This anime is so gay
Idk what kind of crack Cloverworks was smoking but this anime is the epitome of cringy tiktok sigma mindsets mixed in with some gay ass fighting music and the gayest group of main characters I've ever seen. The whole story of this show is based around different school gangs that fight each other for territory but the main character wants to join the one gang that defends the people because god forbid if we have a morally gray character. There have been plenty of characters who are assholes but are likeable but nah instead these characters have no flaws and never
Jun 18, 2023
I have a raging hate boner for this season
Demon Slayer Season 3 started off as a mixed package. Its setup is identical to last season where the whole season is just one big fight and I said the same thing with season 2 about how that format works better as a movie like Mugen Train. This season takes the problems I had with last season and amplifies them by a hundred percent and all your left with is a pretty looking pile of shit. To start off every character and they're fucking mom was getting a flashback this season. Just in the middle of an ... Jun 23, 2022
I saw this shit on a TikTok 2 days ago and decided to watch it and honestly after completing it I'm not surprised its banned in every country.
(Spoilers ahead because duh) Where the hell to start first off its disturbing as hell like way more then it has to be. Weird threesome scenes or rats coming out of a women's vagina or Midori's body contorting in weird ways. There is some horror anime out there with fucked up scenes like the one this has but this makes it way more disturbing due to the whole story and the old animation. It starts off with Midori who's ... Feb 13, 2022
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen
I don't usually write reviews but I thought I would give my opinion on this
(Spoilers ahead because duh) Demon Slayer Season 2 its what everybody was waiting for. In my opinion Demon Slayer has its ups and downs. The story feels generic at times and some characters don't feel like they have any depth. The animation is as great as what you would expect but that's the only thing I feel was consistently good in this season. It starts off right where Mugen Train left with Tanjiro and the rest being upset and all that because of Rengoku. So they all train super hard to get stronger ... Aug 22, 2021
As a person who tends to watch a lot of h-anime usually as long as the animation isn't horrible and I'm able to understand what's going on I would probably just give it a low score and move on with my day but Amanee is much different.
First off how does the main guy who not even have a photo for his MAL profile and how does his friend not hear or even turn around to check what's going on while they play the game. Like if my friend was losing miserably I would turn around and make sure there not distracted and able to play ... |