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Dec 25, 2015
So I'm pretty late to the party on this one but i have some things to say about this little romance here.
Story: The story starts off pretty well. You have a lame ass protagonist join a super fleet of what I'm just gonna call air boarding fanatics but then it turns out there not all that he hoped when he realizes that they actually do pretty nasty things for money and then blah blah blah things happen and everything is solved through the power of love. The story boils down to trying to coexist with aliens and how the main characters want to defend
them from the people attacking them because its a slow weekend or something along those lines since clearly the main villain put no effort into giving himself a reason for anything that he did. Obviously this series is not meant to be held up on its deep plot
Characters: This is where the main part of this series is and the reason you will either like it or hate it. This anime has a pretty big cast with actually a respectable amount of them going through character development. The main question is how bearable are they in the beginning. In the beginning its like watching a ship of 5 yr olds doing stupid shit and getting mad at one another with great speeds. Talho is one of the first to come out of this state and become bearable followed by Eureka and Renton like 20 episodes later then Holland and finally Dominic and Anemone although they don't rly change they just are willed into a relationship in the final episodes.
So first lets talk Renton and Holland. Renton is one of the more unbearable characters but then the authors actually do something smart in separating him from the others and he actually takes a journey and becomes a good character through it. Unfortunately it takes a while for him to begin his journey and he is insufferable for the majority of the anime before that but hey at least it happens. Holland on the other hand has a worse progression because he basically bitches about the same things and gets the same response for like 30 episodes till him actually becomes likeable.
Talho is quick. Honestly she didn't really need to go through much she just realized she still liked Holland and boom done
Lastly Eureka and Anemone. Errr ya for them its kinda like they use the male counter part for convenience sake until they go to sleep wake up the next morning and literally become obsessed with their male partners. So basically they do have character progression it just happens for no reason and is horribly handled. The good thing about this anime and its selling point is the romance between characters is really nice to watch and you actually can believe in the message there trying to get across when Rentaro still loves and protects Eureka no matter where a lot of anime just give you a cat girl and say that its great how their love persists through the barrier of cat ears and a tail. Also the two main characters actually get together before the end of the anime so you actually get to see their relationship which doesnt happen very often (though not for long because they literally put in some conflict cause there bored i guess)
Art/ Sound: it was mostly just okay however the romantic scenes were fricken beautifully done with some fantastic music and i still rewatch the scene of Rentaro and Eureka reuniting cause holy damn its just so good.
Enjoyment : if you can get past the slow beginning of everybody being insufferable for 20 episodes then you will love this anime as it really picks up after that and is amazing to watch (make good use of the fast forward button)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 20, 2015
To find the gems within a season of anime slogging through trash is unavoidable. Unfortunately this is most definitely trash. Oh it tries a bit to differentiate itself, as with most of my friday nights it casts its mana leak only to then realize that your opponent has three mana open and so disappointment resolves and you continue the journey through the fall anime season
Well then, where to begin. We start of in the only setting more generic than an average high school, an average magical high school. As with most magical high schools in the fantastical land of horny teens common sense is a
thing of the past and adults just want to make children have sex. Because of this some guy you don't really care about gets put into a room with some girl you''ll inevitably hate. Then the plot meanders a bit with generic plot points as far as the eye can see until it decides that its finally time to reveal this anime's true form. As it reveals this plot point your eyes shine for a bit and a smile gets put on your face only to then realize that the female simply got moved from one annoying stereotype to another and in the end the only change was to your enjoyment of the show which you already thought couldn't get any lower. As you realize whats going on you ask the anime, "what now" and the anime responds with "I haven't thought this far ahead, however we have tits" you pause, assess your situation and realize eh your already 6 episodes in and your parents already waked in on you masturbating to lezbian cat girls do you rly have that much left to lose. No, no you don't so you finish and spend 10 minutes ranting about it on the internet for 5 people to see, 4 of which have already watched it and came to have their opinions reconfirmed because they saw a 10 ... what was I talking bout again. Right this anime is generic shit, and shouldn't fool you.
Art is generic although ill give credit where credit is due and say that some of the fight scenes that weren't monologues disguised as fight scenes were actually decently done. However with most anime like this one, the fight scenes try to fool you into thinking something is happening by having the characters shout out whats happening to maybe let you imagine something more interesting since there's nothing to really watch as they used most of their budget on the main female characters tits.
