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Nov 9, 2024
I watched this over a bet/trade of sinister 6 of animes with two friends.
Basically, this show sucks. I did not like it anything about this show in any metric, and No I really don’t care to go in depth review on this like with someone of my other reviews.
•its boring
•it’s terribly executed themes/concepts
•hongou or whatever her name was
•the forgotten 1d gay one that did nothing the whole show
•the pedophile
•the plot
•the ending
•the characters
•the mc whatever tf her name was = drywall
• Amagi
• Gyaru
• Gyarus boyfriend
• Gyarus baby
•the little reference of The Little Prince (also mentioned when sonozaki and the gyaru were on screen who barely do)
(As u can see, I tried to find the flower in the field of dog shi)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 13, 2024
“Thematically Beautiful, but flawed”
Is how I would Describe The Anthem of the Heart.
For a brief preface, I have been holding up in this movie in awhile, I heard many great things about it while it being rarely talked about as well so the status of being underrated was overwhelming a bit.
The Anthem of the Heart is quite the emotional rollercoaster or that what I want to say about it. To be blunt, I had bit too much expectations going into this film, and I was certainly a bit disappointed after finishing it… by no means is this movie bad or waste of 2 hours,
on the contrary I labeled it as a recommendation for others to experience. From the sentimental premise of the plot to the thematic nature of the story, it is all very great. In fact, the whole idea of words and communication being withheld and struggles from it seem unique to me as few stories and media deal with them majorly. So I appreciated the movie for putting the effort at handling such themes. Though not at its best to be honest, as the movie could have attempted to be more predominant with those ideas.
As for my issues, lets start with the fact of the sub. No nothing is wrong with the sub however it’s more of a language barrier at the times where they are showing text messages (which btw are significant in the movies context) yet they do not even translate it. Maybe it’s my fault for watching it in sub or site but I could not find english dub for this movie elsewhere. They even forget to incorporate subtitles for the musical near the end which is a bit disappointing as well. The sub itself and how it sounds is perfectly fine though.
Moving onto the story elements. The plot is a bit contrived especially with the whole comminitee members being picked out which allows the main characters to address Naurse’s inner conflict of the story.
I was also dissatisfied that they retcon the whole Egg from the intro to just being a non existent metaphor but tbf that makes perfect sense and through a different interpretation is actually pretty smart.
Bigger disappointment was the romance element which is sorta or initially was a sub plot until the ending where the entire love square, rectangle? Polygon? Whatever you call it gets flipped upside down on its head where in last minute two unexpected characters end up together even though the entire movie hinted on it being otherwise. But to be fair i had no attachment to any of the main characters minus Naurse herself and sakigami i think name was, though I was sorta like “eh?” About the fact that he apparently had feelings for a whole different person this whole time while it seeming like he moved on and didn’t care for her anymore.
The biggest downside of the film is the pacing though, it took nearly half of the film (59 minutes of it) to even build up/set up all the characters and plot. Though, maybe thats a given because of how character driven it is. But to be honest, the payoff for this long setup isn’t that cathartic imo.
With all this aside though, the film manages to do a decent job of its themes getting across to the audience, it even motivated me to not hold my opinions in about this movie and let out my honest truth about it, as did naurse about sakigami near the finale of the movie.
Overall i give it a 7.5-8.3/10 , yes thats a big gap but its sorta both rating of my entertainment and writing aspect.
Maybe upon rewatch someday it might change. Well, Thats all I got, I was pretty much just writing whatever came to mind and not tryna be too formal about it.
Have a good day!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 13, 2024
Code Geass Is without any doubt The Greatest Piece of fiction to ever exist. Code geass is something that I would easily recommend to anyone with a comprehension on writing and story telling. It has everything that a series need fulfilled perfectly and is beyond any level of masterpiece I have ever seen not only in anime or manga but in any media out there. I seen a lot of hate and criticism towards the series and most of them are repeated petty or absolutely incorrect information about code geass to say its a “flaw” such as how people say “Euphemias death was a plot
convenience or contrived” even though no evidence or reasoning is shown tor such claim. Further more I have discussed, read, and researched many criticisms for this series from platforms like Yt, tiktok, MyAnimeList, reddit, twitter, discord, and more and have yet seen any valid or actual flaws or plot holes/inconsistencies. No one Can or has ever truly articulated how code geass is bad or has any possible flaws. The best argument or reason I seen to dislike this series is by claiming its boring subjectively and thats that. On top off all that, Code Geass is never actually analyzed properly from what I seen.
