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Days: 212.0
Mean Score:
- Watching44
- Completed1,005
- On-Hold69
- Dropped84
- Plan to Watch499
- Total Entries1,701
- Rewatched3
- Episodes13,841
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 193.2
Mean Score:
- Reading920
- Completed167
- On-Hold190
- Dropped300
- Plan to Read177
- Total Entries1,754
- Reread0
- Chapters34,140
- Volumes279
All Comments (1797) Comments
I'd argue if you don't have a small amount of education, anyone would be able to scam you and take all your money lol. Yeah, as you say, not all feelings mean anything, we're afraid of the darkness because thuosands of years ago a toothsaber tiger could've been hiding next to you in the darkness, but that fear is useless now, yet it's still in all of us; I'd argue this is similar, just because you get excited with the idea of starting something new, it doesn't mean you'll have more fun doing that new thing. Yeah, that's why I love seasonals. You should have, although it can be frustrating at times when the teacher is on the older side and doesn't really understand how these technollogies work. I don't know, I've been told that knowing about biology can be of great help with some of the subjects, but I don't know to what degree it affects, and also, maybe you need a bigger level than what you aqcuire by doing a bachellors to really get that advantage. Nahh, it's just the pop up ads that bother me, thankfully watching anime on random website prevents you from getting ads in the middle of the episode. Even if he doesn't watch as many as you, it's still nice to see that you share a hobby, it's better to comment your thoughts on Solo Leveling with him than not sharing any at all. It's the same for me, I have a few friends who have watched some of the more famous ones, like Naruto, and when I started playing volleyball some people there had watched Haikyuu, but no one I know (besides one old friend) has watched as much anime as me, so MAL is great for sharing this "passion". Yeahh, as far as I know, every show airs weekly, but what I meant is that if they want to re-watch One Piece, they'd have to watch 1100+ episodes just to catch up. Yeahh, that makes sense, but to be fair, it's really exciting to see how they do a good job adapting a manga you really enjoyed, plus, it's fun to be like "uhhh, let's go, what's going to happen in the next episode is great". Yeah, it's like those people who watch a show while doing something else, if you're not going to focus on enjoying the show, why are you watching it?
I like how we're just coming up with all these random theories considering how easy it would be to just look it up lol. I'd say that it is the most popular manhwa out there, because The Begining after the End isn't from Korea, so I'd consider it a comic, but I guess it depends on how frequently, or how many questions the author used to answer, because if maybe he was more on the "shy" side and didn't interact much with the fans, I can see them having the same question, but not an answer. I mean, you could argue he wasn't the first one since he got the idea from videogames where you can level up. It would be an interesting idea for a comedy/dungeon manhwa, where the main character realizes you don't have to focus on just one type of power and tries to become the strongest while hiding the fact that everyone can use all kinds of magic instead of just one lol. I think it's possible, since I recall Sung Jin Woo leaving some of his shadows to protect his sister while he was away, I don't know how far it can go though.
I mean, considering the whole aura of One Punch Man is a comedy, I'd read it anyways, seeing it as a fun manga a random guy who doesn't draw is making rather than seeing it as a project from a full-time mangaka. Yeah, like, it has to be really troublesome to make some food brand, just one mistake and the customers could sue you for more than you'll ever win, because bad food can affect their health. Yeahh, that's the basic desing, but I can think of cool desings, like I would love a hoodie that on the back had the image of Thors kneeling telling Thorfinn he has no enemies.
Yeah, or it's just an excuse they have to hang out because they're all too busy with life responsabilities.
Yeah, deffinitely, but I'd argue that's not the case here; as you said, you watch anime at midnight, after working hard all day with whatever you had to do, you aren't slacking off to watch anime, so why would you feel guilty? That's fair, there's probably a lot of old people who have had mental health problems and don't even know, but also, the amount of suicides has never been this high, and I think this could be one of the reasons. Goals to give you purpose, and fun activities to give you enjoyment, if you have both on your life, you're winning lol.
This is normal, everything in its own time.
Exactly lol
Hmm, I see
Do you have this often? (If you want, you don't need to answer)
But, has this always happened to you?
Yes, well, I will try to do that in the future.
From what I know about some people, this can take a while, maybe they'll do something more delicate if it's serious, so I want to wait.
Not out of fear lol, just because it would waste a lot of my time, I intend to travel to France/Germany in a few years (I haven't decided correctly yet 😭) to be able to live in that country, this will probably take me a while, arranging and planning a lot of things.
So when I arrive in this country and have everything in order, I will go to the doctor properly and see if it is something serious or not.
Lol, it's ok
Hmm, I understand much better now, I'll try to do it as quickly as possible, thanks for the help!