Sound is there i guess
This anime has one thing it tries to do to differentiate itself however its unfortunately trying to put a my little pony band aid over a regular one which unfortunately doesn't do much for your lack of dignity after you're parents walked in on you masturbating to the scene from your doushinji of Ikki bukkakaing all over his sisters face, which for the record would probably have a better plot than this anime.
Thats why overall i give this anime a 10 for the amount of times i cut myself watching it
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 20, 2015
Here we are with my fanboy review of another installment of the monogatari series. This series definitely stands out from heaps of other anime with very few series being like it. At first people might go into this series thinking its supposed to be something super artsy with hidden messages and metaphors everywhere but honestly all it does is take a fairly generic story and take a new approach with it. People criticize this series for its lack of character development and plot. A lot of these people watched 3 episodes and quit. Character development in this series is actually very interesting. The main
character Araragi actually doesn't really go through any character development this is true. However he is not a one note character that is stagnant throughout the series. He changes based of the main character of the arc to be able to play off of them better. This is what the real selling point of this series is. Everything including even the environment changes in order to fit the heroine of every arch.
Finally the actual review part about this installment specifically. The main heroin's of these arch's were unfortunately not really as interesting as in some of the other installments. They still have enough support from araragi and the environment and other supporting characters to make this an extremely enjoyable series but its not as interesting as the arch's about senjougahara and hanekawa.
As for the plot I also found this to be weaker than in the other installments. Each arch has their own separate plot that doesn't necessarily fall into any chronological order however they all do connect in some way as you see in the last arch. The first arch was an Araragi backstory which is instantly made more boring because it's about Araragi. There is a heroine that is eventually introduced and she is a tsundere meaning she is instantly overshadowed by senjougahara and she actually ends up being one of my least favorite heroines.
There is oshino's niece who follows Araragi around the whole season but once again her interactions simply weren't as interesting as the other characters.
In the final arch kanbaru comes in to save us by being one of the best characters in the series meaning Araragi can play off of her extremely well. Also we see some characters that we didn't see all that much of before but they don't really have that much dialogue that isn't exposition so its hard to judge them as interesting or not interesting characters.
This installment for me is definitely the worst one. However having the smallest golden bathtub amongst your neighbors isn't something to be disappointed in and if you liked the other installments you will definitely like this one.
Lastly art and sound is exactly as you would expect for this series however the first arch was definitely grayer than anything else in the series mostly due to it being about the past and also somewhat grim.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 22, 2015
This anime is an ecchi harem. This is what it is and that is why you should watch it. This harem does ecchi harem is the way that ecchi harem is supposed to be done. It puts a main character who has features about him that are like able but not to the extent that every girl he looks at would fall for him and then has every girl he looks at fall for him.
This genre works like any feel good genre. It simply presents you with what you want to see. The thing is what we want to see isn`t always hentai. Now
a lot of people might be asking why wasn`t this anime just a hentai. Well why does everything ecchi have to be a hentai. There`s enough hentai I think this anime is fine for what it is. It`s a perverted anime but few people don`t feel good when watching a harem or a romance that is reasonably paced. This is just kinda a romance that skips over the boring stuff. That is not necessarily better than a romance since the boring stuff is character development which makes the pay off better but sometimes you just don't want that. Sometimes you want to turn your brain off. Its like the gurren lagan of romance. Also it's rare that you find a ecchi harem that actually has a somewhat decent message in the sense of don't judge a book by its cover (although the payoff for following this might be somewhat out of proportion). But ya all in all it was a solid ecchi harem. Nothing revolutionary but serviceable and among the slogs of nisekoi and jitsu wa watashi this is a nice breath of fresh air
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 20, 2015
This anime is a special one. Not necessarily in the sense that it does anything in an original fashion but more so in the way it manages to fail being unoriginal. This is pretty impressive in its own right. Now before anything i would just like to say that this anime was most definitely what i would call axed. Now I'm not sure if there planning on having a second season but for now i see no such thing . Therefore for now you should know that a lot of things end up being forgotten and many plot lines just kinda not finishing, maybe left
for a second season that may never come. Anyways if you're for some reason actually okay with this then lets get on with this extremely serious review to truly analyze this piece of work.
