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Jul 29, 2024
After re reading this manhwa at different stages of my life , it hits harder each time. I have never seen any manhwa capture the nuances of an ordinary life so well and portray it so interestingly. The manhwa is really about a college going student Seoul and her journey from her university life to graduation and navigating life.
Story 8/10: Nothing too complex but there's a lot of flashbacks which can be too much but these are essential to the story. The author has really thought out the entirety of the story from day one; seeds are planted in the first season itself which
come to fruition in the last season. The story is not that dramatized which I appreciate , and I feel like everyone comes across characters like Seoul. The romance tag is justified but we are not bombarded with only scenes with the love interest. One thing i appreciate is that even though there are hints of another love interest its not shown as a 'love triangle' and (I think) the author makes sure that we do not get misled with that.
Art 8/10: The art is simplistic and you can see it improving over the years greatly, it goes really well with the story and theme. It captured the character's emotions perfectly in my opinion, which is impressive considering how minimal the art is. And the Manhwa is colored is so its a bonus.
Character 10/10: This is probably the best part of this Manhwa , the characters. each and every one of them are exceptional- the main characters, the side characters and even the 'antagonists' were all interesting and fleshed out. Instead of the characters feeling like tropes stitched together, they feel like actual people with well rounded personalities.
I liked the portrayals of relationships here, whether it be friendships, lovers , or family is realistic. The dynamics played between the main characters family or friends is exceptional.
Enjoyment 10/10: This series was a page turner for me , and even though I am not fan of manhwas/manga/comics having too many chapters , it was thoroughly enjoyable to read. Every time i read it, I cannot put it down.
Overall 9/10: This series is peak slice of life, it literally feels like we are in the journey of Seoul's hard and tough life. The characters are personable and relatable. The target audience who will really relate to this are college students and it hits hard. Instead of Seoul being a genius who knows everything without us being shown how she knows everything, it really is amusing to see how her studies and academics consumes her life and can suffocate her without this being shown as something over the top.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 2, 2024
Picked up this because the cover was intriguing and the description too but I am so disappointed with almost everything going on in this manhwa.
The characters are so bland and boring and so many of them are really annoying. The side characters were not at all someone I can root for. Each character has one trait which is not so subtly shown to us. There is no depth in any of the characters. Some of the things the characters do and think are incredibly frustrating and unnecessary. The main male character is shown as such a 'nice guy' (literally the definition of the nice guy
trope) but the reason he hates the female main character is so shallow and baseless to me. This would have made sense if they tweaked things up a bit and added some depth into the love interest instead of making her the nicest most beautiful person on planet Earth, but this does not happen. The female side character bullies the male side character (for a short time) because she knows his secret, which is that he was fat in high school??? Maybe there's a cultural difference, but how does having a dark past which no one should know about is= being fat in high school. It's not even funny the amount of times it was hinted as being something super mysterious turning out into being this. Also the female side character has to be the worst written 'good character' in this manhwa , this character got away with being the absolute meanest even though others were nothing but nice to her. Some of the plotlines just felt unexplained or just dropped I guess- like the one guy who was being weirdly obsessive about the female side character and the other girl who was interested in the main male character. Things like this made the story which had an interesting premise being disappointing in the end. The art was the tolerable part about this , although not great. Overall its a 4/10 because it didn't do anything good necessarily, but it didn't do anything abhorrently offensive.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 26, 2023
Loved this one, but I was holding off reading it because i couldn't find all the chapters online. Here's my review:
Story: 8/10 Starts off a bit stereotypical: A lady quits her job impulsively and takes up a job which is out of her character. But the story was built up nicely to the point where I started wondering how someone even thinks of stuff like this and writes it. There's no insane drama or anything but the story was grounded and interesting.
Characters 9/10: This is like one of the best friend groups I have ever seen, the chemistry between the friends was really wholesome and
all of them were really likeable even if their flaws were laid out. The characters as individuals were really good too. They felt like actual adults conversing and taking decisions.
Art 7/10: Art was also nice but a bit off for me at times as some characters facial features looked really similar.
Enjoyment 9/10: I was really hooked and read the whole manhwa as fast as I could. I liked how it was not too childish and shows all aspects of being an adult. The only thing I can fault at was the rushed ending, a few more chapters could have made it even better and even more impactful. Also we never properly see the female lead do her job, not a huge problem just funny.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 30, 2023
I honestly really liked this one in the beginning, but after a few chapters it fell off in my opinion. A lot of questions were being raised in the manga and not one of them were properly answered throughout the manga, like literally it lead to nothing and I could not give my own interpretations to the questions or the plot points. I was waiting for some closure to the story but I didn't receive a lot except for one plot point which was concluded properly but it was still a bit predictable as to where it would lead.
