Mar 6, 2008
Almsot any anime watcher who stumbles upon .hack//Legend of the Twilight will have very likely already seen .hack//Sign, the original story of the .hack// series. The major differences that seperate these two sereis are the seriousness factor and the character design (full design, not just art). You'll notice a much heavier influence of comedy in this series as well as a bit of more childish behavior from the characters (mainly due to the characters not being very old themselves).
The story mainly takes place in a place called The World, a virtual reality based for a video game controlled by players using a keyboard and a
virtual reality headset. The two main characters are brother and sister in real life, but who now live apart from each other and it focuses on their introduction to The World, the people they meet, and the major dilema they run into that threatens the game world.
For anyone who watches this series, you'll notice major similarities between the original series (Sign) and this one; As well as an episode plot repeat, just update with the current environment(story/age/characters) (but still plays out just as nicely).
The character design is done well enough, yet different enough (from each other and other series) that it keeps you attracted to them and somewhat wishing them the best.
Overall, it's not a bad anime, just rather lacks the certain elements that made .hack//Sign such a ground-breaking story and anime.
Key Notes:
*This IS NOT as serious as .hack//Sign. It is more of a comedy than the previous series.
*This DOES look/feel very similar to .hack//Sign
*This IS much shorter than .hack//Sign
*This IS still worth watching if you are into the series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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