Story - (>- -)>/10
the story is you're run of the mill generic plot line of fantasy world #807. Basically we all know how this goes. in the beginning the main character the duke of some nothing town gets captured and taken prisoner prisoner by the main heroin. Then things happen and they team up for a reason that will be revealed in the worst plot twist that ever happening ever. Then as our understanding of everything slowly becomes less and less we are introduced to a million plot lines happen that never get wrapped up and by this point nobody cares. "Oh but wait, isn't this a harem who cares about story i want to watch my 30 yr old virgin fantasies unfold" well as a 30 yr old virgin in the making (soon i shall ascend to that title) i can tell you that somehow this anime fails in the concept of gathering multiple personality less woman in one place to dote on our main character for no reason. However this doting rarely ever happens and it doesn't even get past blushing. Hell it doesn't even live up to the term ecchi because we get about 2 naked scenes that leave me and my penis with nothing but confusion for we are conditioned to be prepared to be aroused by ecchi scenes yet clearly this is the concept of arousing that a 10 year old child came up with when his friends told him to search up yorick on google because showing naked woman standing around doing nothing is not arousing its actually quite tedious and boring. But then this is also an action anime so maybe that can hold this anime up ... HA
Art/ Animation - (>;_;)>/10
So this takes the Utawarerumono approach of having a strategic take on things. Something to notice quickly is that a lot of the things that happen in battles are done with narration... "Well hey at least the strategies are cool and unique" someone cried in the distance. They found him the next day eaten by dogs. Then we have the fight scenes. Some might call them this I would call them fight power point presentations. In a real life fight scene lazy directors usually show the windup and then the reaction leaving out the part where the attack actually hits the person. This doesn't even show the reaction a lot of the time... we are just left to assume for all we know the character could be slashing a rock, a tree, or maybe the animators themselves. Otherwise there is nothing remotely interesting about the fights and not a single one is worth watching and when you have fight scenes with no fighting your left with... fight nothings... XDXDXDXDXD im going to go kill myself
Sound - (opens window)/10
Characters - (prepares to jump)/10
Wait wait wait. I'm being to hard on myself. If I die my amazing speeling and grammer and informative anime reviewing abilities go with me. So let's see characters. They existed, i guess. Umm well let's see there was the main character a generally emotionless nothing whose only goal was to have a goal then there were the females. In most harem reviews I would say their only goal was to get in the main characters pants. However none of these characters actually had this goal, hence why this failed as a harem so really what were there goals. Well ummm... to get as many soldiers killed for as little reason as possible... I guess.
Enjoyment - /10
I'm tired. It's pretty late right now. I should probably go take a shower.
Overall - would strongly recommend/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 12, 2014
I dont usually write serious stuff but i felt for this anime i should because there is something i find very interesting about it. Now this isn't a review for people that have not yet watched the anime because i am simply making an analyses of it and there will be spoilers but you're welcome for the ride.
First off going into this anime it seems like an anime where you have to turn your brain off and just sit back and enjoy the
ride. What it is is a blend of tengen toppa gurren lagain, power rangers, and kick ass and when you here those three together how could you possibly have to use your brain when watching this anime. Well thats because just as a normal stupid giant robots anime it kinda blows.
My problems with watching this anime without thinking are mostly to do with the pacing and ridiculous shifts in tone. When it comes to pacing this anime is bad... really bad like so bad that... maybe it could be intentional? now what I mean when i say bad is well first we have one enemy, our hero defeats him and instantly another pops up. Right away our hero is given new comrades and sent to instantly fight these bad guys, with a one scene break suddenly they realize the president set this up and it was all a trick. They beat him but suddenly it turns out the guy helping them set that up and that was a trick... thats kind of ridiculous and not in the good way TTGL would have been
Because of this i started to think that there is no way this could have been an accident but still that wasn't enough the other thing that i found interesting is the ludicrous shift in tone. At first this anime is pretty calm no one dies or gets hurt nothing really bad happens. Then completely out of nowhere 2 cops die. They die bloody deaths to. Their deaths are treated with respect and care like a death should be treated. Okay and so then we continue and the monsters of the same breed that killed these cops act almost comical? When i say this i mean they literally have a monster that's buying all the fruit so that no one can have it. That's a bit of a switch. Then in the next arc the happens right after the first people do die except these deaths are treated like the deaths of people in super hero shoes the faceless side characters that just fall over and die without any real impact, completely unlike the other unimportant cops that were treated with a lot more respect.
