So i just finished OreTsuba for the 5th time and i spent an entire hour writing a review (and then closed it by accident so this is the 2nd take and i'm not even gonna bother trying to sound smart like all these other kids do) even tho i normally don't write reviews or care about reviews or about monkeys that get infuenced by reviews but this anime is so good that if my review made 1 more person watch it, it'd be worth it
This anime is the best, not even exaggerating. I have no reason to be biased and i only watch animes for
entertainment and i have plenty of other shit to do so if you think fanboying over some random stuff on the internet is healthy or good for me you better think twice, the only reason i'm saying it is because its actually true - i still have yet to see a better anime than Oretachi ni tsubasa wa Nai and when you read this you should have in mind that at the end of the day this is a comedy, romance, ecchi anime so you can't possibly watch this and expect robots or space exploration or some shit like that so if you're going to hate on it only cause its an ecchi then you have some issues - no one is forcing you to watch animes that you normally don't enjoy just like how i don't watch animes that i normally don't enjoy. Oretsuba is awesome for its genre and discriminating it based on genre is stupid and i seriously don't see how can i rate this any lower
The art is 10/10, the anime was made seven years ago (2011) and it still looks better than animes coming out to this year. The backgrounds are detailed and well-drawn and the waifus are top tier and you can't really get better art, just different, which is subjective and taste based so my rating of its art is based on the execution not the style but i do like the style as well cus they're cute af.
The sound is 10/10, there's barely a single character who's voice annoys me a bit but all others sound perfect, they also sound unique (not like other animes where everyone sounds like a character from another anime) and the background music is actually good as well so the production value is quite high
The plot to me is 10/10, mainly because of how it's portrayed but the story is also good and a believable one. The portrayal of the story is unique and it's also a big confusing which is why you shouldn't watch this anime on autopilot else you'll get angry cus you're a lil triggerlord. It does take a few episodes to ramp up and become a bit more clear on your first watch but if you pay attention perhaps you'll be surprised in a good way instead of confused little rage god diva
Characters? Well - 10/10 obviously. There are a ton of characters in this anime and most of them are awesome and the only 'downside' is that we don't really get to know any of them that well but for the amount of time we see them they are clearly defined and good. I don't think the length of the anime is a downside as well because i think that the anime's story progression is perfect and doesn't feel slow or rushed and this may not be the best anime to get overly-attached to some of the characters but nonetheless they're still good.
This is based on a visual novel but it doesn't really matter what its based on as we're only reviewing the anime and the only thing that matters is the anime and how good that was. I've seen a lot of people complain over bad adaptations or manga being better and what not but this doesn't matter at all when you're talking about anime so i don't think the VN has anything to do to the anime and what i'm judging and rating what i saw so i'm not going to get biased over visual novel this visual novel that.
Despite the overwhelming amount of fanservice the anime is actually grown up, the characters are grown up and they also swear and insult a lot plus they're members of a gang and there's actually some violence (well it's not that big of a deal) and i actually believe that the creators are grown up and reasonable as well, unlike most other animes where you're thinking "wtf who made this character dude?" I dont think the fanservice is triggering or anything like that, if you're getting triggered by small stuff like this you should re-think your internet life cus it doesn't sound very healthy. Just take it with a smile or something. The humor is absolutely fantastic, i've seen it five times and i still laugh at the jokes (altho it was over the years so it's not like i remembered everything down to the last line)
This is NOT your typical harem no matter what others are saying, i've seen a lot of typical harems and most of them have a ton of unreasonable characters or a garbage story or both and most of them are full of kids or teens which isn't the case here.
I don't think the anime ever tries too hard or forces things too much, to me it felt completely natural and it never felt like a drag like a lot of other animes do. The last episodes were wrapped up nicely as well (unlike most other animes.. again) and finishing it leaves me with a good feeling in my tummy instead with annoyance
I did read a bit of people's thoughts to understand oretsuba's low score and it seems like some people are blaming the anime for them not understanding the anime which is dumb as hell. I understand the anime so there's clearly no problem with that, don't blame something else if you're the problem in the first place. I also read some people comparing this masterpiece to some garbage and saying that this is bad cause it has pantsu shots, seriously? How does a pantsu-shot make the story irrelevant? You know panties exist in real life too right? At the end of the day this is a comedy and an ecchi anime so these two things are expected and it's supposed to make you smile not rage and perhaps you don't need comedy but a mental treatment if things like this annoy you.
I will almost certainly re-watch this anime in the future as Japan seems to prefer to release some utterly forgettable garbage as most of the stuff that's airing right now (that's almost a pain to watch and if not that it's also incredibly ugly with a low budget art , which simply isn't the case here) and we're not helping them by letting kids down-rate masterpieces like this. I was watching Oretsuba while it was airing and it had 6.8/10 before half of the anime was even released and that makes absolutely no sense as the story wasn't even remotely developed by then but then again this is democracy so everyone can vote and everyone has an equal voice. The farmer's vote is the same as the Doctor's vote even if the subject at hand is actual medicine so that goes to show you how stupid democracy is and why you should never trust the majority of people.. simply because they're not qualified to judge correctly (and yet they still do).
Watch this anime if you're into FUN and CUTE GIRLS and ROMANCE (those 3 things are basically the point of life). I can't find a better one, you probably won't as well. Hell this anime even has diversity (not that i care), there are black people and there are gay people what more do you want?
Don't watch this anime if you're a little rage-god diva and if you hate laughing and fun. I'd say "and cute girls" but this anime actually has good male characters so even if you dont care about cute girls there's more than that in here!
Mar 28, 2018
So i just finished OreTsuba for the 5th time and i spent an entire hour writing a review (and then closed it by accident so this is the 2nd take and i'm not even gonna bother trying to sound smart like all these other kids do) even tho i normally don't write reviews or care about reviews or about monkeys that get infuenced by reviews but this anime is so good that if my review made 1 more person watch it, it'd be worth it
This anime is the best, not even exaggerating. I have no reason to be biased and i only watch animes for ... |