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Nov 26, 2023
A MASTERCLASS in thriller, suspense, and mystery that keeps subverting your expectations and astonishes you with clever twists and turns. The tension and pacing is the best I've ever seen in an anime period. I've never seen a detective/crime thriller series be so hot on the trail so quickly while keeping the tension through the roof. The climax in crime thrillers is piecing together evidence with the main question being "who is the villain?". Usually this is a big twist, someone we'd never suspect, but this series inverts that! We know who it is right off the bat, and since they are the main character(Light)
the question becomes "how would I not get myself caught?". It gives off a sneaky "prison escape" vibe that can't help but make you cheer for Light's attempts to ward off inspections.
How would you investigate someone who has the power to kill just with a face and name? Odds are you wouldn't want them to know, you'd want to do it very secretly and pretend that you don't suspect that person at all so that they'd slip up and let their guard down or eventually have them trust you by being friendly and acting like you stand for their ideas. This is one of the many thing Death Note subverts and the tension keeps on ramping up. You'd think catching someone who can kill anywhere in the world would take forever to track down but within 2-3 episodes, it already narrows it down quite a lot. Episode after episode I am awestruck by how the author writes L and Light to be 5 steps ahead of the reader.
The soundtrack is is to die for as well! Sadly the composer got caught with weed and japan unfortunately takes weed needlessly seriously so we might never get to see the composer do another work. I hope he finds his footing, I still listen to it quite a lot when working.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 22, 2023
“Human infants are born far more immature than the infants of other species. For example, giraffe calves are able to stand-up, walk around, and even flee from predators within hours of their births. By comparison, human infants cannot even support their own heads,” - Celeste Kidd
Children growing up are still developing brains and do not have the vocabulary to express their emotions effectively through complex language. They are big balls of flailing energy that sometimes don't even know why they do the things they do, much to their detriment. It is up to adults to instill the context(perks and consequences) of their actions. If this
is not caught early on, then the weight of their actions may haunt them forever. This is Koe no Katchi! The main character bullies his classmate, a deaf girl, in his younger years and constantly is haunted by it for the rest of his life. The feelings of guilt, shame, and wanting to repent are very well done and we can all relate to that feeling and it sucks. As you look back, you wonder if that really was you? Almost as if you have a separate identity. In a way, as you develop as a human being, you become a different person. Sure some things stay the same but the standards that you develop and hold might be in conflict with what you've done in the past. For example, at my high school there were some students throwing food at each other for fun. I somewhat knew one of them who did it, she was more of the honors student type who does community service on the weekends. I don't think it occurred to her that someone has to pick it up and clean up their mess until they see a custodian do it or do it themselves. I know that their future adult selves would stop them from doing that, or even question, wow, did I really do that?!
We are biological creatures with evolutionary baggage, and this story hits the spot on the regrets one may have as a flailing kid, and the guilt about it as an adult.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 30, 2020
Animals, like newborn giraffe calves, are able to clamber upright and walk around on their own within hours of birth. Human babies, however, are a different story. For the first two months of life, they can't lift their heads without help.
Human babies are helpless more so than any other animal, and this series perfectly exploits the psyche of a child.
You know in horror movies where it's common sensical to "not go alone/in there" but the main characters keep making dumb decisions anyways?
In this series, despite the main character making "dumb decisions", we can sort of empathize with him. It puts us in the
scenario of being torn between selling out our most loved person, or deluding ourselves into rationalizing their behavior because no matter what it is they've done, we cling on to some means of justification as to lighten the burden, like "victim of circumstance", stress, life, etc. As of writing this review, I'm still hoping that the mother has a "good" reason for her behavior, like maybe a tragic backstory or something, and this just goes to show the power of attachment. She is unpredictable, abusive, erratic, and controlling, someone that I as an adult would know to run the hell away from but as a child might come to defend and cling onto just like the main character. Nature has the many of us programmed to love our parents, but when that parent is abusive, its sending a weird message.
I don't know what it is about the art but its amazing. Something about being sort of notepad sketchy like makes it feel like a diary. Something I noticed about this authors style is that he captures the face in very intricate detail. The nose not being a half bottom part triangle approximation, the mouths often showing the teeth. It reminds me of Finding Nemo and that scene where the kid was at the dentist, where we get to see the lens of what she looks like in the eyes of a fish.
The author is on my list of being a master of framing and timing.
This series is a psychological thriller that keeps you on the edge(no pun intended), to the point where it measures up or even exceeds series classified as horror.
To all the unborn children out there, chose your parents wisely
Also I maybe biased because I can relate to this series on some personal level.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 24, 2020
This might be the worst One Piece movie yet, not only because its inconsistent but also just poorly made, and despite being a HUGE fan of One Piece(see my review for the series in general).. I just can't recommend this movie.
People call this an "all stars" movie. We get 30+ characters alive after the time period of Dressrosa to just have a fun blast with the action, not caring much about plot, and I agree, it's not the plot I have a problem with, but it's the badly directed action/animation with too much redundancy.
