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Sep 6, 2021
This part of Jojo is easily one of my favorites, close second to Part 2. Honestly the story was mediocre and lackluster (though granted it did have it's moments), so don't come in expecting anything high-brow.
However for me, the characters in this part were amazing and filled with personality and that's what made this part so enjoyable to me. The music was really cool and catchy, and the fights were pretty intense and interesting as well. The setting was really refreshing as well and the animation never fails.
My score for everything would be:
Overall: 8/10
Characters: 10/10
Music 8/10
Story: 7/10
Animation: 8/10
Fights: 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 9, 2021
Went into this anime with somewhat high expectations. Saw a 8.79 score, thought it was going to be some good shit. But honestly ended up mostly disappointed.
Some spoilers, as a warning. It's basically your generic Shounen with the Airhead + Glaring Edgelord + Extreme Personality Girl combo that you see in many other Shounen, most commonly Naruto, with a spice of morbidity. So the protagonist, the airhead, has a demon inside him that unleashes when he's in trouble (haven't heard that one before). The main enemy is curses (something like demons), but suddenly of course, they have to fight amongst themselves in a competition
with other students, that ends up being interrupted (another very generic development), where they introduce dramatic stories about each character during the fights. Lots of conspiracy too. I don't know why modern anime force conspiracy so much. Anyway, If you've seen a good amount of anime, you can tell this strategy has been used millions of times. I don't mind generic Shounen, but if it's going to be generic it would have to be executed very well at the very least.
But in its favour, overall the fights were cool and the jokes weren't that bad either. I didn't hate it. Toudou was a pretty funny character. But don't expect anything amazing out of it, especially if you've seen enough Shounen already. If you really have nothing else to watch, then I say give this a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2016
Fine manga, but very weak
Story: 6.5/10
The story mainly focuses on the comedy, really, the plot is very weak and there are hardly any serious moments, even at the end which was supposed to be the most serious moment wasn't that great, and so as it focuses completely on the comedy it's expected to be very good, because most comedy manga have serious moments as well, and if you only focus on comedy it should be hilarious, but it was rather weak, it was fine, but it wasn't hilarious or especially good whatsoever. The plot as an idea is not bad though, and the main
character being what he is, but through the manga the story just does not do all that well.
Art: 6.5/10
The art is typical, not that great and too chibi at times I felt like, but it was alright, nothing especially good or fitting, but clear at the least.
Characters: 6.5/10
The characters were again "okay", the MC a typical average comedy style guy, and then you get the rest which didn't have very intriguing personalities as well, and their designs were really boring, but they pass because even if the comedy isn't hilarious it was quite funny at times, not something I'd laugh or even giggle at, just as a concept.
Overall, it was a decent manga that you should read if you're bored, but don't expect anything serious out of it or to laugh your ass of, that's why I'm rating it as "fine", which is a 6.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 25, 2016
Story: 8/10
A story about a guy that looks scary but actually isnt, sounds familiar enough with a couple of other manhwa, but nonetheless It's executed very well. It's a bit of a Death Note/Code Geass type of story, when one guy uses his wits rather than strength to survive or progress. Fights with 100% luck and doesn't posses no skill whatsoever but manages to be the hero of the day due to the large amount of misunderstanding the rest of the characters perceive of those situations, because he, the coward, is seen as a badass and no one dares to oppose him, and uses that
to his advantage. The manhwa is full of comedic moments due to the large amount of misunderstanding it posses which is really the whole charm of the manhwa. It's also really slow, for 90 chapters there are only two arcs which revolve in the matter of an hour or something like that, but still manage to be pretty good.
Art: 6/10
It's really a type of art you might seem on deviantart, of course you get used to it but I wouldn't say that It's anything special. The character designs weren't that impressive and original, oh make the main characters have colorful or spiky hair and the rest a dull one, that was kind of annoying, and also the muscles of the heroes were a bit too much although I can see it as a comedic thing, which was okay but maybe they were just a bit too obscure.
Characters: 7/10
The characters were very cliche as I mentioned in the art section, their design wasn't anything special, their personalities were well done though, even if they're not anything very original they're well designed, you've got the coward who just wants a peaceful life but always gets in trouble so he tries to outsmart his opponents and use his scary appearance to his advantage, or the scary overly aggressive guy who won't stop no matter what, all in all, they're good.
Overall, I'd rate it a 8/10 just because of the amount of funny misunderstandings, the misunderstanding aren't the type to tell you "Oh, It's just another manga/manhwa full of misunderstanding involving the main heroine", but they're done rather involving everything, I'd really say that, that's the main plot of the manhwa. And also I really like the type of manga which revolve of a single person's strategic endeavours.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2016
Story: 8/10
There really isn't much plot, It's like to think of it as a slice of life manga with action and comedy, It's really about a couple of delinquent involved in comedic situations, romance, which mostly includes the two main characters Itou and Mitsuhashi, but manage to have their lot of cool moments and do the right thing. It starts off less serious and gets more and more serious as it goes, reminds me of Gintama. Even though there was a lot of romance and fights, it never manages to get to the point, which was disappointing for me, if you put so much romance
and shounen then invest more in it, don't leave it half-assed.