Now that I got that out the way I will express why I absolutely Know that this is the greatest piece of literature I have ever seen.
The world build up/setting: 9.6-9.8/10
code geass takes place in a realistic world similar to our own but ofc, its very different when you see the situation the world that they live in is like. They have a world where they are in a alternate future, A world where mechs called Knightmare frames are used to combat in war that was initially led by the Britannian Empire that is very corrupt by the People ruling it as they take over 1/3 of the entire world and one of its main targets was Japan. Britannia stripped Japan and its citizens from their human rights and basically treats them like garbage and shows themes like dehumanization, genocide, racism, war, etc. The reason why I think this is a great conceptualized world and setting is because of how much it suits to real world problems faced in the past and how it shows the world and humanities crimes and evil acts. It sets up a sort of mood for resolve as there is great conflict not just for a single person or protagonist but for the entire world of the narrative to over come.
Introduction: 9.7/10
I absolutely love how in every episode C.C (The greatest female character ever written) narrates the events following from previous episode and how she is also the first person we See in code geass (besides Lelouch and suzaku) who is watching over our main protagonist and deuteragonist. C.C is also the last person we see in the end of Code Geass. This shows how much detail and importance C.C holds as a Independent character. Another Amazingly portrayal within the Preface of Code Geass is how it supports the world build up and expresses the mood of the setting.
Protagonist: ♾/10
Lelouch is literally the greatest character to ever exist. I won’t be going over all of Lelouch as that would alone be taking forever to do, but I will go over one of the many reasons why he is the greatest character to ever exist. Besides the fact that he is extremely enjoyable and everything he does just puts me on the edge to see how he resolve the conflicts he is faced against, Lelouch is also relatable and has a connecting vibe and personality about him. Lelouch is one of the most complex characters ever written his depth are well portrayed and left foreshadowed and symbolized with his entire characterization. His themes are alone what I value a lot and his themes along with the themes of the entire series portray the themes and concepts probably the best. Lelouch’s themes and symbolisms create a perfect dynamic and parallels with the other characters in the cast which I will go over, Lelouch’s peaks/moments have the most significant moments of all fiction. Lelouch’s conclusion/ending is without a doubt the greatest ending in all media.
Cast: 10/10
this part of Code geass is one the most overlooked and overhated aspects I have ever seen. People complain a like to say how one dimensional or how annoying and pointless the characters are even tho they can never explain why and when they try their reasoning lacks any truth to what they say. Code geass cast already has the greatest protagonist and character to exist (Lelouch), It has the greatest female character to exist (C.C), and it most certainly has the greatest deuteragonist to exist. Yes, Suzaku. Suzaku is a character that is deemed very annoying and even stupid by many people even tho that is absolutely absurd. Suzaku is a complex character as Lelouch but is also misunderstood. The reason why suzaku is was against Lelouch’s method of resolve and why he was trying to work the system of Britannia from within is also because… thats not actually what he wanted in the first place… suzaku never wanted to create peace, he never wanted to stop Britannia or save the Japanese people. Suzakus true goal and desire was death for himself. Suzaku felt guilt and self hatred for his actions as a child that of which was a method similar to Lelouch’s that being Utilitarianism. Suzaku believed killing his father would bring peace to Japan so he murdered his dad and felt very guilty after realizing what he had done that being sacrificing a human life for the life of many others… suzaku then started to believe that all human life is equal and killing one for many other isn’t justifiable. This is the moral dynamic and duality of Lelouch and suzaku, Suzaku being the deontological side valuing the moral code and order he tries to “act” like he lives by (but remember his true desire is just atonement with death which is pretty selfish) vs how Lelouch is a utilitarian who believes that the ends justify the means however like suzaku, he to is only lying to the people of japan to actually achieve his own selfish goals that being bring a gentler world for himself and Nunnally. Besides the Three characters I already mentioned there are at least 7 characters in Code Geass who I think are 9+/10 that being Jeremiah, Schneizel, Charles, Rolo, Shin, Akito, and Leila (akito the exiled which I think everyone should experience). Most of these characters I just named are disliked and often said to be forgotten which I don’t understand how that’s possible unless you suffer from some kind of memory loss problem. These characters fulfill their parts perfectly and on top of that bring out many important parallels and dynamics with each other. Characters in code geass are all fighting some sort of conflict and you can’t truly point at someone to be good or bad. Each character is doing what they have to try and achieve their own goals and I think thats a very important part of the entire code geass cast. Besides what I said already I don’t wanna get to deem into the cast or other characters as it would take me A LOT MORE TO TALK ABOUT.