Btw, do you like reading?(Books, Ln, Manga or anything reading)
I mean, even if you're super rich, at least the smallest amount of education would be adviced lol. I wonder what the reason is actually, like there has to be one, unless we're incredibelly rare expceptions lol; I guess it's just tied to the initial excitement we always feel when doing something new, which is a shame because even though you can understand that this feeling doesn't really mean anything, it's not something you can avoid. Yeah, it's an excuse to watch so many stories at once without the stress of having to manage them yourself, you simply watch an episode whenever it comes out. I mean, doing things online is so convenient it's just natural that you keep doing at least a small part of everything that way. I simply decided to not study for two years because I was too lazy at the time (I wouldn't say Psychology is too challenging, but the fact that I never studied sciences will probably make it more difficult). I pay for Crunchyroll like a habit now lol, it made sense before since it allowed me to download episodes and watch them at my job (and we both know it's not a good idea to download anything on a random website), but now I only watch it at home, I guess it's just more convenient since I avoid ads. Even if the number was smaller, the fact that you were also watching seasonals makes it more of a burden. True, you can feel closer to a rival if you know him from the start instead of meeting him when a new arc starts in chapter 300 lol. That happens sometimes lol, like "why are you recommending this, YouTube? I watched it... didn't I?". I didn't know you had a brother that watches anime as well, that's fantastic, I wish I had someone as close to me I could share this hobby with (it's easy to find anime fans online, but there aren't that many if you look in your area). There's going to be a One Piece remake, but I don't know how many people will actually watch it; maybe the fact that it will be airing out one episode per week might bring more people, who wouldn't rewatch the whole anime at once, but enjoy the nostalgic feeling of watching an anime they enjoy once a week. Don't you watch the anime of a manga you're reading when it airs out?? I agree, it takes away all the enjoyment I think.
That's fair, but I suppose maybe you could experiment on your own until you found out what kind of power you have (or maybe they do receive a notification from a system, telling them that the were awoken and what power they have, but they can't use it to level up like Sung Jin Woo does). I mean, maybe that's simply something that went unnoticed for everyone, so the author never explained it (I don't think it's crazy to assume he just didn't think about it, because it's something really specific). I just think that because of the success Solo Leveling has, every author wanted to implement a system in their manhwas. Or, let's just consider the possibility, everyone is too dumb to try and master more than one type of power lol. Yeah, he does get strong shadows by defeating bosses on his own, but as long as he has an overwhelming amount of soldiers, he'd be fine; like he could send 10 or 20 as a party to random portals all around the world to gain xp and money while he's napping at home.
Yeah, I don't imagine it being the other way around lol, like someone becomes interested in the "quickly drawn" version and because they're interested on it they look up stuff from it and discover there's a manga with the exact same story and one of the best artstyles out there. I don't know why clothes though, I guess it must be the easiest thing to sell besides food, and it has to be really troublesome to sell food because of all of the requirements. I don't know, I have a really cool One Piece hoodie that I wear when I go out (it looks good as a hoodie, which isn't the case with most of the merchandising).
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I swear I didn't think of that lol, but I meant like japanese streamers or live-shows. Yeah, like maybe there's a friend group of 35 years old people who gather together every week to open Pokemon packs because it's what they used to do when they were ten, or something similar.
That's the thing, and it's easy to think that something you enjoy isn't what you should be doing; at least when I think that I should be working harder, I always think that I should stop watching animes and playing videogames, but the real issue is elsewhere, like not actually working hard the part of the day that I'm supposed to. I agree, there's an obsession with productivity these days, but you know what else we have nowadays? more people with mental health issues than ever. I'm not saying this is the only cause, but combine the stress of wanting to properly use every single second of every day with not allowing yourself to do things you truly enjoy and you can see why a lot of people are misserable. I think it's probably just a matter of balance, work so hard through the day, that once you get home you truly believe you earned yourself some rest time watching anime. Yeah, like an old man walking through the park thinking about the old times lol.
