hocam p7 deki kalite dolu karakterlerden sonra cidddn bu partta iki uc kisi disi oyle kaliteli cok karakter yok j8sukede bana gore en iyi jojo muazzam kaliteli car
tooru konusunda katiliyorum tum jojovillainlerinin en kotusu kars diavolodan kat ve kat saha kalitesiz kaldi ama standi tasidi ondan gormezden gelinebilir diye dusunuyorum
p4ten kesinlikle daha iyi ama p4 cok ayriydi hocam j4suke olsun koichi rohan olsun cok eglenceli en sevdigim ekipti jotaroyu p3te sevmemistim ama onun bile p4te sevmeye basladim
kasabada yasayan normal insanlar olduklari icin bi agirlik beklemeye gerek yok ama haklisin komedi odakli bir partti p8te yine kasaba hikayesi ama 4 gibi komedi odakli degil ve mutlu bir hikayede sunmuyor antivillain main villainden daha iyi belki 8i sevebilirsin
Say, do I need to read Boruto next generation manga before reading TBV, or is it alright if I could dive straight into TBV first since you say it's that good?
I didn't enjoy watching Boruto next generations. Honestly, no clue where I even dropped it lol.
Gotcha! Thanks! Sounds like he's solo leveling :)
It was surprising to see Boruto in favorites. I always thought most people didn't enjoy it as much as Naruto only to find out the one in your favorites is a totally different manga.
Man, that scene in the gif was the whole reason I even gave Boruto a shot :(
All Comments (77) Comments
tooru konusunda katiliyorum tum jojovillainlerinin en kotusu kars diavolodan kat ve kat saha kalitesiz kaldi ama standi tasidi ondan gormezden gelinebilir diye dusunuyorum
p4ten kesinlikle daha iyi ama p4 cok ayriydi hocam j4suke olsun koichi rohan olsun cok eglenceli en sevdigim ekipti jotaroyu p3te sevmemistim ama onun bile p4te sevmeye basladim
hocam p4e diger partlara gore biraz dusuk vermissin be
Say, do I need to read Boruto next generation manga before reading TBV, or is it alright if I could dive straight into TBV first since you say it's that good?
Gotcha! Thanks! Sounds like he's solo leveling :)
It was surprising to see Boruto in favorites. I always thought most people didn't enjoy it as much as Naruto only to find out the one in your favorites is a totally different manga.
Man, that scene in the gif was the whole reason I even gave Boruto a shot :(
Would you recommend reading Boruto: Blue Vortex?