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Jun 21, 2022
Hoping reading this review helps you decide if you want to pick this one up into your list. Stumbling upon this manga and finding if it's worthy of your time, you'll be the judge of that.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The reason why I read this manga in the first place was the Art Style of the cover of the manga. To tell you the truth, the Art is pretty good. Is on par with a good H-doujin out there and I guaranty that you will not be disappointed. That is the only reason you'll probably remember this manga or its horrible story telling and this part is going to
be the part the I really hate about this manga. The thing is I'm surprise that this manga get a serialization in the first place. Oh wait, I see now.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Anyway, what I'm trying to say that the author if this manga has a terrible way of expressing its story telling because of the badly written character's and its development. You know when reading some kind of literature, you have to feel and understand every action of that character and its surrounding so that you can be immerse. For this manga I don't feel that too immerse because of how the author of this manga has a terrible way of conveying story progression and the way the author add suspense and mystery to the story is just a let down. A hit or miss but mostly miss. By the time the manga end there are some question's left un-answered and the feeling of rushed kick's in. That's one of the reason why this manga utterly unsatisfying to read till the end.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When it comes with the Character Development and its pacing of this manga. Oh boy. You know every manga out there has a character background story, right? Sorry to disappoint you that this is one of those manga that has a really disappointing way of telling you its character's background. Most of them is just so disappointing and only one or two people has a decent background story. The pacing of this manga it's like 0 to 100 quickly, it feel so rushed that you don't feel the build up of the tension of each character. To sum it up its pacing, it's disappointing. It pains me that this manga has a really interesting concept but poorly executed story telling and character development. What a shame.
That said and done, I did enjoy reading this till the end. Ultimately I did not like the ending *cough* Reika *cough* BEST GIRL*cough* but still I can recommend this to the veteran out there but not on the faint of heart but now that I think of it, it's mild not like other manga that I read out there that will left you scarred for the rest of your life. Side note that I read this on one setting and waited patiently to be finished.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 22, 2021
Hoping reading this review helps you decide if you want to pick this one up into your list. Stumbling upon this manga and finding if it's worthy of your time, you'll be the judge of that.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This manga was utterly disappointing that I feel like my sanity drops so fast that I wish I never read this manga. If you don't like a Male Protagonist that is nice, gullible, dense mf, virgin mf, dumb mf, average looking mf & common sense that goes up and down like a roller-coaster ride. I suggest you skip this manga and forget that this manga ever exist. I give you
a pretty solid advise for the one who are reading this manga. Listing to a good music that you prefer while reading this, so you feel alive at least. That is, if you decide to read this.
Let me put this on the easy to understand format.
Art Style:
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Decent but not that good. I can't even came up a good way to describe that Art just to try convince you.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The Male Protagonist is the main dragging this manga into the depth's of disappointing manga's. The Supporting Character's are more interesting development than Male Protagonist. The only reason I read the manga till the new chapter, is because of the Character Development and the interaction of the love interest and the supporting character's. Oh, one thing I want to inform that don't expect a good romance of this manga. The romance of this manga is bland, it's just like eating only a slice of loaf bread. This is a prime example that Harem doesn't work, It ruined the the build up.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀One of the weak point of the manga. By reading the Synopsis, thing's go out of hand right of the bat. The Male Protagonist introduce new technology to a new world that has a heavy war influence and in a brink of starting a new war. I don't mind the helping aspect but you know what happen if you introduce new thing's to a world that run's with nobles. A bloody world war that is. That might interesting though. It's just one of those manga that sound good in paper but out come is different.
This is the end of the review. This manga is just not for me, no magic, no elf's, no dwarf's, no typical fantasy races, it doesn't feel fantasy for me. This is the first time I say this but I don't recommend this manga for the people out there. For those who are new reader's out there, this might be easy to swallow because you haven't read a lot of good manga out there and compare to this manga or haven't corrupted you yet. Good luck reading this one though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 15, 2021
Hoping reading this review helps you decide if you want to pick this one up into your list. Stumbling upon this manga and finding if it's worthy of your time, you'll be the judge of that.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I say the Art Style of this manga is a solid one. It will immediately captivate your attention on how beautifully the character's are drawn. The Human's races to Elf's even the Demon are beautifully drawn, not to mention the monster's, that wreaking havoc to the world are beautifully drawn too. The Male Protagonist when entering battle mode it will give you that chill that every battle shounen you watch
and read, even though it's one sided. The ladies that follow our Protagonist are adorable, cute and beautifully drawn just to bait a young innocent boy or girl that haven't bloom yet. This is how the artist attract more fana-... followers to encourage to read more of their work's. Happy time's in this difficult troubled time's. We surely are blessed with talented individual's giving us some memeable content. That's a huge plus for me.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The back story of our Male Protagonist will slowly but surely uncover through fight flash back or some way of leisurely situation's. This part of the manga has keeps me entertain because on how mysterious his origin is. And The merry band of misfits that follow our Protagonist has some problem's that eventually solve by our Battle Maniac Protagonist, in his own way. Every one of them has some trouble's that give this manga enough meat that we the consumer of this manga can easily digest. You don't need to craft a in-depth analysis just to understand each girl's feelings towards to our Male Protagonist of this manga, this is a Harem manga so you can easily sit on your comfy chair and ask thy self "Why the hell, I'm turn on right now?". One thing I should tell you readers right now is, don't loose hope on Emil. Trust me.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀This is a Isekai manga so it has the same patterns of a typical Isekai manga. Protagonist died and revive by the Goddess and save the world right? Well, yeah it has some of that but this one tries to defer it's self from other typical Isekai manga but this one eventually do the same thing in it's own way. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say here. Still it has some interesting plot that keeps us the readers entertain till the next chapter's. This manga has 25 to 30 page on a single chapter so you will have a good time reading this and enjoy the plot that the author give us. I'm Pretty sure that plot is the least interesting part of the manga if you are one of those none Isekai reader's but I assure you that you will enjoy this one, if not, sorry to get your hope's up. I'll give you a cookie's in your dreams for compensation.