Themes/symbolisms/allegories: 9.9/10
these are concepts within writing that we see to range from the depths being simple to complex. Code geass like I said before portrays all their themes and symbolism perfectly and with much foreshadowing. Code geass has the best symbolisms I ever seen. It has many religious and mythological symbolisms and themes that are characterized or shown through designs. One my favorite themes from code geass are Existentialism, Free will, Meliorism, Ubermensch, Utilitarianism, Nihilism.
Conclusion: 10+/10
Like I said before I’ll say it again. Code Geass has the greatest possible ending in all fiction and writing. Everything from how it builds it up from the first ever episode to foreshadowing it is perfectly done. The last arc of code geass is a masterpiece because of how it journeys us into the final moments of the Zero Requiem and how it results in everything to fall into shape. Lelouch’s entire plan brought and made in one the most logical and realistic ways ever.
Overall I’d give Code Geass a ♾/10 but since MAL caps on 10 ill give it 10/10 along with the title as the best thing on the app/site along with greatest piece of fiction to ever be made. Absolutely recommend keep in mind everything I went over in this review is just the scratch of the surface and not at all in depth.
Thank you Code Geass
(For spammers like user Vaguelyweebish who seemingly have an obsession with laughing or using the confused emoji to every positive Code Geass review. we get it dude, you hated the anime boo hoo your two or three irrelevant waifus died from it and you read the spin off non canon mangas to cope with it. get a job 😅👍)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 14, 2024
Imma keep this straight and short.
This anime is super underrated, I mean the genre of Steampunk itself is on the lower end of Sci-Fi genres.
I found this anime of the fact that it was yet another piece of work from Okouchi and When I saw how it was a spy/steampunk with girls I thought it would be some simple and nice story but boy did it blow past my expectations.
Princess Principal is a episodic spy steampunk with non linear story structure that is brilliantly executed in its core. Each episode is a new mission and new plotline while still undergoing with one main
storyline in the background and you never forget that which is a good thing because sometimes with episodic shows, it tends to lose its value and purpose through such issues. It also helps of how well paced the story is especially within the narrative events of each episodes. The cast is brimmed with interesting characters who all have their own personalities and quirks and none of them feel pointless to have around, they handle the tropes they were given excellently and of course they will have tropes/archetypes as every character & story has tropes/archetypes. However, Princess Principal exceeds past its tropes by utilizing the world building as well as plots conditions of being a spy and victorian Era which the story takes place within. It gives sense of plausibility within the quirks and gadgets the characters use too and doesn’t go beyond the realms of possibility, which helps to keep immersion and humane sense of the humaneness of the cast. Each of the 5 main characters in the cast are 3 dimensional characters with solid backstory, serving layered depth and complexity as well as motives towards their actions within the story.
I also appreciate how you can connect each of the episodes to one another as they are happening around almost the same time and really makes the audience pay attention and use their concentration to make them understand and make sense of the story.
I over all enjoyed and was entertained by the story and also appreciated the balance between the writing style of it.
Overall: 8.7-9/10
Recommend to anyone if they have free time and nothing in mind to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 6, 2024
By Far The Hardest Anime to Ever Complete for me.
Out of 100, 200, 300 animes I ever tried/watched. Texhnoloze might be the hardest and longest it ever took me while only being less than 2 seasons worth of episodes (22).
