Finally, after I watched the first season of clannad, I would be rewarded by the highly ranked(#7) and praised second season(after story).
First of all, i didn't enjoy the first season like many others did and was not touched at all. I expected to break down in tears or something, that's why I started to watch this anime.( I felt like I needed to watch something sad for some reason :p)And in contrast to many others I didn't cry at all I though the first season was not that emotional as they say.
The second season on the other hand was more to my liking.Finally the protagonist
Nov 8, 2015
although alot of people seemed to really enjoy this anime, I thought the story was prettty humdum and faint. The main focus was to touch you emotionaly, but for someone like me (with a lack of emotions) it was just akward to watch the characters struggle with problems nobody really can relate to.
The protagonist (tomoya) was really annoying:due the fact that his father was an alchoholic and lost his job, he didn't have any respect for him. In my opinion, he really exaggerated every problem that came his way. People have to deal with problems like his really often, so he shouldn't act like ... Nov 8, 2015
Kaguya-hime no Monogatari
where could I possibly begin to describe this beautiful artwork from studio Ghibli?
As usual,studio Ghibli succeeded to impress me once again. The artwork of this movie was just indescribable. The style changed with the mood of the character, and I really liked how they used different materials to draw this. The vibrant colours, the charcoal, the details really made me feel like I was part of their culture. As for the characters, I was less impressed.I thought that they could definately give princess Kaguya( the protagonist) a more independent and stronger personality. She seemded pretty vulnerable and fragile,wich of course matches the typical personality of ... Nov 7, 2015
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood was one of the best animes I've watched so far.The story was clever en inpredictable, you never knew what was going to happen next!
The characterdevelopement was alse really well made: you get to know every character and their background story, but in a very subtle way.What is so special about this show is that you see the characters growing up,becoming adults,without noticing that.I watched the series twice already and what I noticed was that the personality,looks,attitude of the characters changes. You will never get bored watching this show, because I found that every episode had the right amount of action to provide that. I ... |