And personally, I find the reason
why the main character (the aunt) hates her sister to the point where she doesn't even feel sad about her sibling's death a bit too cold hearted. I thought this aspect of the manga could have been better explored and talked about in depth but the author is so vague about the sisters' relationship. Their dynamic could have been showed to us except we're shown the same snippets over and over again.
The dialogues felt a bit pretentious and cheesy at times when the main characters talk about their feelings, it doesn't feel organic but feels like a bunch of intelligent words strung together to make some sense. The characters in this manga are good, mostly they were enjoyable. The main female character who is a teenager was pretty well written because she was immature at times and actually behaved like a teenager.
The artwork was probably the best part, I could differentiate between the young and the present versions of the characters and it was a good bonus for the manga. There were no complaints from me about the artwork.
The manga had a ton of potential to be extremely good but unfortunately it lead nowhere. 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 20, 2023
I was so ready to hate this manhwa after reading a few chapters ,but it got kind of good at some points and its only 30 chapters so might as well read it. But I can't really look past the creepy parts that will never turn out good in real life. I mean first the 'funny' talk and jokes about size of breasts are boring and annoying. And I can't even defend the mc actions because its plain creepy and in real life no one would have let it slide (hopefully). Also, the description of this manhwa is not exaggerating his obsession with swimsuits which
are women's swimsuits obviously, to which people might say this obsession was explained but nonetheless approach for this could have been better and palatable. Not to mention the male side character has extreme stalker tendencies. The artwork was decent but the anatomy is a bit ehhh. The only reason this gets a 6/10 is because I'm a sucker for emotional plot points. The last 5 chapters saved this manhwa from an even lower rating and take that how you will.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2023
I really wanted to like this one but couldn't ignore things that didn't sit well with me. So let me start off with things I liked- The art and at times the writing when the main character talks about the places she's visiting or her interests. I think the author has great potential to write good stuff but this Manhwa really feels like a good writer was forced to do a Wattpadesque manhwa.
Okay so the main issue with this manhwa is that the women characters are so shallow. All of their character traits are revolved around fawning over the male main character and honestly it
grossed me out at times because the way a few characters act towards the male main character is borderline harassment which is portrayed as not that big of a deal. Me giving this a 6/10 is being generous.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 21, 2023
I loved this , it was quirky and a bit confusing at points (I am guessing this is the case due to things getting lost in translation) but it was interesting and so different from other slice-of-life works. I'm writing this review because no one here has mentioned how dark it can get sometimes, so slight spoilers. It's not gorey and stuff but people who are sensitive to content that mentions sexual abuse- this one is not for you. There are descriptions of sexual exploitation which is not extremely graphic as I mentioned but can be upsetting to see, but this does not take a
huge chunk of the story.
So if you like slice of life works and can handle a bit of edge , go for it. The art work was good , the characters are quirky and lovable and the story is great too. Overall a solid 8/10 from me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 8, 2023
What a complete waste of time. If you are led here thinking this might be thought provoking or a fun read, it is neither and I have tried to understand the point of this manga but alas I am still quite confused. And a 5 is quite generous for this manga to be honest. I am just hoping that some stuff got lost due to translation but who knows.
Story 5/10: Interesting premise, but the pacing is really bad. Boring parts are dragged out and nothing is added onto it, while the parts which might seem interesting are extremely rushed and no closure as to what
happened is offered. The end even though lack luster seems realistic and not fairy tale-ish which I appreciate.
Art 4/10: This was infuriating, the author's art is not at all bad but the 'goofy'/ 'quirky' faces the author draws once in a while is lowkey repulsive to look at. I would think to myself about how the art is getting better now and then BAM! another one of these faces pops up and I have to resist the urge to drop this manga entirely.
Characters 5/10: The Male main character is so hard to root for, he is not a villain in any sense but he has no charm and is sometimes a weird pervert, which is not easy to read. The love interest is just a perfect girl in all senses , mysterious, beautiful, strong, kind etc. and has no flaws?? Rest of the side characters were just... there.
Enjoyment 5/10: I was curious to get to the end for this manga which is why I persevered reading it , but not a very enjoyable manga it was mid.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 8, 2023
Honestly, this one was a little disappointing. It wasn't bad in any sense but it was a whole bunch of nothing burgers to me. The reason this gets a 7 is because there is not a lot to fault at it but not a lot to enjoy in this too.
Story 7/10: Kind of basic, friends to lovers except they don't show drag out the journey of them being friend to more. To be honest, I was more interested in the Male main character's sister story more than the main couple.
Art 9/10: This art style is cute. I personally loved it, the character designs were
great and in general the art is aesthetically pleasing.
Character 6/10: Characters are not up to the mark and because of the short chapters we don't get to know the characters much.
Enjoyment 6/10: It was neither here or there, so I just read it for the sake of completing it , it was not very enjoyable but not totally boring too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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