Major reasons for that could be how it is in fact hard to watch with how subtle the narrative is and how it drowns you with utter silence (literally the first episode there was no dialogue till 12 mins in) and lot of dark tone background imagery and music. The reason why pointing this out is important to me is because by far is this
not my first encounter with psychological thrillers yet alone my first experience with the creators work. I seen Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Remnai, Pretty much every Satoshi Kon work, Evangelion, Devilman Crybaby, ghost in the Shell, and Ergo proxy (surprisingly is the closest in comparison to Texhnoloze when Ergo Proxy is by a different person.) none of which came close to how long it took me to get through this show.
By all means Texhnoloze is not bad at all, in fact it’s one of the more Unique animes out there, and lot of the times “unique” isn’t always a good or bad thing, really depends on execution however with Texhnoloze it doesn’t really seem to be an issue here for me as you come to understand why the story seems so pessimistic and despairing. Really tying it to its themes of Theseus Paradox, Dehumanization, nihilism, and existentialism (that being in its more hopeful elements that are near the ending tho).
Even though it took me about 2-3 months to finish this 22 episode show, I really do not feel that negative about it and in fact rated it 9.2-9.3/10, it really does what it’s supposed to as a post apocalyptic world and it’s psychological element regarding the human condition and human evolution and limit of existence, the narrative itself has a hard to grasp plotline because the storytelling is very much on the “show don’t tell” side where it is subtle and leaves lot of interpretation towards the audience rather than spoom feeding every detailed event which I like about this show. The biggest pros of the show is it’s show dont tell storytelling and themes/concepts and the biggest con of the show is it’s lack of entertainment and bleakness but again it’s a more justified issue.
Give it a watch if you want.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 9, 2023
When I first Heard about the anime Planetes was through Code Geass as they’re both written by the same creators (Goro Taniguichi and Ichiro Okouchi), I know the manga was initially made by the guy who wrote vinland saga, but apparently the anime and manga are very different especially in thematic elements of politics/existential philosophies and anime was more celebrated on that aspect as well as other things such as characters behaviors. So as Code Geass is my Favorite media of all time, I was thrilled especially after hearing that Planetes is also this thematic and deep yet subtle masterpiece.
When I started watching Planetes
from episodes 1-13/14 I found it quite less appealing as I thought I would, by no means did I have a problem with the narrative or plot issues such as plot holes or bad lazy contrivances, in fact the story is more or less done well on those regards. My main issues were that the story was pretty boring for 95% even after finishing the series, maybe because it was seinen magic where its so subtle and deep that I don’t understand the message or picture of it all however contrary to that belief a lot of Seinens I love and enjoy are in fact thrilling and entertaining to me but with Planetes I didn’t get the same treatment.
After sometime of finishing Planetes, I compared it based off its genre being SciFi. Personally, I have never been a big Science Fiction fan guy, in fact I would say I find SciFi to be the most boring genre and that it is very much overrated and over romanticized in medias. I then came to this concusses that maybe thats why I found Planetes as a story unentertaining while still being able to admit that it is far from a bad show because it really doesn’t have any major issues that you can probably find in most modern day media’s especially such as in the Animanga industry. However, Saying I don’t like the SciFi Genre therefore I found Planetes boring is quite over simplified. I came to realize that my dislike for most SciFi’s compared to Planetes differs, the main reason being is as I said previously SciFi’s are over romanticized by the same repeated unrealistic tropes. However, Planetes is different from your standard SciFi genre because it is realistic, it show’s that these characters in this SciFi are human and just doing their jobs in the futuristic setting where mankind has dumped their trash so much into outer space that we have to advance Space exploration to deal with them as in Planetes, a lot of the 2nd to 3rd world nations are suffering because of these issues but space exploration itself causes these suffering to these countries excel even further. Planetes also removes the elements of fantasy in SciFi tropes and replaces it with more of the regular SOL and Rom/Com elements into the story mixing it with psychological inner conflicts for these characters to deal with which I actually really found unique for SciFi being blended with other Genre while not fully conflating the entirety of tropes from either Genres that are being implanted. Which all leads me to say that Planetes is by far the most realistic SciFi series I have ever seen.
