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Jul 18, 2022
I thought I would shed some light on this show. I’ve watch nearly 100 anime at the time of writing, and this is the first anime that I’ve watched in a theater. I was quite skeptical about this show at first, as I was the only person in the whole theater, but this turns out to be quite a good show.
The story writing here is quite solid. Everything made good sense, and easy for me to follow along. There’s no major turn-offs whilst watching, and I throughly enjoyed it. However, I feel like there are some bits that defies common sense, which confuses me a
little. I’m usually quite into drama/romance genre, which I think that the writers had done a great job of portraying these elements into the film. The romance bits mostly doesn’t make much sense to me, but it didn’t bother me all that much as there’s only a handful of them throughout the show. In a nutshell, I think there’s some great elements of story writing throughout this show.
Contrasting to the story aspect, the art is a little disappointing. The character animation are quite great: their movements are natural and fluid. What I don’t understand is the background art. I think it’s very lazily done. Some shots from the sky looks like a Google Earth render for some reason?? But at least the character art and animation is fine, so I’m not going to press anymore on that front.
There’s not a lot of soundtrack highlights throughout, but most of the uses of music are quite effective. The music in this show did a relatively good job of conveying the emotions of the characters. The ending was quite good… Not really much else to say.
I’ve pretty much enjoyed the whole show. It really caught my full attention throughout. I think this show is a little underrated, and I feel like it could do really well if it wasn’t for the poor advertisement of the show. I’ve never heard of this show until I was at the ticket booth. Give it a try everyone!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 15, 2022
Note: This review is also a little personal, so it's not the best review out there. If you're interested, feel free to read.
I don't know where to start...
To note, this is the second movie by Studio Ghibli I've ever watched.
I was hooked since the very first minute of the show. Well, you might argue that there's nothing yet... except the art. Oh my god. It's phenomenal. Throughout the whole movie, not one bit disappointed me. Every tiny bit is done to absolute perfection. Every scene here is beautiful: the skies, the bathhouse, even the train. The character designs and backdrops are also perfectly designed. Nothing
throughout looks odd or weird, but just perfect.
Not just that, but also the music. I've grown up with Joe Hisaishi's music: playing them numerous times, but strangely enough, I've never watch any Ghibli movie back then. I've always thought that they were great, but I just didn't know its significance. From the very first minute, I was in tears: the nostalgia brought be back nearly 7 years (I'm 15 as of writing this review), and that, added with the animation, is just absolute perfection. I'm also a musician, and I would say that if I didn't grow up knowing and playing Joe Hisaishi's music, I wouldn't be where I am.
Some people might suggest that there's no character development at all, and I would agree. But there's need for any. What develops instead, in my opinion, is the story. The story keeps pedaling forwards, making the pace fast and interesting. Eventually, the characters slowly fit into the plot perfectly with no further adjustments needed. I feel like with modern anime, many directors are trying to achieve this effect, but it just turns out boring and become a 'just another anime' show. Literally, no one can mimic Hayao Miyazaki's style without getting caught (well, at least by me). Yeah, it's amazing.
This show was released in 2001, and I would say that this show aged like fine wine. 21 years later (as of 2022), this show is still considered one of the best anime released, and I bet it will be like this for a very long time. I can't bring myself to understand why animation back then looks far better than animation today (Shinkai is an exception: he has a whole different style, though). I feel like I'm an addict for spotting out animation flaws, but I really can't find any in this movie. This show's runtime is around 2 hours. It felt like 30 minutes, or even less. This is the first movie that it genuinely made me feel like time can actually fly.
At first, I just didn't understand the deal with Ghibli: I didn't understand why does it stand out from the rest so much. Ah, I get it now, 15 years later. A little late, but better later than never.
Note to self:
- Cry count: 3 (first minute, flying scene, ending credits)
- Let's start.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 13, 2022
This show is good, but yet, it's not great.
I feel that over the episodes, the story gets more interesting. It had a rough start, but it picked up the pace around half way through. This is quite annoying for me, as I feel that there are so much opportunities for the plot to be made more interesting then. Also, the story lack common sense - even a lot of common sense sometimes. It would've played out much better if the plots are thought out more throughly, and it would, for me, turn out much more interesting and enjoyable. Also, I feel that the author over-conceptualize
the topic of sex. Even myself being a teenager myself, I think that it is a little too much to the point that it doesn't make sense sometimes.
Another turn off for me is the teacher-student romance. I don't want to say much more about that as it would be a spoiler, but really?
For arts and animation nerds, we know it's definitely not perfect. I mean - come on: the color of shadow casting on the floor does not have the same color as it does on the human face, and the perspective of shadows are all wrong... It's really annoying, but it doesn't turn me off from the story so I don't really mind about that as much.
Enough ranting... Overall, this is quite a good show. I'm not sure how does it compare with the source material, but nevertheless, it's a fun and enjoyable. It's just lacking in ethics and common sense, but otherwise, good show. It had saved itself from a 6 from me as the screenplay is quite well written, and quite enjoyable at times. Voice acting is great, so there's not really a major turnoff.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 18, 2021
One word summary: amazing.