Maybe it's because I'm a huge fan of OP is the
problem so I have high expectations, but here we go:
1: Stop redundancy:
Smoker re-iterating for the 10th time "why do I have to work with pirates/these idiots?". We get it already, please write something else in. This is also inconsistent with the character because in Punk Hazard, he set aside his differences to work towards a common goal without overly complaining about it. There are ways you can convey irritation without vocalizing it in dialogue every single time. Likewise execution of already known character tropes didn't hit me hard with emotion because they were poorly executed. There are entire unnecessary cuts just for a character to say what they're feeling rather than expressing it through action.
2: Stop unnecessary cutting:
Yes, there are 30+ characters that need screen time, but the answer is not to scatter action in every direction and cut so much that I lose track of whats going on. Some characters get weird small fractional slices of screen time and it's off putting. Why did the rest of the supernovas just get knocked out completely? The solution is to have characters split into unusual pairings, e.g Zoro and Killer, Boney and Nami, Sanji and Hancock, etc etc, and emphasize attacks/action in combinations, which not only gives us something new but also gives characters a more balanced amount of screen time and paves the way for more comedic/interesting interactions(since they only have Dressrosa level info on the characters).
3: Pretty animation is not fun animation:
Kill la Kill, John Wick(1&2), Mad Max Fury Road, Kingsman(church scene only) etc are examples of media that have a very simple plot or virtually no plot, with emphasis on pure gorgeous action. Pretty action doesn't sell everything, more important is timing and framing. The animation was well drawn but not well paced is my problem. You can have media with no plot and all action work but this movie was not one of them.
Your mileage may very. This movie was released at a very bad time, where if the intent was to just show off cool attacks in luscious animation, it has failed. There is lack of information on new moves for Kid, Zoro/the crew, Killer, etc because not many of them have went all out since after the time skip. They will during Wano, so all in all, this movie should have been done after or sometime during the climax of Wano. I don't see the point in making a movie about the crew at Dressrosa level power because the previous film, Gold, already did this in a fun way. Weirdly I think I might have enjoyed this more if it was the movie done right after Dressrosa to showcase the new world.. but even then it doesn't fix the issues as noted above.
Things I liked about the movie:
There were some surprising cool moments, e.g with Boa's kick, that got me in awe.
Massive giant world being showcased.
The gripping thing in the treasure chest
Maybe upon a re-watch will I see the glory since it seems like I'm in the minority of crazy OP fans that don't enjoy this. I overwhelmingly disagree that this is better than Z or Gold though. Honestly they should have spent the budget on this movie on making a game or improving the current anime
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 1, 2020
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.” ― William W. Purkey
One Piece is about chasing after grand treasures while going up against the status quo, and it handles this differently compared to other series like Naruto, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on Titan, etc. The biggest notable difference is that it does this through "laughter in the face of danger". In most other series, our characters just can't have comedy right in the middle of a fight against an antagonist because it'd ruin the tension and not
fit within the gritty world/theme it wants to portray. One Piece manages to do both comedy and gritty tension, and this is what allows Oda to draw unique and interesting movements that surprise the reader and makes them laugh. If you're a confident person, you can handle jokes and have some self humility, but if you're un-confident, you smite down all attempts. A king sits on the throne with his back against the wall, with guards on either sides of him, because there he can't be stabbed. In truth, he holds a fixed image of himself that refuses to be vulnerable. The fool on the other hand, can play any role and is at the center of vulnerability.
In One Piece, our characters try to HAVE FUN along the way towards accomplishing their goals, which can be off putting to some because it seems like they're not taking it seriously, which is just not true because if you aren't having fun, you'll end up quitting, which is why our main characters ARE having fun, because it leads them to not want to quit. Their goals aren't an obligation to do for the greater good, not to get external validation, but to satisfy their internal ones. "The real world is not fun and games", is the point of view that gets pushed down to our characters and while other series has their characters trying to adapt to a cruel world, One Piece responds with, I don't care.
One Piece is just a blast to read, I couldn't stop flipping the pages when I was little because it just constantly had things moving as much as possible. Oda is immensely creative in surprising me and I'm just going to fanboy my thoughts to convey what i mean, so:
When Luffy got hypnotized by django and their plan backfired rofl.
When Luffy was fighting Crocodile, and nothing worked because all the punches went through him, and it just seemed like an impossible up hill battle, aojfagja0e9g, like HOW IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE TO WIN? I was on the edge of my seat(same with katakuri).
When Nami was fighting DoubleFinger, your weapon is fricken terrible lolol!
Sanjis wanted poster is a drawing of an actual person
...I really don't want to spoil more, so please find out for yourselves!
Overall One Piece is a fun comedic journey across a giant world with lots of inventive places and characters that are a joy to follow.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 30, 2019
Science is relentless persistence done in a rational manner. The characteristics of people who we call "geniuses" are in large part due to obsessive interest at times where most people would brush it off. Einstein was given a compass when he was very young and he was just completely fascinated and entranced by how it worked, where as I would have just thought ehh, who cares, its just life. It's nice to see these characteristics in Senku as he obsessed over the moon following him and such.
