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May 31, 2024
coming back to this years later to say this movie is pretty shit. this style of fireworks lightshow action doesnt work well for dragon ball at all, not to mention it ruins broly's character by turning him into a "goodest boy" fanfiction pet dog.
broly from Z was way cooler. before he transformed he was a creep who walked around in a constant trance, and after he transformed he took on all the Z fighters at the same time without flinching and killed his own father. he felt like legitimate threat.
broly in this movie? the guys take turns fighting him and let frieza get knocked
around for a bit while they learn how to fuse. doesn't feel like a real threat.
and the biggest offense: the backgrounds. the Z movies were so great bc we got to see our favourite characters doing action over cool backgrounds and in cool settings, something we didn't get to see in the show or manga bc toriyama was an admittedly lazy mangaka who didn't like to draw backgrounds. so in Z broly, we get to see our heroes all get the fucking shit beat out of them on a desolate world, getting smashed through hollow architecture, making a mockery out of this long dead civilization. our titanic heroes feel the way they always should've felt: like human-sized kaiju.
super broly takes place in a fucking cg ice field. it doesn't even necessarily look bad all the time, it's just uninspired. it takes too much uncritical influence from toriyama. i like the fact that broly becomes a good guy at the end but it would've been way more interesting if he maintained that creepyass personality he was born with in the Z movie.
also, the ruination of bardock's character at the beginning was horrifying to see. i love toriyama but it's true that some of the best stuff from dbz wasn't even made by him.
edit: also, turning broly into a generic angry guy is boring. his anger was once tempered by his love for violence. he was smiling as he manhandled our beloved heroes. he felt like a genuine threat. you couldn't just take turns on him. you had to rush him all at once and even still he would demolish you. this new guy is just angry the whole time and doesn't even say words, and we have the luxury of siccing frieza on him while we learn how to dance
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jan 19, 2024
(i promise only this first paragraph has to do with tokyo revengers, and i wont mention it again)
it's been a while since i read a manga so irredeemable that it moved me to write a review. i read tokyo revengers a few days ago and i really thought that i would never read a delinquent manga as bad as that ever again. wind breaker isn't 100% a delinquent manga, but it does kind of fall under the umbrella. tokyo revengers was bad in the sense that it was a trainwreck but i was at least compelled to keep reading it because i wanted to see
what bullshit would happen next, what terrible writing decision would the author make to further ruin this already unsalvageable story. wind breaker is terrible because there isn't a single creative idea around, and as a result i had to force myself even to read this many chapters, all in the hopes that the author would learn how to write something at least slightly resembling a story.
the "delinquents" in wind breaker are only delinquents in the sense that there is a hierarchy in the school based on strength and the school itself has some fucking graffiti on it. otherwise, these characters are just fighters, not delinquents. they don't smoke, drink, shake anyone down, nothing. they're just cops. they all just patrol the town to keep villains away. they only fight the "bad guys" and the bad guys are always just cardboard cutouts of characters you've seen a million times before, except even a cardboard cutout has a 2nd and 3rd dimension.
the bad guys consist of guys who harass women, guys who stir shit up, and guys who are members of evil gangs, which are usually led by equally shallow characters that the author desperately wants to convince you have depth by giving them those generic psychopath eyes and a halfassed backstory borrowed from some better story you can vaguely remember. there is never any moral dilemma when fighting these villains. there is no challenge in beating up a guy who is weaker than you and also a worse person than you and whose immoral actions have seemingly no justification.
this would be fine if there were something else interesting about the story, but there's nothing here. this manga is hollow. no vibes. no characters. no atmosphere. the art is expertly illustrated but just because you're competent at anatomy and perspective doesn't make your art interesting. in the damn near 60 chapters i read, there was never a panel that took my breath away or even left the slightest impression on me. tomorrow i will try to remember a page, a scene, a moment, a character, a movement from this manga. i will fail. tails gets trolled is unironically a far superior work both despite and BECAUSE its art is so amateur. at least the author of that story has some measure of ambition.
