If you liked
Bokura ga Ita
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Ao Haru Ride
This is similar to Ao Haru Ride because I think they are both more on the drama side. Well, Bokura ga Ita is way more dramatic if that's something you're looking for. Absolutely, love this one because, guess what? Another squeal worthy anime! Woo hoo! So, of course the girl likes the popular guy, but come onnn it gets better. There is so much drama in this and I mean like so many twists and turns and things you won't be expecting. This honestly made me cry at the end, like no spoilers, but uh.. not a happy ending. But I mean I feel like nobody knows how to end shows these days. Haha! More like never. You can't always have happy endings though, I guess. :( Bokura ga Ita is also just super cute, I love the relationships in this. Totally worth a watch. :)
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Kimi ni Todoke
Ahhhh omg where do I even starrrrt. Okay. I think i've calmed down now. Dude. Bros. Sorry, ladies I call everyone dudes and bros. So, brothaaaas. This anime is probably my fav(right besides Lovely Complex of course, don't worry I didn't forget about you Otani <3). So this anime is basically about a shy girl, who omg is literally the nicest human being, hands down. Nobody raise your hands now, I will answer all of your questions. Omg of course I will tell you about the guy she likes. UGH. He is like no guy i've ever seen in any rom com anime. Completely super nice, and like my dream mannnn. Ughhhh. Oh, and I forgot he's also the most popular kid in the school. Haha, super original, but I swearrr this anime is so good. And of course I got a good laugh out of it too. I don't like anime's that are boring.. I mean who does? This one defiantly made me want to keep watching it more and more. Tbh, I think i've rewatched it 3 times by now.. O.O But hey that's how you know how good it is. :) Love ya'll kawaii bbys. Have a great day.
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
This is similar becuz they are obvi both rom com's. Haha, no duh. But besides that, Lovely Complex is soooo funny, at least to me. I have a weird sense of humor, but this is seriously all round funny. Omg and it is also is so romie or romantic. It makes me squeal because it's so cute. Idk if it's just me, but if I watch a reallllly good rom com, anime or not, I squeal so much. O.O My family is used to my craziness. Haha.. But I totally recommend Lovely Complex. Love ya'll! Hope you're having the best of days. :)