You may he wondering how I have been complaining about SciFi while also saying I found Planetes very boring yet here I am giving it a 9 and recommending it in the review? Planetes isn’t for everyone, I wouldn’t even say its 100% for me either but denying its many brilliant aspects such as the realism of Space being mundane and boring and not all that it is hyped up to be is disingenuous, the fact that Planetes makes it out to be boring and lacking of big explosions and crazy space ship battles like you would find in Star Trek or Star Wars is Planetes displacing the reality of SciFi being over romanticized and drastically unrealistic in comparison to actuality of Science, Space, and Reality of it all as they’re simply just as mundane as any part of life can be and I live this ingenious sensation I received from Planetes and Im glad I liked it more than I didn’t since the pros of the story such as realism, uniqueness, and simplicity out weigh the cons of boredom and fan service (I don’t necessarily mean nudity, fan service as in how genre of SciFi grants elements that excites the audience e.g. big space ship battles, power systems, etc).
Overall: 8.7-9.1/10
Planetes isn’t a Masterpiece nor Flawless but it is something close to genius and I love it, changed my view of how SciFi are all the same as it shows that SciFi’s do not necessarily have to follow the same formulas and Cliches.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 25, 2023
Code Geass Is without any doubt The Greatest Piece of fiction to ever exist. Code geass is something that I would easily recommend to anyone with a comprehension on writing and story telling. It has everything that a series need fulfilled perfectly and is beyond any level of masterpiece I have ever seen not only in anime or manga but in any media out there. I seen a lot of hate and criticism towards the series and most of them are repeated petty or absolutely incorrect information about code geass to say its a “flaw” such as how people say “Euphemias death was a plot
convenience or contrived” even though no evidence or reasoning is shown tor such claim. Further more I have discussed, read, and researched many criticisms for this series from platforms like Yt, tiktok, MyAnimeList, reddit, twitter, discord, and more and have yet seen any valid or actual flaws or plot holes/inconsistencies. No one Can or has ever truly articulated how code geass is bad or has any possible flaws. The best argument or reason I seen to dislike this series is by claiming its boring subjectively and thats that. On top off all that, Code Geass is never actually analyzed properly from what I seen.
Now that I got that out the way I will express why I absolutely Know that this is the greatest piece of literature I have ever seen.
The world build up/setting: 9.6-9.8/10
code geass takes place in a realistic world similar to our own but ofc, its very different when you see the situation the world that they live in is like. They have a world where they are in a alternate future, A world where mechs called Knightmare frames are used to combat in war that was initially led by the Britannian Empire that is very corrupt by the People ruling it as they take over 1/3 of the entire world and one of its main targets was Japan. Britannia stripped Japan and its citizens from their human rights and basically treats them like garbage and shows themes like dehumanization, genocide, racism, war, etc. The reason why I think this is a great conceptualized world and setting is because of how much it suits to real world problems faced in the past and how it shows the world and humanities crimes and evil acts. It sets up a sort of mood for resolve as there is great conflict not just for a single person or protagonist but for the entire world of the narrative to over come.
Introduction: 9.7/10
I absolutely love how in every episode C.C (The greatest female character ever written) narrates the events following from previous episode and how she is also the first person we See in code geass (besides Lelouch and suzaku) who is watching over our main protagonist and deuteragonist. C.C is also the last person we see in the end of Code Geass. This shows how much detail and importance C.C holds as a Independent character. Another Amazingly portrayal within the Preface of Code Geass is how it supports the world build up and expresses the mood of the setting.
Protagonist: ♾/10
Lelouch is literally the greatest character to ever exist. I won’t be going over all of Lelouch as that would alone be taking forever to do, but I will go over one of the many reasons why he is the greatest character to ever exist. Besides the fact that he is extremely enjoyable and everything he does just puts me on the edge to see how he resolve the conflicts he is faced against, Lelouch is also relatable and has a connecting vibe and personality about him. Lelouch is one of the most complex characters ever written his depth are well portrayed and left foreshadowed and symbolized with his entire characterization. His themes are alone what I value a lot and his themes along with the themes of the entire series portray the themes and concepts probably the best. Lelouch’s themes and symbolisms create a perfect dynamic and parallels with the other characters in the cast which I will go over, Lelouch’s peaks/moments have the most significant moments of all fiction. Lelouch’s conclusion/ending is without a doubt the greatest ending in all media.