This series has rough start with Yuzuriha and Taiju(maybe because without a love triangle, Senku is just a
3rd wheeler being dragged along), but they quickly get replaced by Chrome and Kohaku, which are more tolerable in part because we can see a developing relationship as opposed to the two best friends off the bat. Every character has their strengths and weaknesses and its fun to see how they need to sometimes manipulate each other to accomplish a goal.
I do wish the music would be done by the god himself, Kevin Penkin, though.
I have a soft spot for these sorts of series grounded in hard work the characters love, such as in Bakuman.
“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” Alan Watts
Some inconsistencies in terms of scientific accuracy and etc are bound to show up(like how did the ancestors deal with inbreeding) but I appreciate the efforts of the mangka who try to research as much as they can and make it in the hellish work schedule of a weekly deadline.
Overall Senku bringing modern technology to the stone age is a joy to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 14, 2019
A really wholesome manga that puts emphasis on comparing and contrasting how today's notion of "common sense" would radically effect the past.
Common sense being: viruses cause sickness, basic math, etc.
You get to see skills you consider common sense, to be super powers to productivity. This manga makes you appreciate modern life a little more and the things we take for granted.
Agriculture and history nerd Shizoku, is sent to medieval japan(sengoku era), a time where hunger, famine, and war over unification of japan was active. Luckily she studied agriculture and history and uses her knowledge to advance civilization.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 29, 2019
"Love is when we allow ourselves to be the most vulnerable around others". When you take a moment and think about it, the people you love are those who you can jest around with the most.
I can say Gintama is the jestiess* series I've ever read. Every character is made a mockery of, and your perception of what "type" of character they are, is thrown out the window. (its funny because the voice actor interviews say they had troubles portraying their characters)
Lets imagine your favorite anime character. Now imagine your character being made fun of into oblivion. Maybe your favorite character is the "serious
cool type", (Yato, Kirito, Sora, Saskue, L, Lelouch, Kaneki... whatever etc). If these characters even mention the that they need to take a dump, or something silly, it kind of ruins the "image" of the character.
Gintama just does not give a shit. It will take a well designed serious looking character, like Takasugi, and dub over his lines with a squeaky voice, and yet, IT WORKS. Gintama knows when its time to joke around and when its time to shift to a more grim darker tone.
Gintama has kind of a slow start. We want to see plot progression towards a goal, advancements, go go go! But Gintama isn't so much about attacking, but rather defending and protecting. How most narratives are written is "character vs the entire world", which is alluring to us because we have dreams and goals. How Gintama is written is that our characters are dealing with the aftermath of failed goals, such as a lost war with the amanto(aliens), instrapersonal struggles with the past, and so on. It may not seem like it since most of the series is masked in comedy, but it is there. The comedy is sometimes hit or miss.. forgettable, not funny... wtf.. I found myself in the beginning rolling my eyes at the dumb jokes(zura, fruit punch samurai g, mayonaise) and lack of direction but later on finding myself embracing the jokes and loving the lack of direction.
Expecting and wanting plot progression and rapid action will leave many to prematurely declare the series has no charm, but really, you just gotta let go.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 20, 2019
Akame ga Kill, praised for having balls to kill off characters and gore, etc, is overrated.
Do you mourn and grieve the death of everyone who gets killed in the news? No, because you don't have much attachment to them. I felt like I was watching the news whenever a character dies, like meh, I feel bad but nothing I can do about it... wtf? I want to be off the rails, I wanna be infuriated against a fictional character. Esdeath is sending me very mixed signals and I honestly don't remember the rest of the villains.
You have a corrupt government rivaling an entire
revolutionary army, and we only get to see the Night Raid squad, and Esdeaths crew... WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER PLAYERS? Aren't there higher ranks than Esdeaths crew and the Night Raid? You have these really cool weapons, but not much exploring into them. This series fails to capitalize and expand on so many fronts that I don't understand why its held in high regard.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 17, 2019
Grand Blue has so perfected the art of comedic timing, that I recommend it to anyone writing comedy to study it.
Initially skimming the panels and pages, I thought... mehh, it's so so... and it wasn't until my second try actually digesting the panels, was I enlightened. Grand Blue is hands down, first class in the genre of comedy. Admittedly though, there is a little of an adjustment period for people who are introverted because part of the comedy revolves around partying hard with alcohol, chasing after dates, and stereotypical college student goals, which as someone who prefers staying home and playing vidya games, is meh.
I started the series: "Why are they all naked?"
After reading the series:" "MAN ARRESTED FOR BEING NAKED"
The reactions of other characters who are new to the diving clubs abnormality is hilarious. Reoccurring gags like testing if the water is alcohol (because they play pranks on each other), getting so used to loosening up that you wind up partially nude in public, Grand Blue manages to pack a ton of these "inside jokes" and interweave them well with the story.
At heart, the story is about college students trying to live their lives to the fullest, slowly discovering what is important by way of being sucked into the diving clubs insane kinks and habits.
A problem with "inside jokes" is that you have to be the ones inside to get it, otherwise its just nonsense to the general public, so let go and dive into the club!
Note: The anime fails in capturing the timing and atmosphere of the jokes....
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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