The series revolves around it being a complete action series. It manages to have a good plot of a boy trying to make his mother love him despite it not being reciprocated as a motivation but once the events of Emi Akazawa in the middle of the series the plot changes to a revenge story. Despite being simply action the majority of the time it does manage to do very well dramatically when it does. The best part of the series is the world building in the story by showing the fighting classes of the world which fall under the King Of Fighters character Yujiro
Jul 15, 2013
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The story is a definite week point to the series since it is completely basic with out much detail put into it beyond fighting for human survival. The story focuses on the rebellion during the first half with little complexity but picks up more in the 2nd half. The entire idea of "Spiral Power" is completely basic on its own. The series does not really try to be complex though and prefers to be simple and extremely over the top all the time which is easy to do in the mecha genre. Art) The design of many characters is not too much to talk about as ... Jul 15, 2013
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
The story of this series is incredible as it follows a genius boy with the unique ability to control minds and must use it to take down the most powerful nation in history which controls much of the world from the ground up. It progresses well and ata perfect pace with the series being broken into 2 parts which, despite being years apart, are equally as amazing. The story takes incredible twists and turns so it is impossible to know what will happen next. The story also manages to be a mecha series and use it as the back round aspect to its fullest. Art) The art ... Jul 15, 2013
Death Note
The plot line of this series is one of the most clever ever conceived. The entire of idea of a death note that can kill people with just knowledge of there name and face is completely unique with nothing else like it out there. This then evolves into a story of a genius battle of wits between 2 characters on a level of their own cleverness that makes the Criminal Minds writers look like they sit around and drool all day long. There is even an explanation of other world shinigami who's world is touched over although is not too impressive, although this is obviously ... Jul 15, 2013
Deadman Wonderland
The story gets immediate points for having the most interesting setting I have ever seen in a series in Deadman Wonderland prison. The main character is a mere child falsely accused and put in a prison were people engage in life endangering activities for the personal enjoyment of the public. Things only gets worse from there when this character is sent to an underground section were he must fight to the death on PPV and the supernatural aspect of blood manipulation is prevalent in these fighters. The obstacles seem to only get even harsher when a breakout occurs against all odds and the continuously occurring ... |