Cast: 10/10
this part of Code geass is one the most overlooked and overhated aspects I have ever seen. People complain a like to say how one dimensional or how annoying and pointless the characters are even tho they can never explain why and when they try their reasoning lacks any truth to what they say. Code geass cast already has the greatest protagonist and character to exist (Lelouch), It has the greatest female character to exist (C.C), and it most certainly has the greatest deuteragonist to exist. Yes, Suzaku. Suzaku is a character that is deemed very annoying and even stupid by many people even tho that is absolutely absurd. Suzaku is a complex character as Lelouch but is also misunderstood. The reason why suzaku is was against Lelouch’s method of resolve and why he was trying to work the system of Britannia from within is also because… thats not actually what he wanted in the first place… suzaku never wanted to create peace, he never wanted to stop Britannia or save the Japanese people. Suzakus true goal and desire was death for himself. Suzaku felt guilt and self hatred for his actions as a child that of which was a method similar to Lelouch’s that being Utilitarianism. Suzaku believed killing his father would bring peace to Japan so he murdered his dad and felt very guilty after realizing what he had done that being sacrificing a human life for the life of many others… suzaku then started to believe that all human life is equal and killing one for many other isn’t justifiable. This is the moral dynamic and duality of Lelouch and suzaku, Suzaku being the deontological side valuing the moral code and order he tries to “act” like he lives by (but remember his true desire is just atonement with death which is pretty selfish) vs how Lelouch is a utilitarian who believes that the ends justify the means however like suzaku, he to is only lying to the people of japan to actually achieve his own selfish goals that being bring a gentler world for himself and Nunnally. Besides the Three characters I already mentioned there are at least 7 characters in Code Geass who I think are 9+/10 that being Jeremiah, Schneizel, Charles, Rolo, Shin, Akito, and Leila (akito the exiled which I think everyone should experience). Most of these characters I just named are disliked and often said to be forgotten which I don’t understand how that’s possible unless you suffer from some kind of memory loss problem. These characters fulfill their parts perfectly and on top of that bring out many important parallels and dynamics with each other. Characters in code geass are all fighting some sort of conflict and you can’t truly point at someone to be good or bad. Each character is doing what they have to try and achieve their own goals and I think thats a very important part of the entire code geass cast. Besides what I said already I don’t wanna get to deem into the cast or other characters as it would take me A LOT MORE TO TALK ABOUT.
Themes/symbolisms/allegories: 9.9/10
these are concepts within writing that we see to range from the depths being simple to complex. Code geass like I said before portrays all their themes and symbolism perfectly and with much foreshadowing. Code geass has the best symbolisms I ever seen. It has many religious and mythological symbolisms and themes that are characterized or shown through designs. One my favorite themes from code geass are Existentialism, Free will, Meliorism, Ubermensch, Utilitarianism, Nihilism.
Conclusion: 10+/10
Like I said before I’ll say it again. Code Geass has the greatest possible ending in all fiction and writing. Everything from how it builds it up from the first ever episode to foreshadowing it is perfectly done. The last arc of code geass is a masterpiece because of how it journeys us into the final moments of the Zero Requiem and how it results in everything to fall into shape. Lelouch’s entire plan brought and made in one the most logical and realistic ways ever.
Overall I’d give Code Geass a ♾/10 but since MAL caps on 10 ill give it 10/10 along with the title as the best thing on the app/site along with greatest piece of fiction to ever be made. Absolutely recommend keep in mind everything I went over in this review is just the scratch of the surface and not at all in depth.
Thank you Code Geass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 24, 2023
To start off, I’ll just say That I just finished the entire 10 episode netflix show in one day sitting… thats to say, Devilman Crybaby was an addicting watch but NOT FOR THE RIGHT REASONS.
