You may find your self a bit shaken if you're not of a certain...palate
If you're not any particular type of furry then I'd take caution. The show does a mix of actual "Feral", "Anthro", and partial bestiality...
and follows 3-4 different stories
They come in a particular order which I will list at the end in case you want to skip and at least see which might appeal to you...
***If non of those 3 appeal to you then please peacefully click away.***
For those of you still reading I have to say that the action was pretty decent, being of a...certain taste
May 3, 2018
Darling in the FranXX
I. Don't. Like. Mechs.
Let me say I grew up with Kaiju in my house because my mom loved Godzilla so I was exposed and liked mechs at a young age but someone along the line I just lost interest and avoided a lot of anime in that genre because of it. That being said "Darling" is a semi predictable show with predictable plot arcs, with semi interesting characters. High quality sound and animation is a given in most modern anime so take that as you will. This show is unimpressive... Yet I have to say that this show was perfect for me. It played into some of ... May 25, 2017
Vampire Knight
What went wrong?
I went into this anime knowing it was a drama and was excited when the opening themes were more realistic and less Twilight. I just don't know why the writing team choose the directions they did. The Good: Animation, Sound, majority of the Character Ark's, as well as the story foundation. The Bad: The main character is a chump and there's no reason behind it and the show has an underlying case of "Pseudo Action" there's a bit of fighting and combat but it didn't seem to to hold any weight or seen like the fights are significant enough even though there is plenty ... |