Unless you simply drop out, then you'd be able to watch a lot of anime without any consequences (but obviously, I don't recommend this option to anyone). Yeah, like there's always an initial excitement when starting a new anime (what you expect it to be, a new adventure with new characters, a new world to discover, sometimes even something completely different from everything you've watched, all of it contributes to make you really look forward to starting it), and that feeling always beats what you're used to, even if it's great. And yeah, watching seasonals is a great "antidote" for that feeling, since even if you're watching the same shows every week, you don't get the chance of getting used to one of them, because you watch episodes from another 20 animes in between every episode. I was lucky that after the lockdown, since we had been using technology at home to do class related work, we kept doing it like that and brought our laptops to the school everyday, so it was easy to sneak a few episodes every once in a while (well, I say lucky but I kind of wish I didn't do it and paid more attention at class, I'm starting at university this course, and I should've started two years ago, but I was too lazy and liked anime too much to study, and I kind of regret it). Ohh I didn't think of that, it's so easy to just get on your trust-worthy and totally legal website where they post every new episode (it sounds like I'm so greedy I don't want to spend any money, but it's just that Crunchyroll doesn't have nearly a 70% of the new animes) and see what you have to watch today, it'd be annoying to keep track on your own of 20 different finished animes so that you don't spend a month without watching one of them lol; plus yeah, it had to be annoying to be so into one of them, just for an episode to end on the best part and having to wait untill you made a full circle watching every other anime. Yeah, it's refreshing that instead of having newer and stronger enemies to fight, he has to fight the same ones again because they surpassed him. I agree, like, with all the animes, mangas, movies, videogames, books, YouTube videos that you can experience for the first time, no matter how good a show watch, it seems like a waste of time. I'd argue there's an exception if you watch it with a friend though, it has to be really fun to see how your friend reacts for the first time to a plot-twist in SnK that you already know of. Exaaactly, that's the thing, I don't think you even realize it, it's not like you tell yourself "this is going to be great", it's your brain that tells it to itself (regardless of how weird that might sound). It would be nice, like having a TV where you can watch every moment of your life. I mean, considering my favourite show (among others) is One Piece, it'd be a hell of a journey to re-watch it lol, but there's some instances where I read the manga and then watch the anime, like with Vinland Saga or Bleach. Yeahh, you should watch it at 5x speed to catch up, so that you know the context of what's happening lol.
I mean, if there's no way to tell unless you try it out I'm sure the government would create facilities where you can test it, like come into this room and try to use fire magic, then come into this one and try necromancy on this dead goblin, and stuff like that (or maybe the author simply didn't think about it lol). Ohhh, that's fair, you're reading a lot of manhwas, so it's easy to mix them up. Nahh, I don't think they get to choose, otherwise we'd see someone who instead of focusing on one thing, wanted to be more versatile and tried multiple kinds of magic for example (they can't get stronger once they awaken, so it would be a waste to just train fire magic if there's a point you can surpass). Yeah, he could be the laziest MC of fiction if he wanted to lol.
I don't know, I was kind of talking from memory there, so maybe the author is someone completely different, but it would be a nice marketing strategy, considering how comedy is one of the biggest selling-points in One Punch Man. Of course, if your video has 10 million views, that's millions of ads, YouTube will love you lol. I have no idea, but I assume most people make their money from personal sponsorships, like advertising the Prime drinks (everyone is being sponsored by it for some reason lol) or with their own merchandising, like there's youtubers who have their own clothing brand, and people buy them because of who's behind it over how good it looks (not saying they look bad).
Yeah, who knows, maybe because their society is so strict they find a great relief in mindlessly watching TikToks. I don't know, I don't really consume any content from Japan, so who knows, like here for example, only the younger part of the population watch anime, but in Japan it isn't weird for any person of any age to watch anime, so maybe there's a big difference here, there could be some famous pack openers in Japan that are only famous there because unlike what happens with English, not everyone knows japanese.
I get what you mean, but I think it's kind of sad that we think it's kind of sad (I hope you get what I mean). Like, isn't the point of life to be happy and enjoy?? And sure, pursuing goals and having a life purpose is something that gives you fulfillment and happines, but doing things you enjoy also makes you happy, and I'd say they're both complatible. Yeah, like more of an oportunity to sit back and reflect on every anime you've already watched.
There was a time ago, when I was going to buy something, and just when I was paying, my brain seemed to go blank and I completely forgot my card password 💀
The attendant looked at me and asked
"So sir, you're not going to enter your password?"
And like, I had completely locked myself out and forgotten lmao
I didn't even know what to say at that moment haha
Lucky I was with someone who knew my password and typed it in for me, otherwise I would have been embarrassed haha
I'm sure the attendant thought it wasn't my card.
But I'm glad you don't have a problem, sometimes forgetting things is normal, the brain sometimes forces this to not overwhelm you too much.
Well I don't mind answering something like that, feel free to ask rs
Hmm, since I was little (a child) my memory was bad, although my mother probably thought it was something "normal" because I was a child, so forgetting things might be normal.
I intend to see what problem I have, and if I end up spending money, I would do it without hesitation, but I think that at the moment I can't, I need a little time to do it (although that could be bad, because it could get worse)
To be honest, I suspect it's “Amnesia,” but I can't say for sure, but it's a big chance.
Hmm this explanation is really hard to understand Lmao wow
I'll try my best to understand every detail, and I can, it may take a while... lol