The first 1-5 or maybe even 6 episodes, I was considering it to be the worst anime I have ever watched especially because of how much it got hyped up on tiktok and was recommended to watch etc. secondly these first couple episodes had more plot hole than every bullet hole deadpool had ever received. Not to mention how 95% percent of the cast is braindead and useless even except
just to spend time on the screen because the plot demands so. The plot itself is sort cliche, however still give it a bit credit for the execution of the cliche mc who is a wimp but later gets op powers from supernatural sources etc. however, this execution itself had its flaws such as, why did akira become a dick with a big ego and started being rude to people randomly and one may argue its some confidence boost because of his new physical abilities etc, but thats not the case clearly as the show even suggested that akira didn’t even understand what was happening with his body later on. One the worst things about the cast itself is how not only are they stupid in even basic conversations but how stale and one dimensional the characters concepts are, besides akira and ryo(was so dumb too), characters like Mimi M(literal dumb ass who thought it was a good idea to let a weirdo take pictures of her in a bikini without telling her parents for no reason…), Miki K(emotionally inconsistent and simply had nothing to offer from 1-5 eps until she gets turned into a devilman.), sirene(random irrelevant antag that barely had screen time and was there for no reason but to give akira a first step obstacle in the plot ig but you could argue her purpose was simply to make akira wonder if demons have emotions too but it was executed poorly either way), Kukun(literal random who thinks he can rizz up miki K bc he knows how to rap and literal had screen time for no purposes but to lead it up to miki K turning into a devilman), koda(devilman track racer like akira, miki m, and miki k. Honestly he is prob one the more tolerable ones however he still was annoying and had weird inconsistent moments like 80% of the characters in the show did.) rest are kinda irrelevant to talk about but like characters like Miki Ms family seemed stupid in these few eps bc of how clueless they were with their kids either knowing akiras password to watch p0rn ☠️ Or knowing that her daughter is secretly a bikini model 🤦♂️ Btw this family is supposedly religious but lack parenting skilll 🤷♂️. Also the rapper gang guys are kinda irrelevant until ep 7+ i believe. Overall Id give these first 1-5 or 6 episodes a solid 1.5-2.5/10.
Now I will talk about episodes 7-10 and how they made the biggest 180 quality of all time. What i mean by this is that it didn’t become a masterpiece or anything like that and ofc it still had moments where the writing was bad but it was less than how in episodes 1-5 and more tolerable too. However, the series made me attached to continuing the series and like I said before, I was still addicted into finishing it and binging it through but not for the same reasons as before which were that it was simply so bad that I just had to see how bad this would end off being and I thought the ending would be something very cliche but now I was watching to see it through and how it would solve or address the suspense it was building up in the world and the setting etc. The change of reasonings was because the show started going somewhere and actually started using the characters for purposes and they weren’t handing out pointless screen time anymore and like I said before, the plot holes lessened quite a bit but that wasn’t all, devilman crybaby started utilizing its concepts and biblical symbolism and themes especially in the very last episodes. Another thing worth mentioning, is that watching these last few episodes and seeing all the tragedies that were happening around the world of mankind via the devils and akira having to deal with so many things at once whether its helping ryo, spending time with miki, fighting devils or ofc dealing with loss of every single person he ever loved or cared about. Yes, akira literally lost both his parents, all his guardians that he deemed as family, his friends, and ofc Miki M who he loved. Also keep in mind this show is has extreme amount of gore and violence that I can compare it to likes of elfen lied(tho its better than this show) or berserk (one my friends hinted that 😭) and You may have noticed how I have not once brought up its shit ton of sexual scenes whether its nudity, sex, r4pe, which are all depicted in the most disgusting and disturbing manner like devils transforming while doing it etc. all these aspects of the show that I didn’t like at all and actually questioned myself of what the hell i was watching 😭. Another reason why Im not going in depth detail for those who already may have seen the show is because this review is directed to people who haven’t seen it yet and you may wonder why I wouldn’t want to spoil it so others don’t have to watch it since its this bad, right? Well the thing is, these last few episodes 7-10 as well as the ending in my opinion is definitely something everyone should experience as it has qualities that are both based on the nature of humanity and its conflict with existence outside of their own and humanities failure and doom via its sins, imperfection, and degeneracies. Also the idea of humans vs other beings in this anime is highly copied from Parasyte which imo is a really well written anime unlike this series and is so much better than devilman crybaby in every quality possible quality. These last few episodes really saved this show from becoming my “worst anime of all time” and definitely made it actually…good. Yes, I think this anime is decent in terms of writing and offers a bitter sweet but valuable message about humanity and its essence. With that I give Devilman Crybaby a solid 7-7.5/10 as the last few episodes really were a game changer for it.
Edit: after further rethinking and reconsidering I say its a bit better than what I said and it ranges from 7.5-8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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