the protagonists aren't much better than the antagonists, though. they each are allowed a grand total of 2 emotions that they can toggle between. any more is asking for too much. there is a constant halfassed effort at character development with the main character but because this is written like fanfiction, you never understand where it's trying to go. like his central character flaw was diagnosed and treated in the first chapter. it would be way more charming if the MC just acknowledged it and tried to overcome it but we have to sit through this tired, laboursome attempt at character progression. most of the time, the way the MC interacts with the world doesn't indicate some major character flaw, just a general social ineptitude. it should be treated like a cute little quirk rather than a crushing pain on his soul.
there is nothing you're getting from wind breaker that you couldn't otherwise get from a better work of art. if you want delinquent action, go read crows or drop or nanba mg5. shit, read out too. if you want delinquent comedy, go read a-bout or bebop highschool or read crows again. if you want delinquent drama go read yankee go to juku or blue spring. if you want a generic delinquent manga that does all that stuff a little bit worse but isn't nearly as boring as wind breaker, read clover or sugarless. neither of those manga is great, but it's several leagues ahead of wherever this is at. and last but not least, if you want to read a comic about a boy scout defending his city and defeating laughably evil villains, read some golden age superman. i swear, it's better than you think it is.
it's clear the mangaka is passionate about fashion. you can see it in the pages between chapters in each volume, and on their social media. this is very cool, and i wish they showed off more of their fashionable sensibilities in the story. i don't care much for their taste in fashion personally, it feels too much like safe, curated, social media brand friendly fashion, but at least it's something. if i could give any advice to them, i'd say read some books, go outside your comfort zone, look at a painting, be moved by something, and stop writing fanfiction.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 8, 2023
i started off really liking this one but the longer it went on the less i could stand it. the author is allergic to tension and stakes, taking the easy way out of every conflict she finds herself writing. it's like she tries to avoid conflict all together. i had to drop out around the 34 chapter mark when yuu all of a sudden transformed into the most insufferable idiot of all time. it's fine for characters to be foolish but (and maybe im just imagining things) but he literally learned this lesson 5 chapters ago. like he learned why it's bad to be this
brand of stupid so why is he being it again bro. im tired.
the main redeemable quality of this manga is the cute moments, honestly mainly between ginta and arimi. maybe they shouldve been the main characters. there's also the cool outfits all the characters wear. im sure there will be many people who love this kind of story. personally, i wanted to like it way more. i thought i would love it when i first started it, but damn...
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 21, 2023
Bocchi the Rock is at its best when it's being funny. Bocchi is a funny character and she's surrounded mostly by funny characters. The majority of this review will be a complaint about one specific aspect of the show, but just understand that I still recommend it to most people. It's a nice and easy watch, and even though the focus of the last 3 episodes isn't as interesting, overall the show is fun. It's just that the scenes that are more serious are kind of boring, and disappointingly, the music is a fucking tragedy.
You'd think a show about music would have more interesting music.
The most embarrassing part for me was probably when they said a band played "psychedelic rock" and it turned out to just be more normal ass J-rock. And the way the characters talk sometimes about this standard ass music, "Oh! How hypnotic the vocals! How fantastic the guitar!" feels like dogshit when the music isn't hitting for you. The opening and ending songs are also boring as shit. If you have any familiarity with Japanese rock, you're gonna fall asleep every time a song comes on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 16, 2023
This might be one of the best anime I've ever seen, and I've seen over 600 of them by now. I don't get why the rating is so low. Maybe it's not the most accurate adaptation, but adaptations don't have to be accurate to be good. Maybe the visual storytelling got a little too crazy and abstract. Maybe there were too many recaps. Maybe the lack of a proper ending bothered some people. Maybe this maybe that. I'll say this: despite all of that (actually it's BECAUSE all of that), this might go down as the best anime I watched this year. And it's 2:37
AM on April 17, 2023 as I'm writing this.
The only thing I didn't like was how Tsubasa got flanderized after her arc got finished. She was one of the most entertaining characters. I'm definitely reading the manga after this. I have finally been made into a shoujo fan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 12, 2023
Honestly, I just watched this because I wanted to hear how the characters were voiced. I was not disappointed. Chiyo's voice actress was exceptionally cute, but Osaka's takes the cake. I love Yukari. If she was real maybe she would be my wife.