These two things got me thinking that well there's probably more to this anime then what one may see by just looking at it at the surface. The first thing i thought about was the escalation in this anime. Now bear with me this will take a while. We start of in a setting where everything is generally normal and realistic. Our hero wants too well... become a hero and so he makes a costume and tries to make people follow rules that people don't consider important. Seems fine right, well soon after a girl from a popular idol group joins him because she wants to be a hero. She is a bit psychotic and she uses a mace thingy with a tazer. Wellll that's getting a bit weird in reality that wouldn't really be allowed but still its within the bounds of reality. Soon after he meats a mild scientist who gives him weapons that don't cause pain so would be legal. Hmmm that's once again strange but not impossible. Then we have a gorilla with a guillotine inside it... wait what that doesn't sound very realistic you're probably thinking. Well hold on this gorilla kills the two cops and its treated like how this situation would be treated in reality if a gorilla with a guillotine inside it suddenly pops up and kills people we would hold a memorial for their deaths and there would be a meeting of powers as to how to handle it. Soon more monsters come, and they keep coming however every time they seem less of how it would be in reality and more cartoon like. Then we meet with our bad guy. When he talks two idol girls I found him to say some things that make sense as if he was aware that they were superheroes and they had responsibilities just like super villains however in the next episode when he talks to the main character he seems more cartoon like telling him to join him. Then the world is saved and just as its saved its put into danger yet again. Then the show goes full power rangers however the team dynamic is more realistic but as it goes on it becomes more cartoonish until all the super heroes gather in a cartoon like setting to stop evil. Then the next bad guy to keep it short is even more cartoon like although it turns out he has good motives and then the next one is similar to a lot of anime bad guys where there imposing their way onto people thinking its right this last one may not be as cartoony but it is the most stereotypical one. And then we meet god.
Phew that was a lot but as you can see if you agree with me this anime gets more and more cartoon like with every episode causing it to have weird pacing and tone shifts. Now when our main character talks with god, god says he did everything as the main character wanted it. I'll get back to this but another thing to point out is that another focus of this anime, mostly in the last arch is that of how boring this world is. Have you never though that you wanted to live like those superheroes because thats exactly what our main character thought and the way it plays it with him is the way it would probably play out in our minds. The anime goes from how it would be like in reality to how it would be like in our minds. I feel this was done on purpose in order to make us relate to the character in reality as in how it start and in our minds as in how it ends( not the last arch). Thinking about it like this made me like this anime quite a bit and honestly i think this anime is more than what it appears to be. It's like how we go into our own worlds in order to escape reality for a little while and thats what this anime does, slowly pushes away reality in order to go into it's own little world.
HAH and you thought it was done. Well not just yet I do still want to say a bit about why my entire shpeal didn't include the final arch. Well that's because i feel more so that it was there in order to bring us back to reality for that wild roller coaster kind of like saying don't get too ahead of yourself with your fantasizing because when you put away your phone and look up reality is still there and you still have to deal with it.
If you read this that damn I'm impressed but if you looked at the giant block of texts and thought, naw, then heres my summary basically an anime bout a love triangle of one guy and one girl trying to fuck another guy. Thanks for reading o and here are some arbitrary numbers cause I dont believe in scoring
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 16, 2014
kaaaaaay so it's been a while since I watched this anime but it's okay cause 5 minutes ago I went on the wiki page and now i remember why I though this anime was ummm okayishkinda. Basically this anime is centered around some game that kids 15 and under play called brain burst. This is a game where you fight other people in order to steal their points. Now why would someone subject themselves to physical harm in order to play a crappy pokemon knock off, well the reason behind that is because they want to get these points so they can slow down time
in order to achieve... stuff.