Characters: 10/10
I really liked them, every character managed to be of comedic relief, especially Mitsuhashi, he was very well developed although I feel like he and Itou started to stray from their original purpose in the beginning of the manga, at first they seemed way more comedic and tended to be involved in a lot more comedic, and really, 'creative' situations, but as the manga continued they just got involved in more serious and less comedic ones, which kind of confused me.
Art: 8/10
At the beginning the art is a bit clunky but in due time it gets way better and tolerable, I'd say It's pretty good for It's time and it also does a good job of making the characters and situations seem funny and serious at the same time.
Overall, I really liked it for the comedic chapters, but I wouldn't give it anything more than an 8, just because the shounen fights get very repetitive, eve though they're done well, the towns/cities always seem to be all full of delinquent and It's like Japan has a delinquent problem, and every second person is one, they don't get one of those arcs where It's a bit chiller, and pseudo-action manga like these need those, not everything has to end in a fight, and yes there were those 'small' chapters where they didn't but that's not enough, also the other delinquents always have a superb problem with them and they start some sort of fight between them, I mean come on I know It's a delinquent manga but it would be so much relief if it focused on something else other than a pure showdown or a fight for once, would've made it more interesting. It's very worth the read and I wondered if I should rate it a 9, but I really don't think It's worth the 9, I'd say that Gintama is the same but a better made type of manga, if that makes sense.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 24, 2016
Bal Jack, a delinquent manhwa about a young guy that wants to change the world with his obscure dream.
Story: 5/10
The story wasn't anything special, a young, arrogant and cocky high school delinquent not afraid of anything attacking the strongest people, defending his friends and trying to be the best, quite cliche, but is it a bad cliche? Not really, it was executed alright, there's not so much dialogue and the execution isn't amazing but It's good enough to keep your attention for a while. Although, I felt like it was very rushed and you couldn't keep your attention on the plot, because really, there was
no 'real' plot, just random fights with our MC with an impossible dream, which seems to always do the trick, but It's nothing surprising.
Art: 8/10
The art was pretty good, clean and without much mistakes. Although, it made me feel like it was helping of the rushing of the manhwa.
Characters: 6/10
The characters are alright, I liked the side characters more rather than the MC, the MC wasn't that great really, nothing I wouldn't expect, but I liked how normal some of the side characters seemed, even though the mains weren't anything new, and even so, they were still able to look cool despite them being quite cliche.
Overall, I enjoyed it, It's worth the read if you don't have anything else to read, also doesn't take much time due to how little dialogue there is most of the time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 20, 2014
What is Hitsugi no Chaika? It is another "modern anime" of course! It has plenty of cute anime girls with too much personality; and other edgy people. I can't say that it is bad, it has a pretty good character development. The story isn't anything special, but it is fine and pretty fair. It's about a cute girl wanting to gather her father's body remains with her comedic and edgy companions. The anime has a fair amount of comedy, though it is mostly about Chaika's (the main heroine) plot development. It keeps you going and wanting for more, the plot is predictable, a lot of
the times generic, but it is not totally boring.
The artstyle in general felt really blunt, although really cute for some of the female character, it felt too forced and just "too cute" for others. The coloring also felt really simple. But in general it was fairly good. In my opinion the producer should have made a lot of the character more serious looking, since there was a fair amount of more mature content. The main guys were drawn too skinny and little again; I don't know what is the hype with characters like that these days, but ok. Toru's development was really good especially, at least I liked it. You get that he is not exactly what he seems.
The background music was too much too, I imagined a lot of scenes with less of it and they seemed a lot better. Not every comedy scene should have goofy music. The background music during the fighting scenes wasn't anything new or unique either. Just typical for shounen. Why do so many anime force so much background music these day? Anyway, the opening and ending weren't really interesting either, again just typical for their genre.
Overall, I rate it based on personal enjoyment. I would say it was good. The story can keep you going, and asking for more. Although its fairly predictable you still ask yourself "What is going to happen next?" sometimes. It's a really comfy anime and I recommend it to those who just want to sit, relax and watch a generic shounen with cute girls.
By the way, it was really not cool ripping off a certain character from fate/zero.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 14, 2013
I didn't like it that much and here is why.
Story - 8/10
The story is not bad. But there are many flaws that I really didn't like. The story didn't change much. From the beginning up to somewhere around episode 12 it was boring, and then after the interesting part ended, its like they were trying to bore me up like in the beginning. It was plain. The author just didn't stop forcing it to be dark and depressing. He did fairly good making it dark but at times it seemed really cliche and forced.
Animation - 6/10
The animation or artstyle is nothing special. It was
really plain in my opinion and it did quite a fit to be "dark" but it was still too plain and boring. It looked more "sad" than "dark".
Music - 5/10
The music was so cliche, as if it was some kind of naruto amv made by a 12 year old. At times you might cringe at how much the producers were trying to make it look like a typical hollywood movie with that terrible "kewl" music.
Characters - 8/10
The characters were good and unique. I also liked how the author didn't make some of the lead characters too "unique" but kept them more 'balanced'. Though you may cringe at some of the character's stupidity and ignorance. I think that characters should be ignorant in an enjoyable matter, like 10 minutes after their ignorance they become good to reason with. But noo they just had to act stupid and make it more irritating than dark and deep. Oh and also the character were overdramatizing, a lot.
Enjoyment - 7/10
It was a fairly good "pass the time" anime but the things just didn't fit for me to get me excited. As I pointed out many times, it was really plain and edgy; but decide for yourselves.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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