Jun 1, 2022
Personally, I found Ace Attorney very enjoyable to watch; it’s a good example of what an anime adaptation of a game should be like. We follow our protagonists in a fairly faithful (albeit, heavily condensed) retelling of what takes place in the games. The tone is more comic than that of the games, with the show being heavily embedded with puns as well as general sarcasm and wit from several characters (particularly Phoenix Wright himself, in response to the simple-mindedness of those around him), however this is not uncommon with other media related to the franchise, such as the film or stage plays. The comedy
Jan 15, 2022
Sword Art Online
WARNING: Major spoilers
Sword Art Online is an anime that has a special place in my heart for being one of the first that I watched in 2021. It's also terrible. In all honesty, I think the concept is incredibly distinctive and has a lot of room for opportunities, and in at least the first half of the season, the anime's plot is well-conceived and the show's progression is intriguing and keeps audiences interested. Mid-way through the show, where the revelation was made that several people did not manage to escape the game after it's completion, also gave way for opportunities to take the plot and run ... |