Our main character. He was never hugged enough as a child and so he cries a lot. He is like this because that is what everyone looks for in a main character, since in anime there hasn't been enough annoying protagonists that bitch and whine. He is like if yuno wasn't bat-shit-crazy and expressed how broken she was by crying to everyone. Now this yuno's yuki is a skinny chick. She is the most popular girl in her school and she is into emotionally disturb children much like yuki and so wants to get into out main characters pants. However our main characters pants are simply to tight because of how obese he is and so she finds it very difficult to accomplish her task. There's also all that stuff with the brain's and the bursting but really it's just used to strengthen the superficial relationship's of all the main characters. Then there's the male best friend and he is there because there has to be a smart person. Then there's the other female love interest and she is their because she has to be the other female love interest. As well we all know you cant have a full party without a tank and a healer. Then there are other characters
When it comes to this anime's story at first its generic romance with generic misconceptions and generic romancy stuff mixed in with generic shounen stuff about how he must be stronger and what not then later on it turns into a stupid generic romance with generic misconceptions and generic romancy stuff mixed in with generic shounen stuff , however this anime makes a radical change by making all their characters look like there wearing fencing suits making them look like power ranger rejects. Then there's the fight's which are exact copies of the pokemon tv show's. There is also some stupid lvling up system. All in all the game aspects suck because its nothing like a game and really its more like an engine to create the stupidest deus ex scenario's I've ever seen. Literally near the end they actually learn moves based of off will power alone. You know how hard it was to teach my ferrothorn rock spikes. YOU KNOW HOW MANY I HAD TO BREED AND YOUR TELLING ME THESE PEOPLE ARE LEARNING IT THROUGH WILL POWER NO ZERO POINTS GET OUT. all in all i give this anime a 10/10 in every section and recommend you go buy every single copy available ever.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 12, 2014
So we have a slife of life romance about dogs and people or is it... i wouldnt know BECAUSE THEY NEVER ACTUALLY TURN INTO DOGS. Now ima get this out of the way really fast, this does not affect the score in any way but ill just say this. If you have an anime where your main characters are not human but take the form of humans THEN SHOW US WHAT THEY REALLY ARE it just satisfies the need to know i mean i still dont know if there dogs, not dogs, half dogs, wheredog. This title translates to, engaged to the unidenitified and good
lord unidentified is what they are. Like spare 2 frames to show us the main character as a dog whats wrong with you, you cruel bastard
Kay now that that's out of the way let's get on with this bleh anime. So first off the plot of this anime seemed very promising, i like innocent rom-coms where you have a cute relationship but nay in the end i was sorely mistaken since relationship is the last thing any characters in the anime have because the whole anime is just her asking herself do i really love him. That's it that's the whole anime i mean "what about that whole him being a dog" well curious reader that has no relevance to anything and might as well have not even been true "what about her being half dog" others would ask, well i would say that goes no where but that would be an understatement that would mean admitting it happened but really nothing happened they just said she's kinda sorta 1/10th dog and thats it. It has no relevance to anything. We end the anime where we started it, a brother and a sister living with the brothers fiancee who may or may not like him. so ya plot.
Characters so first we have Hakuya who is as much of a main character as the sticks he uses to build houses. He has no personality or development as a character. He is just there to be fawned upon and to get some not funny jokes in. Next we have Mashiro the token loli character. She is just there for humor as well really and she isnt very funny. She's kinda just the centor of the comedy along with Benio and is boring to watch. There is Kobeni who is just the most boring character to watch like my god her dialogue can be summed up in do i love him do i not love him it's not very deep and she also gets no character development. Then we have Benio who is one of the most annoying characters in anime, not much more to say. Then there's the supporting cast who support a bunch of twigs with one punch line written on them so really as to be expected they are just smaller twigs with one punch line written on them. None of them are even funny punch lines. Insestual love for you sister is not funny it's just stupid. In the end this anime is just a bunch of not funny nothing that starts with nothing and amounts to nothing with a whole lot of nothing in between. if you enjoy the three jokes this anime has to offer enough that you could listen to them till judgment day than enjoy.
I gave this anime a 3 for the amount of jokes it had.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Apr 12, 2014
This review like series of paragraphs does contain minor spoilers as to certain couples and implies the endings of certain archs so gonna point that out now
So Sakuraso was an anime that i at first at least had very high hopes for. This anime took a very good topic which i found to be not explored nearly enough and decided to make an anime about it. This topic was one very close to me in my personal life and it was that of inferiority complex. I find this to be a brilliant topic that needs exploration. Then in the first 4 episodes it does
just that, it has the main character accept the fact that he wanted her to fail but then realize that in the end it was her hard work that allowed her to prevail and in reality he just has to keep working harder. Now that's fantastic i love that and then you realize, wait this anime has like 20 more episodes to go. And so we continue the story of how every character INCLUDING the main character keep on suffering this inferiority complex. Well not EVERY chacacters problem is inferiority complex but most of them are and really it just confuses me, why have the same thing over and over again like after he deals with it once why does the same thing keep happening it baffles me. Hell this even happens to Jin and Jin was the one who mentored him through it. Now the second kind of topic of this anime is overcoming defeat. This is handled even worse than before because it is the same cycle over and over and over and over IT NEVER ENDS they just keep on failing and i keep on asking myself will it ever be over but no in the end it just keeps going.
