not so bad" and you kind of get hooked. Once you get deep into it you can't help ... |