This show is absolutely incredible. I enjoyed almost every single minute of it. This, for me, is by far better than season 1. Although it was great, the production is this one is much more meticulously done. It's definitely not perfect, but it is enough to make the show extremely fun to watch. Just like the first season, this show have very little narrative: it just goes with the flow, which makes it very relatable to me (as I am also a musician myself). The fingerings on the guitar is much more accurate on this one compared to the first season. As
always, every character is unique, but at the same time, they are harmonious with each other, which makes it so enjoyable. The music, is great. From the OP to the performances, they were all enjoyable. Most of all, it's extremely cute seeing the girls with their friends, doing what they love. Comedy aside, it have wholesome moments as well, which is great to see. There are some soft moments, notably the ending, which is well executed. Every character is stupidly hilarious in its own way, which is why I adore all the girls so much.
There's not much criticism I have against the show. But mainly, one thing keeps bugging me. Why the heck are they playing 'Fuwa Fuwa Time' in every years' cultural festival, even in season 1? Why can't they just compose 2 more songs to play instead? The song is overplayed so much that it gets really annoying. That's pretty much all the criticism I have. I enjoyed the show in general so much I didn't even bother about spotting the minor mistakes.
Overall, this is one amazing show. Although it's 26 episode, I think it's worth watching if you're in the search for a cute girls doing cute things anime. For me, I'd say skipping out season 1 is fine, as it's only just about how the band came to be. They reintroduced the characters and the backstory in episode 1 of this season anyway.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 14, 2021
This anime is one of the most hilariously fun anime I've watch so far. Me being a musician myself, there are some things that are relatable and it's just really funny seeing the girls doing it. I laughed quite a lot throughout cause how stupidly hilarious it was.
The story of this is quite well written. There's not that much storyline, but it's more of like going with the flow, which I absolutely love. It's moving and does not get boring like some other anime. Although the plots are quite simple, I think it's perfect as it's just a 'cute girls doing cute things' anime.
The art is quite fine overall, but me being a musician, there's just some things that really bugs me: sometimes the guitarists' hands doesn't move at all when changing chords. It's probably quite hard to animate, but comparing the finger/hand movements to Your Lie in April on the violin and piano (which is surprisingly very accurate), it could be improved here by quite a lot. This is a music anime, so I was expecting it to be relatively musically correct. Let's give it the benefit of the doubt as the anime was aired in 2009. I bet this will make guitarists or bassist out there quite happy. The music here is overall, great. Perfectly suited for the anime - quite cute, yet quite fun. In my opinion, there should be more songs. Some songs are played quite repeatedly, which bothers me lot. 1 or 2 more songs would be great. It's also quite a shame as some songs could've been written better.
Overall though, this anime, for me, is quite epic. But the question is, will they really get to Budokan? (damn, I love that venue)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 13, 2021
Compared to the first season, this season is far better. It's probably due to the fact that we know the back story of the characters in the prequel, and this just builds on to that. Much more fun.
This could've been a 9. For me though, the beginning episodes were too uninteresting and it gets a little boring at times: they all seems too childish and weird which made me kinda cringe (I know, I know, that's the whole point of this show and Chuunibyou disease, but still, it kind of made me feel quite uncomfortable at times). But as the episode progresses, the better it
gets. The last couple episodes were great: it was wholesome, and at the same time, quite hilarious. I just loved it. Just like the previous season, the art style and the sound were relatively the same - nothing changed much about it (still pretty good overall). It's also worth mentioning about the character development as it's much clearer that they are changing a lot. It's very clear to see Rikka getting much closer to Yuuta as time goes by. The more you watch it, the closer they get. I love it.
Initially, I though to myself: 'How in the hell is this a romance genre anime? I don't picture romance whatsoever at all!' I bet some others also thought of this. In the last episode, Yuuta really answered this question (won't be spoiling it). And yeah, it's true. We're just all too stereotypical about romance and love.
I do recommend this anime, but make sure to watch season 1 first else you'll be starting at the middle of the story which will make it less enjoyable. Although season 1 is a little boring IMO, make sure you don't skip it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 12, 2021
To be short - this is a great title. Like any other romance anime, this one is definitely unique in its own aspect.
I like how the story moves throughout: it flows well, and does not get too boring. For me personally, I do not enjoy the first few episode as it is quite fighting/action/delusion based (I am not a big fan of the fighting/action anime) but I understand the point that the story is trying to convey, which is quite effective once I get to the end. Throughout, most main characters develops quite well: I'm pretty sure we can all agree that Rikka changed quite
a lot after being with Yuuta when compared from the first time they met and the end. We also definitely see Sanae changed, although her change was way more abrupt near the last episode. For me though, some music use isn't that appropriate to the scene. I remembered in one part there was an orchestral music playing while they're making a joke... I got confused. But still, overall, it was fine.
To sum this up, it's a good anime and I do recommend watching it. To me, the message they kind of conveyed is to say everyone is unique, and just don't be shy to live life the way you intend it to be. Don't try too hard to fit into the norms of society. Though I'm still quite bugged about the ending... Let's see what season 2 brings!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 11, 2021
Finishing this, I have only one thought: disappointed. I think some others might also feel that.
Don't get me wrong - this is a good anime. But my criticism is that there's nothing significant at all about this series. It's just like a lower-tier version of any other high school romance harem anime. The plot isn't deep enough: I think some scenes have so much potential to be better, but yet they miss out the chance to develop on it. There is also minimal character development from my point of view, which is extremely frustrating. I know that throughout the story, the character personalities changes, but
the changes are barely noticeable. I've not read the light novel, which might be great (who knows), but the anime, in my opinion, is very typical to any other high school romance to the point that it gets boring at times.
For those thinking to watch this anime, I won't stop you as it's not that bad. For those who are seeking something that will be extremely worth watching, I recommend you miss out on this one as there are much more romance anime that are far better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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