This show just got progressively worse and worse. The first 2 episodes or so make it seem as though it's going to be the protagonists falling in love after being "replacements" for the other's unrequited love. Of course, going into a show with expectations of what is meant to be is never a good thing, but at the same time I didn't expect this.
This is the most edgy show I've seen in a long time. Every single character is unlikeable because none of them can control their horniness for a single second and just end up being harmful to everybody else. Maybe that's the
Jul 22, 2020
Violet Evergarden
Story (7/10):
I like the plot of this show quite a bit, with Violet becoming a Doll and her struggles from the past relating to those in the present (her inability to effectively feel or capture emotions, namely). I enjoyed the fact that her actions were justified, or at least had an explanation, rather than her just being cold-hearted for the sake of being cold-hearted. The only two issues I had for the plot are a bit nitpicky and personal: I believe that the meshing of her past and her present were a bit jarring at times, but it was pretty rarely. Another personal issue (that ... Jul 22, 2020
Nihon Chinbotsu 2020
As with most other people, this show was one of those ones that I was destined to either love or hate. Unfortunately, I came closer to hating it than loving it. Animation (5/10) Of course I know how difficult it is to animate and that in itself is a feat, BUT it felt very awkward a lot of the time and it felt like half way through they switched styles. That shouldnt happen in this short of a show. Sound (4/10): The happy bits sounded like generic "influencer" happy music, and the sad points felt like they came from a sample of piano music online. Neither were ... |