Let me start by giving my opinion on the series as whole before i get to this specific seasons critique. The seven deadly sins is mid fan service, its so painfully mid, which mind you, does not mean its bad, or horrible, its just there... nothing special, which is painful because there were moments where this could have been amazing, they have the characters, they have the character design, a big cast... but alas...theres too many weirdo pedo themes in it, too many characters being suspiciously young looking and too many older characters getting into relationships with them for no good reason, like i
can list the number of times its happened, its bizarre
the most vile one was ban who is a really old immortal character, who fell in love with this loli ass fairy character, who looks like a fuckin child, but lets say fairies look like that, lets act in good faith, but then bro sees an actual child in real life and accidentally thinks its his fairy loli gf 😠. The creator of seven deadly sins unironically does the 1000 year old loli meme and commits to it. It also doesnt help that elaine does act very childlike on numerous occasions regardless of her age. And then there was the scene where merlin was in her true form, which is a little girl(cus ofcourse it is, why would it be anything else) and when she feels shes been in it for too long and wants to revert back to her grown up form, escanor is saddened by this....??? infact he seems disappointed and somewhat upset that shes changing back and wants her in her little girl for for longer?? Just why? Was that part so necessary to the plot? did we need to have it? no but the creator just likes these weird questionable situations i guess.
and then meliodas calling elizabeth when she was a baby.. as HIS WIFE.
But okay okay, enough of the question young girl stuff. The weaponized amnesia is the most irritating plot device that i will probably need more time to properly articulate my thoughts on why it bothered me so much. There is a certain writing strategy that some writers use to make good stories and its done in the way they manage information and secrets in general, i forget the exact wording but it something along the lines of, having a secret the main character knows but the audience does not, have some foreshadowing for said secret, and having something that the audience knows but the characters do not, and then slowly watching how the characters act due to them not knowing but us being aware and finally having something that neither use nor the main cast knows. Now there are ways to do this in a story, and it seems the creator read about something along the lines of these tips and thought, to make this easier, why dont they all just have amnesia lol, that way, not only can i gate the stream of info, but i can also put their powers on a leash if they simply cant remember a time they were stronger lol, Oh these characters used to like each other in the past and it seems a relationship might likely develop over time? let me just wipe one of their memories so they have no clue at all about their history with the other person and have to start from scratch.... It was such a reoccurring thing with someone not remembering anything or having their memories wiped on a particular thing very conveniently, and it felt like the writer just used it as a way to escape or wipe progression in some aspects of the story. Its sort of like those games you play where you are super op in the beginning of the game that servers as a tutorial, and then something happens causing you to lose your powers and then the rest of the game is you working your way back up to that point, except in seven deadly sins that kept happening beyond the beginning of the story...
okay now onto the next part... The animation...Maybe im just spoiled, because i remember watching season 1 when it first came out and i didnt think the fighting was so bad. But then i decided to watch everything this year and im like wow, some scenes were good but some scenes in this anime were a freaking slideshow, i've seen fan animations do better in some scenes. The escanor vs meliodas was the most painful of all, because i was pretty hype for it to be insane, instead it reminded me of that naruto episode with pains faced stretched in the most bizarre laughable way, but atleast that was funny, this was just bad. The animation seemed very inconsistent at times throughout the seasons, im not sure why, it was just very meh, and the fights were pretty meh too for the most part...
another issue I had with the show was how long all the sins survived for... Look, even in power of friendship naruto, alot of important people would actually die and it was pretty sad, but there were reasons for it and it made the viewer feel something, its what i would consider as 'a price to pay' during the heroes journey. But for some reason in seven deadly sins, up until this final season, i was almost never worried that any of the sins would actually die, there was no actual price to pay almost ever up until my boy escanor. They always seemed to get away scot free, no lose, nothing major, and i feel like it hurt the story for what it was trying to be cus it might as well have been a slice of life, the all live happily ever after :))) These guys go up against demons, angels, all sorts of beings and youre telling me, the only time there was an actual price to pay was against the demon king himself? And it wasnt even that escanor got killed by the demon king, that wasnt the case, escanor overused the sunshine grace which a human body cant handle, essentially choosing to die to save his friends, this was the one time when they actually paid a price during their tax free journey :)) .
Finally, my opinion on this season, compared to the previous season which i rated a 5 and lower, i'll give this a 6 because it didnt not feel as mid as the others, things actually happened, not as many slideshow animations, we got some zeldoris stuff, i actually like the character zeldoris and this season actually makes you feel bad for the guy, which is good, i think its good you can make the view feel bad for a character they originally thought was a villain. But yeh thats it, im most glad that im done with seven deadly sins and that i wont have to worry about it again :)) ( no i am not watching the edinburgh movie, its a 3d anime movie... makes me wanna barf just looking at it)
Aug 22, 2024
Let me start by giving my opinion on the series as whole before i get to this specific seasons critique. The seven deadly sins is mid fan service, its so painfully mid, which mind you, does not mean its bad, or horrible, its just there... nothing special, which is painful because there were moments where this could have been amazing, they have the characters, they have the character design, a big cast... but alas...theres too many weirdo pedo themes in it, too many characters being suspiciously young looking and too many older characters getting into relationships with them for no good reason, like i