The only thing I was disappointed by was how most of the gags ended up getting translated much slower. The lack of abruptness to the jokes meant I wasn't laughing as much as I was during the manga, where a punchline would hit me like a truck. The slower pace makes it more leisurely though, I don't know how else to put
it. It's more chill. Less punchy, more airy, more vibular.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 31, 2023
I started reading this manga back in 2017. I had just finished my senior year of highschool. It was a weird time, but I was having a blast. I genuinely loved every second I spent reading it. I stopped after the first arc with high hopes. When the anime came out, I continued reading, but it got harder. Now, 6 years later, I finished it. I can safely say, it was not worth the wait.
There is a trend with a lot of amateur storytellers, where they feel the need to answer every single question they ask in their story. I fear that Eiichiro Oda feels
this same compulsion in One Piece. We don't need to know the answer to every mystery you put in your story. Sometimes, it's better to leave some things to speculation.
The Promised Neverland is incessant in its goal of answering every question in poses in the most tedious way possible. Even at the expense of dropping the stakes. There comes a point where genuine, actual setbacks stop happening to the characters, and you feel nothing every single time they're supposed to be in "danger". You know they're gonna get out alright.
I'm not opposed to an optimistic story, but optimism of this level crosses into naivete, and that just doesn't work for a story that starts off the way TPN does. A supermassive disappointment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 21, 2023
I don't even know how to talk about Nichijou. I started it in 2016. Started it again in 2017. Then again in 2019. Now in 2023, I have watched it to completion. At its best, it's hilarious. It's cute. It's exceptionally well animated, which isn't even usually necessary for a comedy. Some of the best comedy anime can get away with pretty rudimentary animation, but KyoAni pulled out all the stops, and the visual creativity really sells a lot of the jokes better than if it was just industry standard bullshit.
Some of the best visual moments of the show that will stay in my
mind for ever are actually the little things. The way a character bounced in this scene, or the way their face looked when they said this thing, etc. The way Sakurai-sensei bounces as she is tossed out of her brother's room replays itself in my head constantly. If I was in a iron man suit and i was fighting a million aliens would still have jarving replay it infinitely in the corner of the screen.
The best scenes are the ones with Yukko in them. Her and Mio make one of the best comedy duos in anime.
The worst scenes are the ones with Nano and Hakase and Sakamoto. Not because they're unfunny or uncute. They are both funny and cute a lot of the time, but in a weird way, they fill me with anxiety. Maybe it's the fact that Hakase is (albeit justifiably) insufferable. Or maybe I empathize too much with Sakamoto being terrorized. Or maybe I just don't like the vibes of their house. Every single time I dropped the show, it was when I arrived at a scene with these three.
The thing is, when you add Yukko, Mio, and/or Mai to the equation, it balances out and becomes easier to watch, and I can accept the cuteness and funniness without that weird acidic aftertaste.
I also love how something is always going on in the background. A named character going about their day. Someone playing a game with their friend. Now I'm not saying every anime in the world should have exactly that, but it feels like attention to detail in the background is dead in modern anime.
I also want to give props to the science teacher's voice actress. Perfection.
Right now, I'm giving it a 9/10 because that is how I feel after finishing the last episode, but I really wish I could give it no rating at all because I don't much care for number ratings and i hate this website
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 29, 2023
I will never forget the day of January 29, 2023 (today), in which I randomly decided to watch an episode of Asobi Asobase despite it having nothing to do with any of my current projects or any of my short term goals, only because I remembered its name in my mind on accident. I ended up watching the entire thing in one go. Easily in the top 10 funniest anime of all time. All the voice performances were great but Hanako's voice actress steals the show. She made noises I did not even believe were humanly possible. It's been a while since I could just
sit down for a 5-6 hours and just go through an entire one cour anime. Felt like high school all over again. May we all have many more of these days ahead of us.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 22, 2023
Honestly, I just read this to expand my knowledge on Shibuya representation in anime and manga. This is far from great. It got taken off for good reason. It's boring as shit. It builds itself up to be a yaoi but the writer is so scatterbrained they end up adding so much half-baked bullshit that distracts from main draws of the story.
I honestly think I'll forget this manga very soon. I hope I do. Not because I hate it, but because I would rather that space be occupied by something more important. Only read this if you like the way it looks.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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