I guess i should talk about the characters. Well not much to say here Mashiro is kinda a very boring character if i can even call her a character... shes like a dog without her own kind of story she is just there for everyone elses story and for all of them to feel inferior same with misaki she just server the purpose of having Jin feel inferior to her. There is a romancish plot with them which is kind of boring but it does give Misaki some character so i guess thats fine. Some other characters like Rita exist although she is just there to also feel inferior because we simply didnt have enough of that. Ryūnosuke is there i guesssss as a tsundere. Really i have no idea what his place is in the story and i find him to be very unnecassary and just there as a guy for a shoe horned in romance plot between him a Rita and also as a character to move the plot along since he gives Sorata the incentive to start his video game making project. Lastly we have Nanami who is there for the aforementioned topic of overcoming failure and really she just fails so much and she just keeps failing i mean my good lord Nanami and Sorata just fail so much in this anime and they just repeat the process of overcoming it over and over, i find it terribly boring and also at some point i felt like they could give these characters a break. I mean sure it is realistic that someone could fail that much but this is an anime after all and it's less that i feel bad and more that i feel that there is very little progression going on with that whole plot of them failing since there is never any success and so it ends up being repetitive and unnecessary.
Now that we have the characters rounded up i can talk about the romance plots because i feel these deserve a special looking at as being separate from the main plots since they do not fit in with any main theme of the anime. Therefor i want to assess them independently. These are very lame to watch starting of with the one between the two main characters. This just feels boring considering how boring of a character Mashiro is. Like i said before she doesn't really have any problems that needs resolution so she ends up being very static and so her romance ends up being as standard and boring as any other where you have her slowly realizing her feeling until the long a-waited for payoff offffffffffff... a kiss on the cheek ... a manga about crossdresser's had the main couple have sex like 40 chapters in im sorry a kiss on the cheek aint gonna cut it honey. But in all seriousness this would have been fine had the anime been simply a cutesy romance but in the end the anime does try to bring in bigger more important themes and therefor there is no time for the romance to actually develop between the two and so it just ends up being very boring to watch. Then we have Jin and Misaki. Similar problem but in this case Misaki at least has the problem of that she is already in love with Jin and can't see why he wont date her which gives her a problem to deal with, or so you would think but once again this problem does not rely on Misaki taking action but rather Jin coming to terms with his feeling of being too inferior to her which he already told everyone how to overcome in the 4rth episode... i guess he forgot. But i will say it is a tad better than the romance between the leads because it does give Misaki more of a character since she clearly has problems she to cannot deal with. As well, on a side notel it seems very stupid that he would reject her for him not being good enough i dont know may be just me but if you love a girl and they love you back like what does not being a good writer have anything to do with anything ugh well whatever next we have Ryūnosuke and Rita. Next we have Nanami who is the other love intrest to Sorata. This goes nowhere
As well i don't really feel the need but i guess i should talk about the music and art. THe tracks are mostly fine with the opening being pretty stupidly catchy i didnt find any problems its your standard fair but i also didn't find anthing amazing. I dont find a need to comment on the art of an anime like this since it's art just has to present cutesy characters and cutesy scenes and it does that although it does get nice when they get to the serious scenes the art did actually surprise as to how good it was but other than that not much to say.
In the end i enjoyed the first 4 episodes and then got bored watching the same thing over and over. Also there that whole thing about the building being torn down that had nothing to do with the main themes of the anime and I guess it was to show that umm errr their bonds are so fragile that by not living together they would stop being friends... i don't know it was just kinda put in there so that the anime could end. I guess someone finally told them they should end soon rather than just write the same plot in different scenario's over and over.
Ya i gave this anime a 4 equal to the amount of episodes i enjoyed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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