The only good thing about this series is the porn that's going to be coming from it.
The jokes fall flat most of the time, but damn if I wouldn't hit that Imouto like the fist of an angry god.
Dec 25, 2012
Suki tte Ii na yo.
Why is this anime so good? That's a question I'm asking myself, and to be completely, genuinely honest: I have no idea.
It's a completely generic and stereotypical show. It's generic shoujo with a stereotypical plot with generic music and stereotypical characters with generic drama and stereotypical conflicts. So why is it so good? What sets it out from all of the other generic shoujos out there? I reiterate: I have no idea. All I know is this show gives me copious amounts of warm fuzzies, and that's all that matters. Give it a shot, maybe you'll get those same warm fuzzies. |