The is the end, thank you for taking the time reading my review on this manga. I will give some more genre's that this manga has, if you are still not convince that you want to read this one. I will just give you the one that stand out. It has Comedy, Mature, Ecchi, Harem and Romance. Some of this genre don't mixed well, I'm looking at you "Romance and Harem". So if you are one of those people I suggest to skip this one but still give it a try. I have one last thing to say; I do recommend this manga for the new reader's out there. See ya!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 29, 2021
Hoping reading this review helps you decide if you want to pick this one up into your list. Stumbling upon this manga and finding if its worthy of your time, you'll be the judge of that.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You can say, I first started to read this manga was because of the Ecchi and Smut content and the cover art of the Light Novel, so the Art Style should be good right? Well it sure do. The Art Style surely is good no doubt about it, the Character Design especially look's so appealing and even more alluring when income to the part of love making. The proportion of
the female body, it is not that too much, it's just the right amount of proportion's just like the ideal body of a real female body. The Art Style can be a great way to attract new reader's as long it is paired with a good Narrative and Character Development this can be a really good manga.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀When it comes to Character Development, our Main Male Character has already establish with his number one girl because the goddess retain all his memories previous life he has on that world. This second life mean's new companion and establishing new relationship while forging new bond's at the same time strengthening said bond's. Along the way more Main Character show's up, now this is a Harem manga so naturally Female Character's show's up so that mean's more Character Development in progress. The part of the problem with this manga is that short chapter's mean's a little time to dedicate the scene for the Ecchi part and Character Development of each Female Character that tend to lead to disappointed development. Some chapter's dedicated solely for the Ecchi scene with little development and vice versa. This still can be redeem as long the Narrative for each Character Development is consistent.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The Plot of the manga can be a little underwhelming but the Art Style and Character Development overshadow the overall Plot of the manga, means the love making scene of our Main Character's and discovering potential Harem candidate's, there's a lot of action so the fan of this type of genre should be happy. The Character Development and sub Plot's is still the one sustaining this manga, it's still entertaining for most of the time. The history of our Main Male Character and his number one girl somewhat interesting to the point the plot intertwined with the previous companion. That Arc was somewhat interesting to the point my curiosity almost switch on and then when the Arc ended, I was satisfied at the same time dissatisfied. I did expect a bit much so my expectation did the number in the end. Still, plot like this can be enjoyable and paired with a capable Main Male Character and subordinate can be enjoyable to read. I just hope the Author of the light novel improve the plot narrative so that the Art Style of the manga will not be the only remember for it's Ecchi scene but also it's narrative too.
I do highly recommend this manga for the people who like the Ecchi paired with Smut and for the new reader's who starting to read this just don't expect too much of the plot, just enjoy the Character Development of the girl's in his Harem within his circle even out of his circle. Some part can be disturbing for the new people but not that disturbing like Goblin Slayer disturbing or other disturbing manga out there, just a head's up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 30, 2020
Hoping reading this review helps you decide if you want to pick this one up into your list. Stumbling upon this manga and finding if its worthy of your time, you'll be the judge of that.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The Art Style of the manga is fine in the first few volume's but in the later volume's the Art Style improve a lot. Beautiful and simple background scenery that blends well to the overall Art Style. The Character Design looks rough in the few chapter's but gradually improve in the next volume's, don't be discourage by the Art Style in the first few chapter's you'll eventually not notice the
roughness of the Art Style because of the adorable and wholesome of the two Main Character's and Supporting Character's as well.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀The Character Development of our two Main Character has develop since early childhood, they have a really good foundation that they built on. After getting married has to face a new hurdle for a newly wedded couple. The two have never experience the art of making love because of this every nightly activities end up on a unsatisfied need's but the Supporting Character around the two slowly helps them solve the root of the problem. Well, In the end back to square one but this one incident change the mood and the atmosphere between the two and starting doing the deed, it also strengthen the bonds more between the two love bird's. Show's you the reader the up's and down of a newly weeded couple that trust to each other since childhood. I may have been diagnose diabetes after reading that volume. Oh lord.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀In the first few volume's of the manga the Plot pacing will eventually hits the wall but quickly shift gear's after hitting said wall. The Plot pacing can be slow but enjoyable to read, this is because it show you how the daily life of a married couple interaction between the two and improving their relationship also fixing every time their is a new problem that arise. Some of the chapter's will explain a little more of the background story of our two Main Character, little by little lay's you the reason why the foundation is well built. Every now and then the author graciously us the reader the benefits of having a partner in crime, doing the deed with the person you cherish the most. This one of those manga that you enjoy because of the wholesome narrative and stayed for the suggestive content's that doesn't ruin the mood while reading, it adds flavor that has already brimming with intense heat.
I'm writing this review early in the morning and my thought's are in a state that I can't really put into words properly. Finding the right word's to fit in that I really want to depict can be a little hard when you are limited on vocabulary. Anyway, I do recommend this to all new reader's and do have a patient reading this manga to the latest volume's. The romance in this is really wholesome and can give you some tip's on how to become a good husband and wife in the near future or current relationship.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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